Skeletor on Panthor Funko POP, Funko POPS & Masters of the Universe Funko POPS, Skeletor and Panthor his Evil Feline Companion

Skeletor on Panthor Funko POP, Funko POPS & Masters of the Universe Funko POPS, Skeletor and Panthor his Evil Feline Companion

Skeletor on Panthor Funko POP

From Master of the Universe, Skeletor on Panthor, as a stylized Funko POP. Skeletor is the main antagonist of the Masters of the Universe franchise, and is the most dangerous threat on Eternia. His only goal is power, and to that end, he will not rest until he possesses the secrets of Castle Grayskull, which will enable him to become Master of the Universe. This places him in direct conflict with the only man powerful enough to stop him, He-Man. Skeletor was initially presented simply as an evil demon from another dimension, and in general, his origins were not as important as his evil motives. However, the introduction of Hordak as Skeletor’s former teacher provided a brief glimpse into a past. Near the end of the original Masters of the Universe franchise. It was hinted that Skeletor might have once been Keldor, the brother of He-Man’s father, King Randor. The development of Skeletor’s backstory as a dashing, ambitious villain played heavily into his characterization in the 2002 relaunch of the franchise. Skeletor was one of only a handful of characters that carried over to The New Adventures of He-Man brand.

In this, He-Man was sent to the far future to help the Galactic Guardians save the last of humanity from the Evil Mutants. Skeletor follows his enemy and offers his services to the Mutants simply because he must rid the universe of He-Man. Panthor is Skeletor’s evil feline companion, a giant purple panther who serves as an evil counterpart to Battle Cat. Panthor is portrayed as Skeletor’s pet, being at the right of his throne. However, unlike He-Man’s Battle Cat, Panthor lacks the ability to speak, and only appears in a handful of stories in the original series. While his role is similarly limited in the 2002 series, he is more prominent in the episodes in which he does appear. Panthor was much larger and more vicious than his Filmation counterpart. He was also shown occasionally wearing his armor. Pantor’s armor is almost the same as Battle-Cat’s, with the difference that the panther has no helmet and the saddle is black. Skeletor is never violent with Pantor and is the only one who is never blamed for his failures. Pantor therefore has a privileged relationship with Skeletor, he is his favorite, so much so that Skeletor occasionally also grants him kindness as when he calls him “my puppy” or caresses his head.

Skeletor on Panthor Funko POP on Amazon.

Skeletor on Panthor Funko POP on eBay.

Funko POPS and Masters of the Universe Funko POPS.

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