Leonidas Military King Statue, Greeks & Military Statues, Spartan Military King Leonidas Statue

Leonidas Military King Statue, Greeks & Military Statues, Spartan Military King Leonidas Statue

Leonidas Spartan Military King Statue

This gorgeous Leonidas Military King Statue has the finest details and highest quality you will find anywhere! Crafted with cold cast bronze, the Spartan Military King Leonidas Statue is sculpted and handcrafted to the finest detail in cold cast metal (Bronze pewter) finish. Leonidas I “Son of the Lion“, died 19 September 480 BC, was a King of the Greek city-state of Sparta, and the 17th of the Agiad line, a dynasty which claimed descent from the mythological demigod Heracles and Cadmus. Leonidas I was son of King Anaxandridas II. He succeeded his half-brother King Cleomenes I to the throne in c. 489 BC. His co-ruler was King Leotychidas.

Leonidas was succeeded by his son, King Pleistarchus. Leonidas had a notable participation in the Second Persian War, where he led the allied Greek forces to a last stand at the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) while attempting to defend the pass from the invading Persian army; he died at the battle and entered myth as the leader of the 300 Spartans. While the Greeks lost this battle, they were able to expel the Persian invaders in the following year. Spartan Military King Leonidas Statue dimensions: 13.5 inches / 34 cm x 9.7 inches / 24 cm x 17.2 inches / 44 cm.

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Medusa Greek Statue, Greeks, Mythological & Gothic Statues, Head of Medusa Gothic Statue

Medusa Greek Statue, Greeks, Mythological & Gothic Statues, Head of Medusa Gothic Statue

Head of Medusa Gothic Greek Statue

Medusa Greek Statue created by master artisan and made using cold cast bronze technique. Cold casting involves mixing resin and bronze material together to create detailed sculpture with metallic surface. Medusa, in Greek Mythology, the most famous of the monster figures known as Gorgons. She was usually represented as a winged female creature having a head of hair consisting of snakes; unlike the Gorgons, she was sometimes represented as very beautiful. Medusa was the only Gorgon who was mortal; hence her slayer, Perseus, was able to kill her by cutting off her head. From the blood that spurted from her neck sprang Chrysaor and Pegasus, her two sons by Poseidon. The severed head, which had the power of turning into stone all who looked upon it, was given to Athena, who placed it in her shield; according to another account, Perseus buried it in the marketplace of Argos.

According to Hesiod and Aeschylus, Medusa lived and died on Sarpedon, somewhere near Cisthene. The 2nd-century BC novelist Dionysios Skytobrachion puts her somewhere in Libya, where Herodotus had said the Berbers originated her myth as part of their religion. Originally, Medusa was a beautiful maiden. She desecrated Athena’s temple by lying there with Poseidon. Outraged, Athena turned Medusa’s hair into serpents. Medusa was killed by Perseus with the help of Athena and Hermes. He cut off her head and gave it to Athena. Medusa’s head was put onto Athena’s shield; the blood dropped from the wound produced innumerable serpents that infest Africa. Head of Medusa Gothic Statue Size: 17.6 inches / 44 cm x 14 inches / 35 cm x 6.3 inches / 16 cm.

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Zeus Bust Statue, Greeks, Mythological, Gods & Busts Statues, Greek God Zeus Statue

Zeus Bust Statue, Greeks, Mythological, Gods & Busts Statues, Greek God Zeus Statue

Greek God Zeus Bust Statue

Zeus Bust Statue, the god of the sky and thunder in Greek Mythology. Zeus, in ancient Greek religion, chief deity of the pantheon, a sky and weather god who was identical with the Roman god Jupiter. His name may be related to that of the sky god Dyaus of the ancient Hindu Rigveda. Zeus was regarded as the sender of thunder and lightning, rain, and winds, and his traditional weapon was the thunderbolt. He was called the father of both gods and men.

Zeus is often depicted as an older man with a beard and is represented by symbols such as the lightning bolt and the eagle. Greek God Zeus Statue is a finely detailed bust statue that makes a beautiful decoration for the home or office, wonderful gift for mythology fans or anyone wishing to add a beautiful home decor accent. This Greek God Zeus Bust Statue measures approximately 6.5 inches / 16 cm tall, 2.5 inches / 6 cm long and 3.75 inches / 9.5 cm wide.

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Hermes Statue, Greeks, Gods & Mythological Statues, Greek God Hermes Statue

Hermes Statue, Greeks, Gods & Mythological Statues, Greek God Hermes Statue

Greek God Hermes Statue

Hermes in Greek mythology is the god of borders and travelers, shepherds and herders, orators and poets, literature, athletics, weights and measures, trade and cunning characteristic of thieves and liars. This Hermes Statue depicts the Greek God Hermes running through the clouds, holding his signature staff the Caduceus. True to mythology, he is depicted with his winged helmet and winged sandals that help him travel at marvelous speeds. For this he was given the title of messenger of the gods. This Hermes Statue make a great gift for the mythology enthusiast and for those that love Greek mythology. The Greek God Hermes Statue measuring: 8.5 inches / 22 cm.

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