24k Gold Plated Flowers Bouquet Vase Statue, Vases, Nature & Flowers Statues, 24k Gold Plated Flowers Bouquet Vase “with Colorful Crystals Butterfly” Statue

24k Gold Plated Flowers Bouquet Vase Statue, Vases, Nature & Flowers Statues, 24k Gold Plated Flowers Bouquet Vase "with Colorful Crystals Butterfly" Statue

24k Gold Plated Flowers Bouquet Vase “with Colorful Crystals Butterfly” Statue

24k Gold Plated Flowers Bouquet Vase Statue with long-stemmed golden flowers that sit inside a beautiful matching base, adding a lifetime of beauty to your home. With a gold and crystal design, the sturdy, elegant vase and precision flowers are crafted with 24k gold plating and fitted with colorful crystals for a gorgeous look. This gold table top decoration adds classic sophistication to any living area. A Flower Bouquet is one of the most enjoyable ways to add beauty and comfort to any living or workspace, especially when that bouquet is plated in 24k gold and fitted with colorful crystals. This exclusive 24k Gold Plated Flowers Bouquet Vasewith Colorful Crystals Butterfly” offers flawless detail and amazing craftsmanship from the bottom of the tall vase to the tips of each flower bulb. A wondrous take on the endless beauty of flowers, this arrangement will look glorious until the end of time and you don’t even need water or sunlight to keep it looking spectacular. A Flower Bouquet is a collection of flowers in a creative arrangement. Flower bouquets can be arranged for the decor of homes or public buildings, or may be handheld. Handheld bouquets are classified by several different popular shapes and styles, including nosegay, crescent, and cascading bouquets. Flower Bouquets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries or funerals. They are also used extensively in weddings as well as Olympics Medal Ceremonies. Bouquets arranged in vases or planters for home decor can be arranged in either traditional or modern styles. Symbolism may be attached to the types of flowers used, according to the culture.

The arrangement of flowers for home or building decor has a long history throughout the world. The oldest evidence of formal arranging of bouquets in vases comes from Ancient Egypt, and depictions of flower arrangements date to the Old Kingdom (2500 BCE). The sacred lotus was often used, as were herbs, palms, irises, anemones, and narcissus. In some cultures, ancient practises still survive today, for example in Ikebana, the art of flower-arranging that comes from Japan. The oldest known book on flower-arranging is Japanese and dates from 1445. Simplicity and linear form are core features of Ikebana, which has had a great influence on Western flower arranging since the late 19th century. Flower-arranging as an art form was brought to Japan by Buddhist Monks, who learned it while in China. In Ancient China, flower-arranging developed into a highly refined art form, based on the principle that life is sacred, including the life of plants, therefore cut flowers were used sparingly in carefully planned arrangements. Flowers were a traditional ritual offering among Buddhists, however, and remain so. In Europe, flower arranging as a formal art was first documented among the Dutch, who “in particular, painted wonderful informal arrangements of flowers. In the 18th century, arrangements were used to decorate the houses of the wealthy families and the aristocracy”. 24k Gold Plated Flowers Bouquet Vase “with Colorful Crystals Butterfly” Statue measures: 4 inches / 10 cm x 1.5 inches / 4 cm x 1 inches / 2.5 cm.

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Feng Shui Golden Calabash Statue, Chinese, Feng Shui, Nature & Fruits Statues, Feng Shui Golden Calabash with Dragon Pattern Statue

Feng Shui Golden Calabash Statue, Chinese, Feng Shui, Nature & Fruits Statues, Feng Shui Golden Calabash with Dragon Pattern Statue

Feng Shui Golden Calabash with Dragon Pattern Statue

Feng Shui Golden Calabash Statue, a traditional artifact made of brass and hand carved and polished. Prosperity protection set of 10 lucky charm ancient coins on red string, tied to resemble a lotus flower, the 10 coins are joined with the auspicious red lucky knot of never ending good fortune, also known as the mystic knot. In Chinese, Gourd (hulu) sounds like “Fulu” (fortune and wealth) and symbolizes family prosperity and happiness. With a small mouth and big belly, gourd is frequently used in Feng Shui, indicating happiness, health and longevity. Calabash (Lagenaria Siceraria), also known as bottle gourd, white-flowered gourd, long melon, birdhouse gourd, New Guinea bean and Tasmania bean, is a vine grown for its fruit. It can be either harvested young to be consumed as a vegetable, or harvested mature to be dried and used as a utensil, container, or a musical instrument. When it is fresh, the fruit has a light green smooth skin and white flesh.

