Brass Feng Shui Gong Statue, Chinese, Dragons, & Feng Shui Statues, Brass Feng Shui Gong “with Dragons” Statue

Brass Feng Shui Gong Statue, Chinese, Dragons, & Feng Shui Statues, Brass Feng Shui Gong "with Dragons" Statue

Brass Feng Shui Gong “with Dragons” Statue

This Brass Feng Shui Gong Statue makes soothing sound with the attached hammer, and consists of brass gong and wooden stand. It is believed that Feng Shui Wind Bell may bring you wealth and keep your home peaceful and safe by frighten away evil spirits. This unique instrument is perfect to use for yoga, meditation or sound therapy. A Gong is a percussion instrument originating in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Gongs are a flat, circular metal disc that is typically struck with a mallet. They can be small or large in size, and tuned or untuned. The earliest mention of gongs can be found in 6th century Chinese records, which mentioned the instrument to have come from the Western Regions (a region covering modern day Tibet, Xinjiang, and Central Asia). The term gong originated in the Indonesian island of Java. Scientific and archaeological research has established that Burma, China, Java and Annam were the 4 main gong manufacturing centres of the ancient world. The gong found its way into the Western World in the 18th century, when it was also used in the percussion section of a Western-style symphony orchestra. A form of bronze cauldron Gong known as a resting bell was widely used in ancient Greece and Rome, for instance in the famous Oracle of Dodona, where disc gongs were also used.

Gongs broadly fall into one of 3 types: Suspended Gongs are more or less flat, circular discs of metal suspended vertically by means of a cord passed through holes near to the top rim. Bossed or Nipple Gongs have a raised centre boss, or knob, and are often suspended and played horizontally. Bowl Gongs are bowl-shaped and rest on cushions. The latter may be considered a member of the bell category. Gongs are made mainly from bronze or brass but there are many other alloys in use. Gongs produce 2 distinct types of sound. A gong with a substantially flat surface vibrates in multiple modes, giving a “crash” rather than a tuned note. This category of gong is sometimes called a tam-tam to distinguish it from the bossed gongs that give a tuned note. In Indonesian gamelan ensembles, some bossed gongs are deliberately made to generate in addition a beat note in the range from about 1 to 5 Hz. The use of the term “gong” for both these types of instrument is common. Suspended gongs are played with hammers and are of 2 main types: flat faced discs either with or without a turned edge, and gongs with a raised centre boss. In general, the larger the gong, the larger and softer the hammer.

In Western symphonic music, the flat faced gongs are generally referred to as tam-tams to distinguish them from their bossed counterparts. Here, the term “gong” is reserved for the bossed type only. The gong has been a Chinese instrument for millennia. Its first use may have been to signal peasant workers in from the fields, because some gongs are loud enough to be heard from up to 5 miles (8 km) away. Large flat gongs may be “primed” by lightly hitting them before the main stroke, greatly enhancing the sound and causing the instrument to “speak” sooner, with a shorter delay for the sound to “bloom“. Keeping this priming stroke inaudible calls for a great deal of skill. The smallest suspended gongs are played with bamboo sticks or even western-style drumsticks. Contemporary and avant-garde music, where different sounds are sought, will often use friction mallets (producing squeals and harmonics), bass bows (producing long tones and high overtones), and various striking implements (wood/plastic/metal) to produce the desired tones. Rock Gongs are large stones struck with smaller stones to create a metallic resonating sound. Zen Art Brass Feng Shui Gong Statue sizes: 7.5 inches / 19 cm x 2 inches / 5 cm x 8 inches / 20 cm.

