Celtic Wooden Triquetra Statue, Celtic & Symbolic Statues, “Celtic Triquetra the Symbol of Rebirth” Statue

Celtic Wooden Triquetra Statue, Celtic & Symbolic Statues, "Celtic Triquetra the Symbol of Rebirth" Statue

Celtic Wooden Triquetra “Symbol of Rebirth” Statue

The ancient celtic symbol of the triquetra, also known as the trinity knot, is associated with the triple goddess and garners the protection of the mother, maiden, and crone. Harnessing the power of 3, this spiritual Celtic Wooden Triquetra Statue makes the perfect decor for all your Celtic gatherings and religious rites. The Triquetra, (also synonymous with Triskelion, although the triskelion is a different symbol with a more specific meaning), is an ancient 3-pointed symbol, usually interconnected. In Celtic symbolism the Triquetra symbolized the feminine aspect of the Divine (because everything that generates life is mother and not father), depicted as a triple female divinity of girl, mother and old woman, while in northern Europe it appears in runic stones. This symbol consists of a single line that intertwines creating a triangular shape, which may or may not be enclosed in a circle. It is one of several Celtic symbols that represent the Triplicity of the Universe.

For the Celts, in fact, all important things could be represented according to the principle of triplicity: life, death, rebirth / past, present, future / earth, sky, sea / mind, body, soul. When represented with a circle, this indicates the unity in the spirit of the 3 elements represented. While in the Christian Age the Triquetra became a symbol of the Holy Trinity, in Celtic mythology it was associated with a female divinity, the Great Mother, identified in the moon and its 3 phases. This sign, and its various stylistic variants, is known as Triquetra, a term deriving from the prefix “tri“, derived from the Latin tres meaning “3 times“, and “quetrus“, meaning “made at an angle“. Also called the Trinitarian Node, this sign is perhaps one of the most important that represents the profound symbolic meaning associated with the number 3, the Ternary. Always considered a holy or divine number par excellence, this value still maintains the name of “perfect number” today. Triquetra, therefore, and its link with the holy number 3, it takes on different symbolic meanings depending on the context, Christian or Pagan, in which it is found.

It is clear, in fact, that in the context of Christian emblematics, the Triquetra is nothing other than the expression of the Divine Trinity, especially since it can be said to result from the union and intersection of three distinct “Vesica Piscis“: if a single stylized fish represents Jesus, then the union and interpenetration of 3 fish necessarily means the union of the 3 Divine Persons into One: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the earlier pagan cults, in particular those linked to the Celts and Druidism (the Triquetra, in essence, is only the most elementary of Celtic knots), the symbol assumes a more “telluric” aspect, indicative of the 3 predominant natural forces: earth, air and water. On a more spiritual level, it indicates the 3 degrees of the evolution of existence: life, death and rebirth. Furthermore, since the 3 elements of the Triquetra are strictly interconnected, they must not be considered as separate elements but as 3 different aspects of a single entity, the “whole“. Note that the graphic form of the Triple Sacred Cinta, with 3 concentric squares interconnected by the median lines, expresses nothing but the same basic concept. “Celtic Triquetra the Symbol of Rebirth” Statue sizes: 11.8 inches / 30 cm x 11.8 inches / 30 cm x 1.2 inches / 3 cm.

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