Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point 4 (of 6). Batman & Fortnite Comic Kindle eBook

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point 4 (of 6). Batman & Fortnite Comic Kindle eBook

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point 4 (of 6)

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point 4 (of 6), written by Christos Gage. 29 pages.

Batman has broken free from the Loop and the endless cycle of combat. Now free to explore the Island without limitation, the World’s Greatest Detective will discover secrets about the world of Fortnite never before revealed in the game or anywhere else. Just one thing… he’s not alone. Not only is he met by a rogue faction of Fortnite bandits who have also escaped the Loop-Eternal Voyager! Bandolette! Magnus! Fishstick! And a few others-there’s someone else trapped, someone who is trying to get free from the world of Fortnite… someone deadly. Will Batman recognize this familiar hunter-for-hire, and even more importantly, will he trust him? Just because Batman’s out of the Loop doesn’t mean the fighting is over… Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point 4 DOES NOT include any redeemable code for Fortnite in-game bonus rewards.

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point 4 (of 6) on Amazon.

Batman Comics Kindle eBooks, Fortnite Comics Kindle eBooks, Comics Kindle eBooks and Kindle eBooks.

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point Collection – Complete Series.

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