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Sun Wukong Statue, Chinese, Dragons & Mythological Statues, Sun Wukong “Monkey King with Dragon Turtle” Statue

Sun Wukong Statue, Chinese, Dragons & Mythological Statues, Sun Wukong "Monkey King with Dragon Turtle" Statue

Sun Wukong “Monkey King with Dragon Turtle” Statue

Sun Wukong Statue created by skilled craftsmen in traditional style with fine handcrafts.This is a great piece of a valuable collection, a valuable personal alter or a very good present. The handwork is very fine with incredible detailling. Perfect style, pleasing design and wonderful workmanship make this statue a rare work of art. The Monkey King, known as Sun Wukong in Mandarin Chinese, is a legendary mythical figure best known as one of the main characters in the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West and many later stories and adaptations. In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven, he is imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha. After 500 years, he accompanies the monk Tang Sanzang and 2 other disciples on a journey to get back Buddhist Sutras from the West (the Indian subcontinent), where Buddha and his followers dwell. Sun Wukong possesses many abilities. He has amazing strength and is able to support the weight of 2 heaven mountains on his shoulders while running “with the speed of a meteor“. He is extremely fast, able to travel 108,000 li (54,000 km, 34,000 mi) in one somersault.

Sun Wukong also acquires the 72 Earthly Transformations, which allow him to access 72 unique powers, including the ability to transform into sundry animals and objects. He is a skilled fighter, capable of defeating the best warriors of heaven. His hair has magical properties, capable of making copies of himself or transforming into various weapons, animals and other things. He also shows partial weather manipulation skills and can stop people in place with fixing magic. As one of the most enduring Chinese literary characters, the Monkey King has a varied background and colorful cultural history. His inspiration comes from an amalgam of Indian and Chinese culture. The Monkey King was possibly influenced by the Hindu deity Hanuman, the Monkey-God, from the Ramayana, via stories passed by Buddhists who traveled to China. The Monkey King’s origin story includes the wind blowing on a stone, whereas Hanuman is the son of the God of Wind. Some scholars believe the character originated from the first disciple of Xuanzang, Shi Banto. His inspiration might have also come from the White Monkey legends from the Chinese Chu Kingdom (700-223 BC), which revered gibbons. These legends gave rise to stories and art motifs during the Han dynasty, eventually contributing to the Monkey King figure.

He may have also been influenced by local folk religion from Fuzhou province, where Monkey Gods were worshipped long before the novel. This included the 3 Monkey Saints of Lin Shui Palace, who were once fiends, who were subdued by the Goddess Chen Jinggu, the Empress Lin Shui. The 3 were Dan Xia Da Sheng, the Red Face Monkey Sage, Tong Tian Da Sheng, the Black Face Monkey Sage, and Shuang Shuang San Lang, the White Face Monkey Sage. The 2 traditional mainstream religions practiced in Fuzhou are Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism. Traditionally, many people practice both religions simultaneously. However, the roots of local religion dated back centuries. These diverse religions embodied elements such as gods and doctrines from different provincial folk religions and cultures, such as totem worship and traditional legends. Though there are primarily 2 main religions in China, since it is so big, different folk stories will vary from towns, cities, and provinces with their own myths about different deities. Sun Wukong’s religious status in Buddhism is often denied by Buddhist monks both Chinese and non-Chinese alike, but is very welcomed by the general public, spreading its name around the world and establishing itself as a cultural icon. Sun Wukong “Monkey King with Dragon Turtle” Statue sizes: 4.4 inches / 11 cm x 3.2 inches / 8 cm x 8.1 inches / 20.5 cm.

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Fire Dragon Statue, Dragons & Mythological Statues, Fire Dragon with Flames Statue

Fire Dragon Statue, Dragons & Mythological Statues, Fire Dragon with Flames Statue

Fire Dragon with Flames Statue

High quality Fire Dragon Statue, made of environmental resin material, transferring the pattern on the surface in decal by hand. The exquisite shape and color of the flames makes this dragon so vitality striking and amazing, will bring an impressive focus to your home or office. This Dragon Statue is very amazing and special with very brighting color. Many legends tell of Fire-breathing Dragons. The first myth to report of this ability was possibly that of Beowulf, but earlier myths already featured creatures that spit flame such as the Chimera, which were then associated with dragons due to this ability. Hard as it may be to believe, there is a possibility that some animals can produce fire but, to date, no fire-breathing animals have been found. However, it wouldn’t be impossible for an animal to expel flames. The Bombardier Beetle (family Carabidae) stores hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide in its abdomen, which it ejects when threatened. The chemicals mix in the air and undergo an exothermic (heat-releasing) chemical reaction, essentially spraying the offender with irritating, boiling hot fluid.