Calabash fruits have a variety of shapes, they can be huge and rounded, small and bottle-shaped, or slim and serpentine, and they can grow to be over a metre long. Rounder varieties are typically called calabash gourds. The gourd was one of the world’s first cultivated plants grown not primarily for food, but for use as containers. The bottle gourd may have been carried from Asia to Africa, Europe, and the Americas in the course of human migration, or by seeds floating across the oceans inside the gourd. It has been proven to have been globally domesticated (and existed in the New World) during the Pre-Columbian era. Because bottle gourds are also called “calabashes“, they are sometimes confused with the hard, hollow fruits of the unrelated calabash tree (Crescentia Cujete), whose fruits are also used to make utensils, containers, and musical instruments. Feng Shui Golden Calabash with Dragon Pattern Statue sizes: 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 5.8 inches / 14.5 cm.

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Silver Tree of Life Statue, Nature, Trees & Flowers Statues, Silver Tree of Life “with Blue Evil Eyes Flowers” Statue

Silver Tree of Life Statue, Nature, Trees & Flowers Statues, Silver Tree of Life "with Blue Evil Eyes Flowers" Statue

Silver Tree of Life “with Blue Evil Eyes Flowers” Statue

This Silver Tree of Life Statue is made of resin and glass, and tree branches are adjustable so that you can arrange your own tree. Blue Evil Eyes flower figurine brings luck, prosperity, provides protection against any kind of losses, and enhances the power of an individual. It’s said that a loved one should give you a bonsai tree, no matter real or artificial, for prosperity in abundance love and peace. What’s Evil Eye mean? The evil eye is a curse or legend believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when he is unaware. Many cultures believe that receiving the evil eye will cause misfortune or injury. On the other side, Talismans or Amulets created to protect against the evil eye are also frequently called “evil eyes“. The idea expressed by the term causes many different cultures to pursue protective measures against it. Charms and decorations with eye-like symbols known as Nazars, which are used to repel the evil eye, are a common sight in may countries, and have become a popular choice of souvenir with tourists.

The Evil Eye (Italian: Malocchio) is a supernatural belief in curse, brought about by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when one is unaware. It dates back at least to Greek classical antiquity, 6th century BC where it appeared on Chalcidian drinking vessels, known as “eye-cups“, as a type of apotropaic magic. It is found in many cultures in the Mediterranean region, with such cultures often believing that receiving the evil eye will cause misfortune or injury, while others believe it to be a kind of supernatural force that casts or reflects a malevolent gaze back-upon those who wish harm upon others (especially innocents). Older iterations of the symbol were often made of ceramic or clay, however, following the production of glass beads in the Mediterranean region in approximately 1500 BC, evil eye beads were popularised with the Phoenicians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and Ottomans. Blue was likely used as it was relatively easy to create, however, modern evil eyes can be a range of colors.

The idea expressed by the term causes many different cultures to pursue protective measures against it, with around 40% of the world’s population believing in the evil eye. The concept and its significance vary widely among different cultures, but it is especially prominent in the Mediterranean and West Asia. The idea appears multiple times in Jewish rabbinic literature. Other popular amulets and talismans used to ward off the evil eye include the Hamsa, while Italy (especially Southern Italy) employs a variety of other unique charms and gestures to defend against the evil eye, including the cornicello, the cimaruta, and the sign of the horns. While the Egyptian Eye of Horus is a similar symbol of protection and good health, the Greek evil eye talisman specifically protects against malevolent gazes. Similarly, the Eye-Idols (8700-3500 BC) excavated at the Tell Brak Eye Temple are believed to have been figurines offered to the gods, and according to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, are unrelated to a belief in the evil eye. Silver Tree of Life “with Blue Evil Eyes Flowers” Statue measures: 9 inches / 23 cm x 5.3 inches / 13.5 cm x 4.1 inches / 10.5 cm.

