Golden Wealth Arowana Statue, Animals, Fishes, Chinese & Feng Shui Statues, Feng Shui Golden Wealth Arowana (Golden Dragon Fish) Lucky Fish Statue

Golden Wealth Arowana Statue, Animals, Fishes, Chinese & Feng Shui Statues, Feng Shui Golden Wealth Arowana (Golden Dragon Fish) Lucky Fish Statue

Feng Shui Golden Wealth Arowana (Golden Dragon Fish) Lucky Fish Statue

Arowana Fish is also called Dragon Fish, is said to be the embodiment of auspicious dragon, it is “Yang” in Feng Shui, and also called as “Fengshui Fish” or “Fish of Prosperity“, so it is a better cure for attracting wealth and prosperity. In Feng Shui, fish represents water and water symbolizes wealth. This Golden Wealth Arowana Statue is meant to attract wealth, symbolizing prosperous business and abundant wealth. It is made of eco-friendly resin and is as beautiful as amber and radiant under sunlight. In Chinese, the Arowana is called also “Golden Dragon Fish” it has dragon-like shiny scales that resemble the powerful and mythical dragon and it helps us to drive away evil spirits and bad luck. This is a potent energizer of wealth and auspicious symbol to keep for those looking to increase their wealth luck, multiple sources of income or opportunities and pay raise. It also enhances people’s success in luck. Arowanas are freshwater bony fish of the family Osteoglossidae, also known as bony tongues (the latter name is now often reserved for Arapaimidae). In this family of fish, the head is bony and the elongated body is covered by large, heavy scales, with a mosaic pattern of canals. The dorsal and anal fins have soft rays and are long based, while the pectoral and ventral fins are small.

The name “bonytongues” is derived from a toothed bone on the floor of the mouth, the “tongue“, equipped with teeth that bite against teeth on the roof of the mouth. The Arowana is a facultative air breather and can obtain oxygen from air by sucking it into its swim bladder, which is lined with capillaries like lung tissue. The Asian Arowana (Scleropages Formosus) instead comprises several phenotypic varieties of freshwater fish distributed geographically across Southeast Asia. While most consider the different varieties to belong to a single species, work by Pouyaud et al. (2003) differentiates these varieties into multiple species. They have several other common names, including Asian bonytongue, dragonfish, and a number of names specific to the different color varieties. Native to Southeast Asia, Asian Arowanas inhabit blackwater rivers, slow-moving waters flowing through forested swamps and wetlands. Adults feed on other fish, while juveniles feed on insects. These popular aquarium fish have special cultural significance in areas influenced by Chinese culture. The name “Dragonfishstems from their resemblance to the Chinese dragon. This popularity has had both positive and negative effects on their status as endangered species. Feng Shui Golden Wealth Arowana (Golden Dragon Fish) Lucky Fish Statue sizes: 16 inches / 40.5 cm x 5 inches / 13 cm x 11 inches / 28 cm.

Golden Wealth Arowana Statue on Amazon.

Golden Wealth Arowana Statue on eBay.

Animals Statues, Fishes Statues, Chinese Statues and Feng Shui Statues.

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