When you stop to think about it, living organisms produce flammable, reactive compounds and catalysts all the time. Even humans inhale more oxygen than they use. Hydrogen Peroxide is a common metabolic by-product. Acids are used for digestion. Methane is a flammable by-product of digestion. Catalases improve the efficiency of chemical reactions. A Dragon could store the necessary chemicals until it’s time to use them, forcefully expel them, and ignite them either chemically or mechanically. Mechanical Ignition could be as simple as generating a spark by crushing together piezoelectric crystals. Piezoelectric Materials, like flammable chemicals, already exist in animals. Examples include tooth enamel and dentin, dry bone, and tendons. So, Breathing Fire is certainly possible. It hasn’t been observed, but that doesn’t mean no species has ever developed the ability. However, it’s just as likely an organism that shoots fire might do so from its anus or a specialized structure in its mouth. Fire Dragon with Flames Statue measures: 12 inches / 30.5 cm x 6.5 inches / 16.5 cm x 9.25 inches / 23.5 cm.

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Legendary Medieval Knight Statue, Medieval & Dragons Statues, Legendary Medieval Knight George Slaying the Dragon Statue

Legendary Medieval Knight Statue, Medieval & Dragons Statues, Legendary Medieval Knight George Slaying the Dragon Statue

Legendary Medieval Knight George Slaying the Dragon Statue

Legendary Medieval Knight Statue premium sculpted cold-cast bronze with real bronze powder mixed with resin. Hand-painted color accents on the bronze finish to give a high-quality antique look without sacrificing the details. The intricate craftsmanship of this statue is simply breathtaking. Painted and illustrated by countless artists from the Crusades to the Renaissance, the legend of St. George and the Dragon is modeled wonderfully in this recreation. The attention to detail in the armor, the horse, and the dragon is exceptional. The hand-painted color accents elevates this from a simple bronze statue to a true work of art. The origins of this legend vary, some say that St. George was a Roman soldier, a Crusader knight, or possibly pre-Christianity myths. In this version, St. George slays the Dragon that is terrorizing a town in Libya, and the lord sacrifices his only daughter as tribute. George kills the dragon, saves the princess, and converted the city to Christianity. The legend of Saint George and the Dragon tells of Saint George (died 303) taming and slaying a dragon that demanded human sacrifices.

The story goes that the dragon originally extorted tribute from villagers. When they ran out of livestock and trinkets for the dragon, they started giving up a human tribute once a year. This was acceptable to the villagers until a well-loved princess was chosen as the next offering. The saint thereupon rescues the princess chosen as the next offering. The narrative was first set in Cappadocia in the earliest sources of the 11th and 12th centuries, but transferred to Libya in the 13th-century Golden Legend. The narrative has pre-Christian origins (Jason and Medea, Perseus and Andromeda, Typhon, etc.), and is recorded in various saints’ lives prior to its attribution to St. George specifically. It was particularly attributed to Saint Theodore Tiro in the 9th and 10th centuries, and was first transferred to Saint George in the 11th century. The oldest known record of Saint George slaying a Dragon is found in a Georgian text of the 11th century. The legend and iconography spread rapidly through the Byzantine cultural sphere in the 12th century. It reached Western Christian tradition still in the 12th century, via the crusades.

The knights of the First Crusade believed that St. George, along with his fellow soldier-saints Demetrius, Maurice and Theodore, had fought alongside them at Antioch and Jerusalem. The legend was popularised in Western tradition in the 13th century based on its Latin versions in the Speculum Historiale and the Golden Legend. At first limited to the courtly setting of Chivalric romance, the legend was popularised in the 13th century and became a favourite literary and pictorial subject in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance, and it has become an integral part of the Christian traditions relating to Saint George in both Eastern and Western tradition. The iconography of military saints Theodore, George and Demetrius as horsemen is a direct continuation of the Roman-eraThracian horseman” type iconography. The iconography of the dragon appears to grow out of the serpent entwining the “tree of life” on one hand, and with the draco standard used by late Roman cavalry on the other.

