Eve in The Garden of Eden Statue, Symbolic, Religious & Christianity Statues, Eva the Apple and the Snake Statue

Eve in The Garden of Eden Statue, Symbolic, Religious & Christianity Statues, Eva the Apple and the Snake Statue

Eve “the Apple and the Snake” in The Garden of Eden Statue

Eve in The Garden of Eden Statue, crafted by Master Artisan, made of high quality cold cast resin with a unique bronze powder finish. Intricately sculpted antique bronze and lightly colored finish makes this Eve’s statue a stand out piece. In Abrahamic religion, Adam and Eve are the first humans. In Islam, Adam is considered to be a prophet. In the Bible, Eve was the first woman, created from one of Adam’s ribs. God told Adam and Eve that they could eat the fruit from any tree except one. Tempted by a Serpent, Eve eats the forbidden fruit, and then convinces Adam to do the same. This angered God, who cast them from the Garden of Eden, condemning Adam to a life of hard labor and Eve to create new life through painful childbirth. This statue of Eve with the Serpent is made of cold cast resin, it has a bronzed finish to give it the look of metal, and has hand-painted accents to show incredible detail.

Eve was the first woman and second human, created by God from the rib of Adam, specifically to be his wife. Originally known as “Ishsha” (Heb.: woman, wife), for Adam perceived that she had been taken from the man (Ish: man, husband), he would later name her “Chawah” (“hard” aitch), as the “mother of all living” from the verb “chaya” (to be). Created on the sixth day with her husband, she completed the creative work of God. He had created the two of them as “man“, that is, “mankind“. Equal in being with the man, she had every bit of the “image and likeness” of God. However, she had been created to be a “helper fit for” her husband. She could provide the companionship that no other creature could offer and the ability to help Adam fulfill the command to “be fruitful and multiply“. At the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil she found a serpent who talked to her.

The serpent deceived her and made her doubt God, and tempted her to eat the forbidden fruit. She did so, and having done so, she gave some to Adam which triggered the Fall of the human race into sin. A consequence of this rebellion was her being cursed to have pain in childbirth, and desire to be in control of her husband who would rule over her. She would have 2 sons soon after the expulsion from the garden, Cain and Abel, only to lose Abel some time later to her firstborn’s murderous hand. At the age of 130 years old, she would set the record for birthing a child, never to be excelled in recorded history. Nothing else is known from the Bible about her subsequent life. The story of the creation of Eve from Adam is an explanation for love and marriage. The idea is that, as Adam was split apart into Adam and Eve, the two parts of an original whole long to be reunited.

According to almost all the confessions of Christianity, original sin is the sin that Adam and Eve, the progenitors of humanity according to the biblical tradition, would have committed against God, as described in the book of Genesis. The consequence of this sin would have been the fall of man, original sin is therefore described as what separated man from God and which, according to some interpretations, would have made man mortal. The nature of original sin has been explained in various ways according to the interpretations that have been given to the biblical passage and in general, however, it seems to represent the disobedience towards God on the part of man, who would like to decide for himself what is good and what is bad. Eva the Apple and the Snake Statue sizes: 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 9.5 inches / 24 cm.

Eve in The Garden of Eden Statue on Amazon.

Eve in The Garden of Eden Statue on eBay.

Symbolic Statues, Religious Statues and Christianity Statues.

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