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Crystal Bonsai Tree of Life Statue, Nature, Trees & Symbolic Statues, Amethyst Crystal Bonsai “Tree of Life with Rainbow Titanium Crystals” Statue

Crystal Bonsai Tree of Life Statue, Nature, Trees & Symbolic Statues, Amethyst Crystal Bonsai "Tree of Life with Rainbow Titanium Crystals" Statue

Amethyst Crystal Bonsai “Tree of Life with Rainbow Titanium Crystals” Statue

This Crystal Bonsai Tree of Life Statue has a natural titanium coated rock crystal cluster base with a copper wire wrapped tree of life sculpture with crystal quartz leaves, secured to and growing out of the crystal, hand-twisted. Crystals and crystal trees are said to enhance healing energies and focus energies in positive ways. Many people using them as a focus object for meditation and find their visual presence to be calming. Tree of Life, also known as The Tree of Knowledge, is depicted as a tree with many branches, and roots, illustrating the idea that all life on earth is related. This luck tree brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aids concentration and memory retention, cleanses the emotional aspects, spreads compassion and potentiated with cosmic energy. According to the Feng Shui, this wealth tree stimulates the chakras for a successful professional life, promotes restful sleep and shoo away bad dreams and nightmares. This handmade crystal tree is made of natural chip stones, wrapped as a tree look, copper wires as the branches, tumbled gemstones as the leaves, natural crystal cluster as the base. The tree full of healing energy can help focus the energy of the crystal on your goals and aims using the potent vibrations radiated by crystals, attracting wealthy and prosperity, success and all things good. When holding or being near this tree you feel simple joy.

Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. The name comes from the Koine Greek amethystos from α- a-, “not” and Ancient Greek methysko / metho, “intoxicate“, a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. The Tree of Life is an ancient mystical symbol appearing in various cultures from the Mayans to the Celts, Buddhism to Nordic mythology. While these cultural legends centred around the sacred Tree of Life may differ in their detail, their stories symbolise similar overarching concepts linked to religion, philosophy and spirituality. The Tree of Life symbol is commonly depicted as a large tree with roots that spread inward to the ground, and branches that spread outward to the sky. This represents the interconnected nature of all things in the Universe, an eternal bonding of the physical realm we are rooted in, and the spiritual realm we are reaching for. The Tree of Life serves as a reminder of our universal connection to the Mother Earth, and our dependence on her to grow and flourish. Amethyst Crystal Bonsai “Tree of Life with Rainbow Titanium Crystals” Statue sizes: 8.4 inches / 21 cm x 5.2 inches / 13 cm x 3.1 inches / 8 cm.

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Bonsai Persimmon Tree Statue, Nature, Fruits, Trees & Feng Shui Statues, Bonsai Persimmon Fruit Tree Feng Shui Statue

Bonsai Persimmon Tree Statue, Nature, Fruits, Trees & Feng Shui Statues, Bonsai Persimmon Fruit Tree Feng Shui Statue

Bonsai Persimmon Fruit Tree Feng Shui Statue

This Bonsai Persimmon Tree Statue is made with 24K gold foil material, “surface gold content 99.99%“, with an original design, handmade. Feng Shui means to blessing and fortune. Auspicious meaning, it is used to mean “everything is good“. The Persimmon is the edible fruit of a number of species of trees in the genus Diospyros. The most widely cultivated of these is the Oriental Persimmon, Diospyros Kaki. Diospyros is in the family Ebenaceae, and a number of non-persimmon species of the genus are grown for ebony timber. Diospyros is a genus of over 700 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. The majority are native to the tropics, with only a few species extending into temperate regions. Individual species valued for their hard, heavy, dark timber, are commonly known as Ebony Trees, while others are valued for their fruit and known as Persimmon Trees. Some are useful as ornamentals and many are of local ecological importance. Species of this genus are generally Dioecious, with separate male and female plants. When the fruit of the persimmon is ripe, it is golden yellow or red, which means that the days are booming. The fruit of persimmon is rich and round, and the shape is as good as it is.

Because “persimmon” and “thing” are homophonic, it is used to mean “everything is good“. The word Diospyros comes from the ancient Greek words “dios” and “pyron“. A popular etymology construed this as “divine fruit“, or as meaning “wheat of Zeus” or “God’s pear” and “Jove’s fire“. The dio-, as shown by the short vowel “i“, has nothing to do with “divine“, dio- being an affix attached to plant names, and in classical Greek the compound referred to “the fruit of the nettle tree“. The word persimmon itself is derived from putchamin, pasiminan, or pessamin, from Powhatan, an Algonquian language of the eastern United States, meaning “a dry fruit“. Bonsai (planted in a flat pot) instead are miniature trees, which are intentionally kept dwarf, even for many years, by pruning and reducing the roots. With this particular cultivation technique, the plant is directed, during the growth process, to assume the desired shapes and sizes, also with the use of guide wires, while fully respecting its vegetative and functional balance. Bonsai Persimmon Fruit Tree Feng Shui Statue sizes: 4.3 inches / 11 cm x 4.3 inches / 11 cm x 6 inches / 15 cm.