Horsemen spearing serpents and boars are widely represented in Roman-era stelae commemorating cavalry soldiers. A carving from Krupac, Serbia, depicts Apollo and Asclepius as Thracian horsemen, shown besides the serpent entwined around the tree. Another stele shows the Dioscuri as Thracian horsemen on either side of the serpent-entwined tree, killing a boar with their spears. The development of the hagiographical narrative of the dragon-fight parallels the development of iconography. It draws from pre-Christian dragon myths. The Coptic version of the Saint George legend, edited by E. A. Wallis Budge in 1888, and estimated by Budge to be based on a source of the 5th or 6th century, names “Governor Dadianus“, the persecutor of Saint George as “the dragon of the abyss“. A greek myth with similar elements of the legend is the battle between Bellerophon and the Chimera. Legendary Medieval Knight George Slaying the Dragon Statue sizes: 13.5 inches / 34 cm x 7.6 inches / 19 cm x 13.8 inches / 35 cm.

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Steampunk Dragon Statue, Dragons & Steampunk Statues, Steampunk Inspired Mechanical Dragon Statue

Steampunk Dragon Statue, Dragons & Steampunk Statues, Steampunk Inspired Mechanical Dragon Statue

Steampunk Inspired Mechanical Dragon Statue

This gorgeous Steampunk Dragon Statue has finest details and highest quality, truly remarkable. The gears on the statue are sculpted and painted on, they do not move. Made of designer composite resin, hand painted and polished individually. Eragon is an impressive cyborg dragon, the ruler of Patagonia. His skin is made of impenetrable Heliax metal and he runs by fire, gearwork and steampunk nuclear ion technology. Answering to the Council Of Life, his role in this world is to rule and protect the citizens from alien invasion. Draconic creatures appear in virtually all cultures around the globe. Nonetheless, scholars dispute where the idea of a dragon originates from and a wide variety of hypotheses have been proposed. In his book An Instinct for Dragons (2000), anthropologist David E. Jones suggests a hypothesis that humans, like monkeys, have inherited instinctive reactions to snakes, large cats, and birds of prey. He cites a study which found that approximately 39 people in a hundred are afraid of snakes and notes that fear of snakes is especially prominent in children, even in areas where snakes are rare. The earliest attested dragons all resemble snakes or have snakelike attributes.

Jones therefore concludes that dragons appear in nearly all cultures because humans have an innate fear of snakes and other animals that were major predators of humans’ primate ancestors. Dragons are usually said to reside in “dank caves, deep pools, wild mountain reaches, sea bottoms, haunted forests“, all places which would have been fraught with danger for early human ancestors. In her book The First Fossil Hunters: Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and Myth in Greek and Roman Times (2000), Adrienne Mayor argues that some stories of dragons may have been inspired by ancient discoveries of fossils belonging to dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. She argues that the dragon lore of northern India may have been inspired by “observations of oversized, extraordinary bones in the fossilbeds of the Siwalik Hills below the Himalayas” and that ancient Greek artistic depictions of the Monster of Troy may have been influenced by fossils of Samotherium, an extinct species of giraffe whose fossils are common in the Mediterranean region. In China, a region where fossils of large prehistoric animals are common, these remains are frequently identified as “dragon bones” and are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Mayor, however, is careful to point out that not all stories of dragons and giants are inspired by fossils and notes that Scandinavia has many stories of dragons and sea monsters, but has long “been considered barren of large fossils”. In one of her later books, she states that “Many dragon images around the world were based on folk knowledge or exaggerations of living reptiles, such as Komodo dragons, Gila monsters, iguanas, alligators, or, in California, alligator lizards, though this still fails to account for the Scandinavian legends, as no such animals (historical or otherwise) have ever been found in this region”. Robert Blust in The Origin Of Dragons (2000) argues that, like many other creations of traditional cultures, dragons are largely explicable as products of a convergence of rational pre-scientific speculation about the world of real events. In this case, the event is the natural mechanism governing rainfall and drought, with particular attention paid to the phenomenon of the rainbow. Steampunk Inspired Mechanical Dragon Statue sizes: 12.7 inches / 32 cm x 7.8 inches / 20 cm x 6.4 inches / 16 cm.

