God Mars Statue, Roman Empire, Military & Gods Statues, Mars Roman God of War Statue

God Mars Statue, Roman Empire, Military & Gods Statues, Mars Roman God of War Statue

Mars Roman God of War Statue

This God Mars Statue is beautifully designed, sculpted and handcrafted to the finest detail in cold cast metal (bronze/pewter) finish. The special production process of this piece, originated from Great Britain, uses actual bronze powder mixed in the cold cast resin in order to ensures a richer and more authentic presentation. Mars is the God of War and the God of Agriculture and Fertility in early Roman history. He is portrayed as a warrior in full battle armor, wearing a crested helmet and bearing a shield. He is known as the God Ares in Greek literature. The animals associated with Mars are Wolves and Woodpeckers. The month March (Martius) is named after him (wars were often started or renewed in spring). In ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars was the God of War and also an Agricultural Guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. He was the son of Jupiter and Juno, and he was the most prominent of the military Gods in the religion of the Roman army. Most of his festivals were held in March, the month named for him (Latin Martius), and in October, which began the season for military campaigning and ended the season for farming.

Under the influence of Greek culture, Mars was identified with the Greek God Ares, whose myths were reinterpreted in Roman literature and art under the name of Mars. But the character and dignity of Mars differed in fundamental ways from that of his Greek counterpart, who is often treated with contempt and revulsion in Greek literature. Mars’s altar in the Campus Martius, the area of Rome that took its name from him, was supposed to have been dedicated by Numa, the peace-loving semi-legendary second king of Rome. Although the center of Mars’s worship was originally located outside the sacred boundary of Rome (pomerium), Augustus made the God a renewed focus of Roman religion by establishing the Temple of Mars Ultor in his new forum. Although Ares was viewed primarily as a destructive and destabilizing force, Mars represented military power as a way to secure peace, and was a father of the Roman people. In the mythic genealogy and founding myths of Rome, Mars was the father of Romulus and Remus by his rape of Rhea Silvia.

His love affair with Venus symbolically reconciled the 2 different traditions of Rome’s founding, Venus was the divine mother of the hero Aeneas, celebrated as the Trojan refugee who “foundedRome several generations before Romulus laid out the city walls. The word Mārs (genitive Mārtis), which in Old Latin and poetic usage also appears as Māvors (Māvortis), is cognate with Oscan Māmers (Māmertos). The oldest recorded Latin form, Mamart-, is likely of foreign origin. It has been explained as deriving from Maris, the name of an Etruscan Child-God, though this is not universally agreed upon. Scholars have varying views on whether the 2 Gods are related, and if so how. Latin adjectives from the name of Mars are Martius and Martialis, from which derive English “Martial” (as in “martial arts” or “martial law“) and personal names such as “Marcus“, “Mark” and “Martin“. Mars may ultimately be a thematic reflex of the Proto-Indo-European God Perkwunos, having originally a thunderer character. Mars Roman God of War Statue sizes: 16 inches / 40.5 cm x 12.5 inches / 32 cm x 6.5 inches / 16.5 cm.

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Gaius Julius Caesar Statue, Roman Empire & Military Statues, Gaius Julius Caesar in Roman Military Uniform Statue

Gaius Julius Caesar Statue, Roman Empire & Military Statues, Gaius Julius Caesar in Roman Military Uniform Statue

Gaius Julius Caesar in Roman Military Uniform Statue

For Roman history lovers, this Gaius Julius Caesar Statue is a finely crafted statue of Julius Caesar wearing his Military Uniform and carrying the standard of his roman legion. It has a staff and an eagle (aquila) at the top. His breastplate also bears an eagle across his chest. With one hand clenched and a stern look of dignity and strength, the roman military leader is ready to provide instruction for leading his legions to victory. The details of his cuirass, sandals, and cloak are all meticulously sculpted. Caesar stands in a lifelike pose. This statue is made from bonded bronze (bronze powder and resin) with an antiqued patina and light red details on his skirt. His name Gaius Julius Caesar appears at the base. Gaius Julius Caesar (Rome, July 13, 101 BC or July 12, 100 BC – Rome, March 15, 44 BC) was a military, politician, consul, Roman dictator, pontiff maximum, orator and writer, considered one of the most important and influential characters in history. He played a pivotal role in the transition of the government system from republican to imperial form. He was dictator of Rome at the end of 49 BC, in 47 BC, in 46 BC. with 10-year office and from 44 BC as perpetual dictator, and for this reason considered by Suetonius the first of the 12 Caesars, later synonymous with the Roman Emperor. With the conquest of Gaul he extended the dominion of the Roman Res Publica as far as the Atlantic Ocean and the Rhine, he led the Roman armies to invade Britain and Germany for the first time and to fight in Spain, Greece, Egypt, Pontus and Africa.

