Crystal Bonsai Tree of Life Statue, Nature, Trees & Symbolic Statues, Amethyst Crystal Bonsai “Tree of Life with Rainbow Titanium Crystals” Statue

Crystal Bonsai Tree of Life Statue, Nature, Trees & Symbolic Statues, Amethyst Crystal Bonsai "Tree of Life with Rainbow Titanium Crystals" Statue

Amethyst Crystal Bonsai “Tree of Life with Rainbow Titanium Crystals” Statue

This Crystal Bonsai Tree of Life Statue has a natural titanium coated rock crystal cluster base with a copper wire wrapped tree of life sculpture with crystal quartz leaves, secured to and growing out of the crystal, hand-twisted. Crystals and crystal trees are said to enhance healing energies and focus energies in positive ways. Many people using them as a focus object for meditation and find their visual presence to be calming. Tree of Life, also known as The Tree of Knowledge, is depicted as a tree with many branches, and roots, illustrating the idea that all life on earth is related. This luck tree brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aids concentration and memory retention, cleanses the emotional aspects, spreads compassion and potentiated with cosmic energy. According to the Feng Shui, this wealth tree stimulates the chakras for a successful professional life, promotes restful sleep and shoo away bad dreams and nightmares. This handmade crystal tree is made of natural chip stones, wrapped as a tree look, copper wires as the branches, tumbled gemstones as the leaves, natural crystal cluster as the base. The tree full of healing energy can help focus the energy of the crystal on your goals and aims using the potent vibrations radiated by crystals, attracting wealthy and prosperity, success and all things good. When holding or being near this tree you feel simple joy.

Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. The name comes from the Koine Greek amethystos from α- a-, “not” and Ancient Greek methysko / metho, “intoxicate“, a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. The Tree of Life is an ancient mystical symbol appearing in various cultures from the Mayans to the Celts, Buddhism to Nordic mythology. While these cultural legends centred around the sacred Tree of Life may differ in their detail, their stories symbolise similar overarching concepts linked to religion, philosophy and spirituality. The Tree of Life symbol is commonly depicted as a large tree with roots that spread inward to the ground, and branches that spread outward to the sky. This represents the interconnected nature of all things in the Universe, an eternal bonding of the physical realm we are rooted in, and the spiritual realm we are reaching for. The Tree of Life serves as a reminder of our universal connection to the Mother Earth, and our dependence on her to grow and flourish. Amethyst Crystal Bonsai “Tree of Life with Rainbow Titanium Crystals” Statue sizes: 8.4 inches / 21 cm x 5.2 inches / 13 cm x 3.1 inches / 8 cm.

Crystal Bonsai Tree of Life Statue on Amazon.

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Nature Statues, Trees Statues and Symbolic Statues.

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