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Ghost Dragon Statue, Ghosts, Skulls & Dragons Statues, Realistic Ghost Dragon Statue

Ghost Dragon Statue, Ghosts, Skulls & Dragons Statues, Realistic Ghost Dragon Statue

Realistic Ghost Dragon Statue

This Ghost Dragon Statue is incredibly realistic, each black and blue-tinged scale of the ghost dragon is a tactile experience. The Ghost Dragon is hand painted with exceptional detail and has been professionally sculpted. The feared Ghost Dragon is said to appear only when a new moon occurs on all Hallows’ Eve. The terrifying creatures seek ancient treasures and old foes on this night. Known for stealth, the Ghost Dragon blends in with the dark surroundings of the moonless nights it loves best. The detailed skull head, sharp claws, and ghostly wings complete a sinister appearance. A muted palate of black, grey, and dark blue stand in contrast to the white skull and green horns of this statue. “Although all dragons live incredibly long lives, Ghost Dragons never die. Long ago, a dragon stumbled upon a magical elixir, and drinking it eventually turned this dragon into a wraith, somewhere between the living and the dead, doomed forever to walk the earth on moonless nights. One of this Ghost Dragons could pass within a few feet without being detected”. A Ghost Dragon was a powerful type of ghost created when a dragon was slain and its hoard looted. Ghost dragons haunted their former lairs, unable to rest until their hoards were restored. A ghost dragon resembled the dragon as it was in life, except far more terrifying. His form is translucent and composed of swirling, sinister shadows. Only the mosts powerful of dragons had the strength of will to persist as ghost, and as such many dragon ghosts were already of ancient age and size by the time of their deaths.

Normally, they dwelt within the Ethereal Plane entirely, being both invisible and incorporeal, but they could manifest themselves at will to become visible on the Material Plane, but remained incorporeal. They communicated entirely in whispers. Although Ghost Dragons retained many of the traits that identified the breed of dragon that they were before their deaths, they did not retain their breath weapons. Instead, they breathed a cone of gray mist, which sometimes took the form of a ghostly parody of the breath weapon in life, such as flames, lightning, or acid, which sapped vitality from any creature in its path. This mist was paralyzingly cold and could induce nightmarish hallucinations and physical weakness, but the real danger was that anyone caught in the breath weapon would begin aging rapidly. This aging was proportional to their race’s longevity, so humans might find themselves as much as a century older while elves could find themselves older by a millennium. Ghost Dragons were so thoroughly steeped in this kind of magic that even just being near one of them could cause a creature to age by as many as 3 decades instantly. A ghost dragon could not be truly destroyed, only released from its undeath by providing it with the treasure it desired. If defeated and dispersed in combat, a ghost dragon would reform within 2 to 8 days. Realistic Ghost Dragon Statue measures: 5.7 inches / 14.5 cm x 4.7 inches / 12 cm x 4.7 inches / 12 cm.

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Spyro the Dragon Statue, Dragons, Video Games, Skylanders & Spyro the Dragon Statues, Spyro the Dragon with Detailed Base Statue

Spyro the Dragon Statue, Dragons, Video Games, Skylanders & Spyro the Dragon Statues, Spyro the Dragon with Detailed Base Statue

Spyro the Dragon with Detailed Base Statue

Styled with highly accurate details from the hit Skylanders series and eponymous video games, this Spyro the Dragon Statue is a perfect addition to the lineup for fans and collectors alike. This Spyro is accompanied with his iconic horns, wings, and spiked mohawk, on a round base with purple cobblestone details. His right front paw rests on a large red gem, hinting at the adventure of his games. Modeled off of the character’s design from many video games, this statue is made from durable PVC painted in a cartoon style. The material is strong enough to survive a few accidental bonks or falls and resists deterioration over time. The base allowing this Spyro The Dragon Statue to stand out as a centerpiece in a prized collection. Spyro is one of the playable Skylanders in the Skylanders video game series, who first appeared in Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure as the title character. He also has a Dark, and a Legendary counterpart, who are available in the 3DS Starter of Spyro’s Adventure and in the Toys R Us Legendary Pack with Legendary Chop Chop and Legendary Bash respectively.