The First Triumvirate, the private agreement for the sharing of power with Gneo Pompeo Magno and Marcus Licinius Crassus, marked the beginning of his rise. After the death of Crassus (Carre, 53 BC), Caesar clashed with Pompey and the optimates faction for control of the state. In 49 BC, returning from Gaul, he led his legions across the Rubicon, pronouncing the famous words “Alea iacta est / The die is cast“, and unleashed the civil war, with which he became the undisputed leader of Rome. He defeated Pompey at Pharsalus (48 BC) and subsequently the other optimates, including Cato the Uticense, in Africa and Spain. With the assumption of the dictatorship for life he initiated a process of radical reform of society and government, reorganizing and centralizing the republican bureaucracy. His actions provoked the reaction of the conservatives, until a group of senators, led by Marcus Giunio Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus and Decimo Brutus, conspired against him, killing him with 48 stabbings, on the Ides of March 44 BC. In 42 BC, just 2 years after his assassination, the Senate officially deified him, elevating him to divinity. Caesar’s historical and reforming legacy was therefore taken up by Octavian Augustus, his great grandson and adopted son. The military campaigns and political actions of Caesar are recounted by himself in detail in the third person in the Commentarii de bello Gallico and in the Commentarii de bello Civil.

Numerous news about his life are present in the writings of Appiano of Alexandria, Suetonius, Plutarch, Cassio Dione and Strabo. Other information can be found in the works of his contemporaries, as in the letters and orations of his political rival Cicero, in the poems of Catullus and in the historical writings of Sallust. A detailed description of the physical appearance of Caesar was written by Suetonius, within the De vita Caesarum: “Cesare was tall and well formed, had a fair complexion, a full face and lively black eyes. He enjoyed healthy health, but in recent times he had been the victim of fainting and nocturnal nightmares, in the performance of his duties He was also seized twice by a seizure of epilepsy. In body care he was quite meticulous to the point that not only did he cut his hair and shave diligently, but he even shaved, which some reproached him. Baldness for which he was often offended and laughed at, and for this reason he got used to pulling the few hairs down from the top of his head. Among all the honors that the people and the senate decreed him, in fact, he never received or abused anyone anymore gladly that the right to always wear a laurel wreath They say he was also sought after in dressing, in fact he used a fringed laticlavius ​​up to his hands and always wrapped himself over it with a very loose belt. Many described him as extremely eager for luxury and elegance“. Gaius Julius Caesar in Roman Military Uniform Statue sizes: 3.9 inches / 10 cm x 3.3 inches / 8 cm x 10.2 inches / 26 cm.

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Roman Legionary Statue, Military & Roman Empire Statues, Roman Legionary with Javelin and Shield Statue

Roman Legionary Statue, Military & Roman Empire Statues, Roman Legionary with Javelin and Shield Statue

Roman Legionary with Javelin and Shield Statue

This gorgeous Roman Legionary Statue with Javelin and Shield has finest details and highest quality, sculpted and handcrafted in cold cast metal (Bronze/Pewter) finish. The Roman Legionary (in Latin Legionarius, plural Legionarii) was a professional heavy infantryman of the Roman army after the Marian reforms. These soldiers would conquer and defend the territories of ancient Rome during the late Republic and Principate eras, alongside auxiliary and cavalry detachments. At its height, Roman legionaries were viewed as the foremost fighting force in the Roman world, with commentators such as Vegetius praising their fighting effectiveness centuries after the classical Roman legionary disappeared. Roman Legionaries were recruited from Roman citizens under age 45. They were first predominantly made up of recruits from Roma – Italy, but more were recruited from the provinces as time went on. As legionaries moved into newly conquered provinces, they “helped” Romanize the native population and “helped” integrate the disparate regions of the Roman Empire into one polity.

They enlisted in a legion for 25 years of service, a change from the early practice of enlisting only for a campaign. Legionaries were expected to fight, but they also built much of the infrastructure of the Roman Empire and served as a policing force in the provinces. They built large public works projects, such as walls, bridges, and roads. The legionary’s last five years of service were on lighter duties. Once retired, a Roman Legionary received a parcel of land or its equivalent in money and often became a prominent member of society. Though the legionary was first and foremost a soldier, he provided a variety of other critical functions. Lacking a professional police force, governors would use legionaries to keep the peace and protect critical facilities. As the Roman Empire lacked a large civil administration, the army would often be given many administrative positions. High ranking soldiers often acted as judges in disputes among local populations and the army was an important component of tax collection.

