Dragon Hatching Egg Statue, Dragons & Eggs Statues, Dragon Hatching Egg with Mini Dragons Statue

Dragon Hatching Egg Statue, Dragons & Eggs Statues, Dragon Hatching Egg with Mini Dragons Statue

Dragon Hatching Egg with Mini Dragons Statue

This is a Dragon Hatching Egg Statue, made of designer composite resin, hand painted and polished individually. Color tone may vary from work to work. This Geode Egg Statue is a gorgeous and stunning piece of art. The sculptors and painters have done an excellent job in creating great details to the mini dragon individually. The set comes with 12 Mini Dragons, 4 Red, 4 Purple, 4 Green, and 4 Blue, and a Dragon Hatching Egg with LED light. This Dragon Hatching Egg with Mini Dragons Statue measures 9.75 inches / 25 cm x 7 inches / 18 cm x 7 inches / 19 cm.

Dragon Hatching Egg Statue on Amazon.

Dragon Hatching Egg Statue on eBay.

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