Spyro has a series 3 counterpart called Mega Ram Spyro. Spyro the Dragon is also the main protagonist and titular character of the Spyro the Dragon series and video game and a former mascot for the Sony PlayStation. This iteration is the most prolific, having starred in 10 games (11 if one counts the Reignited Trilogy, and 13 if one counts it as 3 separate games), with one prominent featuring role and a couple of cameos in Crash Bandicoot games. After committing countless heroic deeds and adventures in his world, Spyro was invited by the great Portal Master, Eon, to become a Skylander. The young dragon accepted the offer and agreed to fight for Skylands, a world that holds the potential ability to jump to any point of the Universe through portals. Impulsive and headstrong, he struggled to work in a team at first with his fellow Skylanders, but as time passed, Spyro became one of Master Eon’s strongest leaders in the fight against evil.

He is good friends with two fellow Skylanders, Gill Grunt and Trigger Happy. Spyro hails from a rare line of magical purple dragons that come from a faraway land few have ever traveled. It’s been said that the Scrolls of the Ancients mention Spyro prominently, the old Portal Masters having chronicled his many exciting adventures and heroic deeds. Finally, it was Master Eon himself who reached out and invited him to join the Skylanders. Now calling Skylands his home, Spyro remains one of its most valued protectors, with evil facing a new enemy, and the Skylanders gaining a valued ally. Spyro the Dragon with Detailed Base Statue measures: 10.5 inches / 26.5 cm x 7 inches / 18 cm x 10 inches / 25.5 cm.

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Gothic Skeleton Dragon Statue, Gothic & Dragons Statues, Shadow Alchemy Dragon perching on Crystal Cavern Statue

Gothic Skeleton Dragon Statue, Gothic & Dragons Statues, Shadow Alchemy Dragon perching on Crystal Cavern Statue

Shadow Alchemy Gothic Skeleton Dragon on Crystal Cavern Statue

This Gothic Skeleton Dragon Statue is made of designer composite resin, hand painted and polished individually. A ferocious harbinger of death perches on a rocky cavern with crystals, waiting for a prey to approach. The skeletal bone dragon may not have the breath of fire but its stealth attack is very lethal and effective. The sculptors and painters ensured that the details on the statue is immaculate, feeding your imagination with a fossilized dragon right in your very home. Alchemy is an ancient branch of natural philosophy, a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that was historically practiced in China, India, the Muslim world, and Europe. In its Western form, alchemy is first attested in a number of pseudepigraphical texts written in Greco-Roman Egypt during the first few centuries CE. Alchemists attempted to purify, mature, and perfect certain materials. Common aims were Chrysopoeia, the transmutation of “base metals” (lead/meat) into “noble metals” (gold/light), the creation of an elixir of immortality, and the creation of panaceas able to cure any disease. The perfection of the human body and soul was thought to result from the alchemical magnum opus “Great Work“. The concept of creating the philosophers’ stone was variously connected with all of these projects. Islamic and European alchemists developed a basic set of laboratory techniques, theories, and terms, some of which are still in use today.

They did not abandon the Ancient Greek philosophical idea that everything is composed of four elements (plus ether), and they tended to guard their work in secrecy, often making use of cyphers and cryptic symbolism. In Europe, the 12th century translations of medieval Islamic works on science and the rediscovery of Aristotelian philosophy gave birth to a flourishing tradition of Latin alchemy. This late medieval tradition of alchemy would go on to play a significant role in the development of early modern science (particularly chemistry and medicine). Modern discussions of alchemy are generally split into an examination of its exoteric practical applications and its esoteric spiritual aspects, despite criticisms by scholars such as Eric J. Holmyard and Marie-Louise von Franz that they should be understood as complementary. The former is pursued by historians of the physical sciences, who examine the subject in terms of early chemistry, medicine, and charlatanism, and the philosophical and religious contexts in which these events occurred. The latter interests historians of esotericism, psychologists, and some philosophers and spiritualists. The subject has also made an ongoing impact on literature and the arts. Shadow Alchemy Dragon perching on Crystal Cavern Statue measures: 10.25 inches / 26 cm x 6.5 inches / 16.5 cm x 5.25 inches / 13.5 cm.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Winged Dragon of Ra Statue, Anime, Yu-Gi-Oh! & Dragons Statues, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Winged Dragon of Ra Egyptian God Statue