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Glass Pineapple Statue, Nature & Fruits Statues, Mouth-Blown Glass Pineapple Statue

Glass Pineapple Statue, Nature & Fruits Statues, Mouth-Blown Glass Pineapple Statue

Mouth-Blown Glass Pineapple Statue

This Glass Pineapple Statue exudes warmth and hospitality, it looks so real you could almost taste its fresh sweetness. This expertly handmade beauty with its mouth-blown green crown and rich amber cone make a stunning addition to your collectibles glass fruits. A lovely decoration and conversation piece, this freeform Pineapple Glass Statue will grace your home. The Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) is a tropical plant with an edible fruit and is the most economically significant plant in the family Bromeliaceae. The pineapple is indigenous to South America, where it has been cultivated for many centuries. The introduction of the pineapple to Europe in the 17th century made it a significant cultural icon of luxury. Since the 1820s, Pineapple has been commercially grown in greenhouses and many tropical plantations. Further, it is the 3rd most important tropical fruit in world production. In the 20th century, Hawaii was a dominant producer of pineapples, especially for the US. However by 2016, Costa Rica, Brazil, and the Philippines accounted for nearly 1/3 of the world’s production of pineapples.

Pineapples grow as a small shrub, the individual flowers of the unpollinated plant fuse to form a multiple fruit. The plant is normally propagated from the offset produced at the top of the fruit, or from a side shoot, and typically mature within a year. The first reference in English to the pineapple fruit was the 1568 translation from the French of André Thevet‘s The New Found World, or Antarctike where he refers to a Hoyriri, a fruit cultivated and eaten by the Tupinambá people, living near modern Rio de Janeiro, and now believed to be a pineapple. Later in the same English translation, he describes the same fruit as a “Nana made in the manner of a Pine apple“, where he used another Tupi word nanas, meaning “excellent fruit“. This usage was adopted by many European languages and led to the plant’s scientific binomial Ananas Comosus, where comosustufted“, refers to the stem of the plant. Purchas, writing in English in 1613, referred to the fruit as Ananas, but the Oxford English Dictionary‘s first record of the word Pineapple itself by an English writer by Mandeville in 1714. Mouth-Blown Glass Pineapple Statue measures: 11.2 inches / 28.5 cm x 8 inches / 20 cm x 7.2 inches / 18 cm.

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Native American Head Skull Statue, Skulls & Native Americans Statues, Crystal Native American Head Skull with War Bonnet Statue

Native American Head Skull Statue, Skulls & Native Americans Statues, Crystal Native American Head Skull with War Bonnet Statue

Crystal Native American Head Skull with War Bonnet Statue

This extraordinary Native American Head Skull Statue is one of worthwhile collectable statue exclusives, is unique and hand carved. War Bonnets (also called Warbonnets or Headdresses) are feathered headgear traditionally worn by male leaders of the American Plains Indians Nations who have earned a place of great respect in their tribe. Originally they were sometimes worn into battle, but they are now primarily used for ceremonial occasions. In the Native American and First Nations communities that traditionally have these items of regalia, they are seen as items of great spiritual and political importance, only to be worn by those who have earned the right and honour through formal recognition by their people. Many Native American tribes consider the presentation of an eagle feather to be one of the highest marks of respect. An honored person must have earned their feather through selfless acts of courage and honour, or been gifted them in gratitude for their work or service to their community or Nation.

Traditional deeds that bring honour can include acts of valor in battle (including contemporary military service), but also political and diplomatic gains, or acts that helped their community survive and prosper. The esteem attached to eagle feathers is traditionally so high that in many cases, such as a warrior (e.g. Dog Soldiers of the Cheyenne), only 2 or 3 honour feathers might be awarded in a person’s whole lifetime. Historically, the warrior who was the first to touch an enemy in battle and escape unscathed received an eagle feather. When enough feathers were collected, they might be incorporated into a Headdress or some other form of worn regalia. Historically, headdresses were usually reserved exclusively for the tribe’s chosen political and spiritual leaders. Roman Nose, who was one of the most influential Cheyenne warriors of the Plains Indian Wars of the 1860s, was known for his illustrious War Bonnet that was said to protect him during battle.