Legionaries also served to spread Roman culture throughout the provinces where they were stationed. As legionaries settled in the provinces, towns sprang up around them, often becoming large cities. In this way, as legionaries co-mingled and intermarried with the local populace, they helped Romanize the provinces they protect. Roman Legionaries served as a source of labor and expertise as well. As such, much of the infrastructure which connected the empire was built by legionaries. Roads, canals, and bridges were built by legionaries as well as more defensive structures such as fortresses and walls. Hadrian’s wall, a monumental example of Roman engineering, was built by the three legions stationed in the area. Legionaries were not just limited to building large-scale engineering projects. Surveyors, doctors, artisans, and engineers within the army would be used for a variety of different civil services along with their normal military role. When on the march in hostile territory, the legionary would carry or wear full armour, supplies and equipment.

This commonly consisted of lorica hamata, lorica squamata, or 1st-3rd century lorica segmentata, shield (scutum), helmet (galea), two javelins (one heavy pilum and one light verutum), a short sword (gladius), a dagger (pugio), a belt (balteus), a pair of heavy sandals (caligae), a pair of greaves, a pair of manicas, a marching pack (sarcina), about fourteen days’ worth of food, a waterskin (bladder for posca), cooking equipment, two stakes (sudes murale) for the construction of palisades, a shovel, and a wicker basket. After the military reforms of Emperor Claudius (41 AD), each Legion would also be requisitioned a certain number of artillery pieces. Each cohort (roughly 480 men) would receive one Ballista, and each century (roughly 80 men) would receive one Carroballista. In a standard Legionary formation of ten cohorts and sixty centuries, a Legion would be equipped with ten Ballista and sixty Carroballista. Roman Legionary with Javelin and Shield Statue sizes: 9 inches / 23 cm x 6.8 inches / 17 cm x 16.8 inches / 42.5 cm.

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Roman Empire Zombie Centurion Statue, Roman Empire, Busts & Zombies Statues, Roman Legion Undead Soldier Statue

Roman Empire Zombie Centurion Statue, Roman Empire, Busts & Zombies Statues, Roman Legion Undead Soldier Statue

Roman Empire Zombie Centurion Soldier Statue

This Roman Empire Zombie Centurion Statue will be eye-catching decor to display, with his xquisite details and color. This Roman Legion Undead Soldier has bright buttons, medals and realistic details. Made of Eco Freindly resin, no odor, non-toxic harmless. Hand made, hand painted. The brushes on the top of the helmet can be removed. The Roman Empire is one of the greatest empires in human history. It was a great empire centered on the Mediterranean Sea and spanning Europe, Asia and Africa. The inventions and innovations which were generated by the Roman Empire profoundly altered the lives of the ancient people and continue to be used in cultures around the world today. Advancements in the construction of roads and buildings, indoor plumbing, aqueducts, and even fast-drying cement were either invented or improved upon by the Romans.

The Centurion was the professional officer of the Roman Legion. Commanding roughly 80-100 men at a time, a centurion was expected to be the best soldier among them. The centurion was the commander of a centuria, which was the smallest unit of a Roman Legion. A legion was nominally composed of 6,000 soldiers, and each legion was divided up into 10 cohorts, with each cohort containing 6 centuria. The Centurion thus nominally commanded about 100 men, and there were 60 centurions in a legion. Most Centurions were of plebeian origin and were promoted from the ranks of the common soldiers. They formed the backbone of the legion and were responsible for enforcing discipline. They received much higher pay and a greater share of the spoils than did common soldiers.

Instead, the concept of Zombie, Undead, dead people returning from their graves is thousands of years old. Many cultures around the world were once immersed in superstitions and legends about the undead that they believed wholeheartedly. Thus, they developed their own ideas about Zombies, also called revenants, in one form or another. Those legends that once brought unbelievable fear now, in most parts of the world, bring us entertainment in the form of books and movies. From the Stone Age to the Information Age, humans have been preoccupied with the undead for a long time. The History of Zombies is a worldwide phenomenon. Our society, in general, has grown to Love the Zombie. The idea has persisted throughout time, geographic regions, and cultures, and readily found its way to the information age. This Roman Empire Legion Undead Soldier Statue measures: 7 inches / 18 cm x 5 inches / 13 cm x 15 inches / 38 cm.

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Roman Empire Statues, Busts Statues and Zombies Statues.

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