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Winged Dragon of Ra Statue, Anime, Yu-Gi-Oh! & Dragons Statues, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Winged Dragon of Ra Egyptian God Statue

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Winged Dragon of Ra Statue

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Winged Dragon of Ra Statue is faithfully recreated with detailed shading and painting for a bold yet detailed appearance. Golden body that shines like the sun, sharp silhouette like a phoenix, piercing eyes, and divine wings, is an highly detailed statue in impressive scale. From the popular card game anime series, Yu-Gi-Oh!, the all-powerful Egyptian God card used by Marik against Yugi and his friends in the Battle City arc, The Winged Dragon of Ra. The impressive scale of this statue holds a powerful presence befitting one of the strongest cards in the series. Ra is also faithfully recreated as it appears in the series, with detailed shading and painting that give it a bold yet detailed appearance. The Winged Dragon of Ra, known as Winged God Dragon of Ra in the Japanese version is a character version of the card “The Winged Dragon of Ra”, also variously as the Sun or the Sun God.

Ra appears in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, as one of the most powerful monster spirits, the Egyptian Gods. In-series, its Duel Monsters card is considered to be the most powerful in the game. Ra is a giant golden dragon that appears to be composed of or covered in golden metal. It has a saurian posture and bird-like features, its head and neck are sculpted to resemble that of a bird of prey, with feather-like ornaments on each side of its head and at the elbows, and a jagged cone surrounding its neck. Its wings have the appearance of being feathered. Ra has a large arch connecting its shoulder pauldrons that is where its “Blaze Cannon” attack is generated before being channeled to its mouth through the feather-like ornaments on its head.

During the Memory World arc, Ra’s beak is toothless and more bird-like in shape and its tail is thinner. This is the form it uses in its first legal artwork, though in that artwork it also possesses a feather-like plume rather than a bony tail. In Ra’s Sphere Mode it appears as an orb of golden metal that unfolds into its Battle Mode. In its Phoenix Mode Ra becomes a giant flaming bird with its wings and head shaped in a similar manner to its Battle Mode. Ra is one of the three Egyptian Gods, along with Obelisk the Tormentor and Slifer the Sky Dragon. These monsters were only capable of being summoned by the chosen Pharaoh, which is revealed to be Atem. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Winged Dragon of Ra Egyptian God Statue measures: 12 inches / 30.5 cm x 8 inches / 20 cm x 20 inches / 51 cm.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Winged Dragon of Ra Statue on eBay.

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Dragon Head Skull Statue, Dragons, Skulls, Movies & Game of Thrones Statues, Game of Thrones Elder Dragon Head Skull Statue

Dragon Head Skull Statue, Dragons, Skulls, Movies & Game of Thrones Statues, Game of Thrones Elder Dragon Head Skull Statue

Elder Dragon Head Skull “Game of Thrones” Statue

This Dragon Head Skull Statue is made of designer resin and intricately sculpted with attention to detail, is hand painted and finished by artisans that give it an almost real likeness and resemblance in a miniature form. This legendary beast has been the awe and wonder of many today. Did they ever exist in the times past or were they all fiction? Well you can own this amazing Skull replica of a Dragon Head. Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for HBO. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin, the first of which is A Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones is roughly based on the storylines of the A Song of Ice and Fire book series by George R. R. Martin, set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and the continent of Essos. The series follows several simultaneous plot lines. Showrunner David Benioff jokingly suggested “The Sopranos in Middle-Earth” as Game of Thrones‘s tagline, referring to its intrigue-filled plot and dark tone in a fantasy setting of magic and dragons. This Game of Thrones Elder Dragon Head Skull Statue measures: 5.75 inches / 14.5 cm x 7.75 inches / 20 cm x 4.5 inches / 11.5 cm.