Several instances record how while wearing his War Bonnet, he rode back and forth before soldiers of the United States Army and, despite being fired upon, was left unscathed. While women have traditional regalia that can include other types of Headdresses, historically women did not wear the most common style of Plains Warbonnet. However, in recent years a few First Nations Women who have attained a very high level of respect in their communities have been ceremonially gifted with headdresses of the type that were formerly only worn by men. Due to their historical importance and status, traditional Native Americans now consider the wearing of headdresses without the express permission of tribal leaders to be an affront to their culture and traditions. Consequently, in cases where non-Native political leaders have been symbolically allowed to wear the headdress, this has caused controversy. Crystal Native American Head Skull with War Bonnet Statue measures: 2.3 inches / 6 cm x 2.5 inches / 6.5 cm x 4 inches / 10 cm.

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Crystal Apple Statue, Nature & Fruits Statues, Blue K9 Crystal Apple Statue

Crystal Apple Statue, Nature & Fruits Statues, Blue K9 Crystal Apple Statue

Blue K9 Crystal Apple Statue

This Crystal Apple Statue is made by premium K9 crystal, high density and quality, no bubbles inside, high quality polishing and the surface is very smooth with no flaws. This apple is pure handmade, many cut face, sparkling when sun shine. An Apple is an edible fruit produced by an Apple Tree (Malus Domestica). Apple trees are cultivated worldwide and are the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus Sieversii, is still found today. Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe and were brought to North America by European colonists. Apples have religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including Norse, Greek, and European Christian tradition. Apples grown from seed tend to be very different from those of the parents, and the resultant fruit frequently lack desired characteristics. There are more than 7,500 known cultivations of apples. Different cultivations are bred for various tastes and use, including cooking, eating raw and cider production. Trees and fruit are prone to a number of fungal, bacterial and pest problems, which can be controlled by a number of organic and non-organic means. In 2010, the fruit’s genome was sequenced as part of research on disease control and selective breeding in apple production. Blue K9 Crystal Apple Statue sizes: 1.8 inches / 4.5 cm x 1.8 inches / 4.5 cm x 2.5 inches / 6.5 cm.

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Orange Floral Skull Statue, Nature, Flowers, Skulls & Symbolic Statues, Life Size Orange Floral Human Skull Head Statue

Orange Floral Skull Statue, Nature, Flowers, Skulls & Symbolic Statues, Life Size Orange Floral Human Skull Head Statue

Life Size Orange Floral Human Skull Head Statue

This Colorful Orange Floral Skull Statue in floral tattoo design is made of designer composite resin, hand painted and polished individually. It is a larger sized skull in cream/bone color base, decorated in filigree style with colorful floral design texture. It is a wonderful skull for the Day Of The Dead! This skull is a multi-talented ghostly creation that is sure to be the star of the show. Skull Symbolism is the attachment of symbolic meaning to the human skull. The most common symbolic use of the skull is as a representation of death, mortality and the unachievable nature of immortality. Humans can often recognize the buried fragments of an only partially revealed cranium even when other bones may look like shards of stone. The human brain has a specific region for recognizing faces, and is so attuned to finding them that it can see faces in a few dots and lines or punctuation marks. The human brain cannot separate the image of the human skull from the familiar human face.

Because of this, both the death and the now-past life of the Skull are symbolized. Hindu temples and depiction of some Hindu deities have displayed association with skulls. Moreover, a human skull with its large eye sockets displays a degree of neoteny, which humans often find visually appealing, yet a skull is also obviously dead, and to some can even seem to look sad due to the downward facing slope on the ends of the eye sockets. A skull with the lower jaw intact may also appear to be grinning or laughing due to the exposed teeth. As such, Human Skulls often have a greater visual appeal than the other bones of the human skeleton, and can fascinate even as they repel. Our present society predominantly associates skulls with death and evil. The Skull Art instead is found in various cultures of the world. Indigenous Mexican art celebrates the skeleton and uses it as a regular motif.

The use of skulls and skeletons in art originated before the Conquest, The Aztecs excelled in stone sculptures and created striking carvings of their Gods. Coatlicue, the Goddess of earth and death, was portrayed with a necklace of human hearts, hands and a skull pendant. She was imbued with the drama and grandeur necessary to dazzle the subject people and to convey the image of an implacable state. The worship of death involved worship of life, while the skull, symbol of death, was a promise to resurrection. The Aztecs carved Skulls in monoliths of lava, and made masks of obsidian and jade. Furthermore, the skull motif was used in decoration. They were molded on pots, traced on scrolls, woven into garments, and formalized into hieroglyphs. Life Size Orange Floral Human Skull Head Statue measures: 8.1 inches / 20.5 cm x 6.1 inches / 15.5 cm x 6.1 inches / 15.5 cm.