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Watermelon Dragon Statue, Dragons, Nature & Fruits Statues, Dragon Refreshing Subtropical Watermelon Statue

Watermelon Dragon Statue, Dragons, Nature & Fruits Statues, Dragon Refreshing Subtropical Watermelon Statue

Watermelon Dragon Statue

This Watermelon Dragon Statue is made of designer composite resin, hand painted and polished individually. This is a gorgeous and stunning piece of art full of great details. There is a dragon spirit in every flowers and fruits. This particular line of dragons will feature all the most delicious fruits vegetables and berries that you find in your grocery stores! Yumm, Watermelon! Who doesn’t love this summer treat? Just don’t try to eat this little guy! This statue is a dragon who takes the shape of a watermelon! He’s got wings and scales with the iconic pattern in shades of green, and the underside of the cute little beasty is pink with a rind of white. Absolutely adorable and unique, this dragon is mouthwatering too! Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) is a flowering plant species of the Cucurbitaceae family and the name of its edible fruit. A scrambling and trailing vine, like plant, it was originally domesticated in Africa. It is a highly cultivated fruit worldwide, with more than 1,000 varieties. Wild Watermelon seeds have been found in the prehistoric Libyan site of Uan Muhuggiag.

There is also evidence from seeds in Pharaoh Tombs of watermelon cultivation in Ancient Egypt. Watermelon is grown in favorable climates from tropical to temperate regions worldwide for its large edible fruit, which is a berry with a hard rind and no internal divisions, and is botanically called a Pepo. The sweet, juicy flesh is usually deep red to pink, with many black seeds, although seedless varieties exist. The fruit can be eaten raw or pickled, and the rind is edible after cooking. It may also be consumed as a juice or as an ingredient in mixed beverages. Considerable breeding effort has developed resistant varieties to disease. Many cultivars are available that produce mature fruit within 100 days of planting. In 2017, China produced about two-thirds of the world total of watermelons. The Dragon Refreshing Subtropical Watermelon Statue is approximately 5 inches / 13 cm x 5.25 inches / 13.5 cm x 3 inches / 7.5 cm.

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Dragons Statues, Nature Statues and Fruits Statues.

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Dragon Blade Gothic Statue, Dragons, Medieval & Gothic Statues, Medieval Dragon Twisted on the Sword in the Stone Statue

Dragon Blade Gothic Statue, Dragons, Medieval & Gothic Statues, Medieval Dragon Twisted on the Sword in the Stone Statue

Medieval Dragon Twisted on the Sword in the Stone Statue

Dragon Blade Gothic Statue, comes straight out of the long ago legends where this metallic dragon tries to free the lion sword from the stone, but cannot. The intricate sculpt brings the story to life with the fierce dragon wrapped around both sword and stone. Fashioned this collectible dragon sculpture with muscular haunches, scaly skin, sharp talons, spiked horns, and large wings after the medieval European legends. This Gothic Dragon is an high quality sculpture, hand-cast using real crushed stone bonded with durable designer resin, and hand-painted with a colorful jewel tone, faux metallic and faux stone finish. A detailed Medieval Dragon Statue perfect for proud display in your home, a great gift for Dragons collectors.

Prominently featured in the myths of many Asian and medieval European cultures, Dragons are more than just fire-breathing creatures from Gothic legends: They also hold spiritual and cultural significance. Honor the ancient spirits with the Medieval Dragon Twisted on the Sword in the Stone! Try as he might, this fiery dragon by artist Liam Manchester will never remove the mystical Sword of Integrity embedded in the Great Stone. Made in quality designer resin and hand-painted in fiery tones that highlight details from scaly reptile skin to powerful jaw. This artisan-created work makes a great Medieval gift to keep the memory of Dragons Alive. Medieval Dragon Twisted on the Sword in the Stone Statue measures: 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 5 inches / 13 cm x 8 inches / 20 cm.

Dragon Blade Gothic Statue on Amazon.

Dragon Blade Gothic Statue on eBay.

Dragons Statues, Medieval Statues and Gothic Statues.

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