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Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue, Nature, Trees, Celtic & Gods Statues, Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue, Nature, Trees, Celtic & Gods Statues, Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

This Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue is a wonderful bronze finished statue of the Guardian Goddess of the Trees, and has hand-painted accents to show off the detail of the piece. She makes a great gift for followers of ancient nature religions. For the Celts, the Goddess Druantia is the protector and guardian goddess of the Trees and Forest. Druantia is a Celtic tree goddess proposed by Robert Graves in his study The White Goddess (1948). In Neopaganism, Druantia is an archetype of the eternal mother as seen in the evergreen boughs. Her name is believed to be derived from the Celtic word for oak trees, “drus” or “deru“. She is known as “Queen of the Druids“. She is a goddess of fertility for both plants and humans, ruling over sexual activities and passion. She also rules protection, trees, protection of trees, knowledge and creativity. Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of The Trees Statue sizes: 4.5 inches / 11.5 cm x 2.75 inches / 7 cm x 10 inches / 25.5 cm.

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Black Ninja Spider-Man Statue, Movies, Marvel Universe & Ninja Statues, Bandai Realization Black Spider-Man “Ninja” Statue

Black Ninja Spider-Man Statue, Movies, Marvel Universe & Ninja Statues, Bandai Realization Black Spider-Man "Ninja" Statue

Black Ninja Spider-Man Statue

The Black Ninja Spider-Man Statue is a manga realization series from Tamashii Nations brings you Onmitsu Black Spider-Man. Leave it to top sculptor and designer Takayuki Takeya to take Black Spider-Man back to feudal Japan in full, web-like Ninja design. Real Metal! The Black Ninja Spider-Man Realization release of this statue comes with real metal for the chains for authenticity. True to the feudal spirit, Onmitsu Black Spider-Man’s Ninja kaginawa-style grappling web hook is crafted as chain-like firing mechanism. Set includes 4 interchangeable hands, a Japanese Katana set and a kaginawa web hook set. Realizations is a high end collectible toyline produced by Bandai which consists of toy licensed characters being artistically re-imagined, either by changing a bit of visual aesthetic or in the Meisho sub group of toys, placing the characters in a Edo era Japan setting and changing them entirely. The toy line is divided into two categories: Movie and Manga. The Movie line has characters from film and television while the Manga line involves characters from comic books. So far, the toy line mainly consists of characters from Star Wars and Marvel Universe respectively as its primary focus. The art designer of the statues is Takayuki Takeya, whose body of work includes designing creatures and heroes for tokusatsu TV shows and films such as Shin Godzilla, Kamen Rider or in this case the Black Ninja Spider-Man for example. Bandai Realization Black Spider-Man “Ninja” Statue sizes: 2 inches / 5 cm x 2 inches / 5 cm x 8 inches / 20 cm.

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Native American on Horse Statue, Animals, Horses & Native Americans Statues, Native American on the Hunt Statue

Native American on Horse Statue, Animals, Horses & Native Americans Statues, Native American on the Hunt Statue

Native American on Horse “on the Hunt” Statue

Native American on Horse Statue, hand-cast using real crushed stone bonded with high quality designer resin and hand-painted by artisan. When horse and rider hunt together, artistic synergy joins the dance. The classic Native American hunter and his muscular steed are captured at the dramatic moment when arrow readies to leave bow. Cast in quality designer resin to capture each exquisite detail, this work of art is then hand painted to coax out finely rendered feathers, features and finishes. This truly amazing sculpture is set atop a wood base for proud gallery, and is inspired by traditional southwest art by the native americans. From the beginning, Native American peoples had many ways of getting food, the techniques usually depended on their tribe and area. The methods include hunting, trapping, fishing, gathering and farming.

Primarily the males would go out to hunt and the women would then clean the animal, prepare it for cooking, storing, and for other resources. Native American would use the animal for not only food but for things like clothing, weapons, tools and other useful objects. Majority of the tribes got their food from hunting big and small game. Aboriginals from the Great Plains, like Cree for example relied on hunting Bison. Because of the Bison being such a large animal, the Cree would lead the bison off a cliff. There was also more conventional hunting methods like using a bow and arrows, spears, tomahawks, snares and traps. The men from the tribe would go out on hunts to get large game like deer, moose, caribou, elk, buffalo, and bear as well as small game like rabbits, beaver, and muskrat. They would also hunt turkey, ducks and other fowl. Native American on the Hunt Statue measures: 6 inches / 15 cm x 17 inches / 43 cm x 17.5 inches / 44.5 cm.

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