Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue, Nature, Trees, Celtic & Gods Statues, Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue, Nature, Trees, Celtic & Gods Statues, Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

This Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue is a wonderful bronze finished statue of the Guardian Goddess of the Trees, and has hand-painted accents to show off the detail of the piece. She makes a great gift for followers of ancient nature religions. For the Celts, the Goddess Druantia is the protector and guardian goddess of the Trees and Forest. Druantia is a Celtic tree goddess proposed by Robert Graves in his study The White Goddess (1948). In Neopaganism, Druantia is an archetype of the eternal mother as seen in the evergreen boughs. Her name is believed to be derived from the Celtic word for oak trees, “drus” or “deru“. She is known as “Queen of the Druids“. She is a goddess of fertility for both plants and humans, ruling over sexual activities and passion. She also rules protection, trees, protection of trees, knowledge and creativity. Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of The Trees Statue sizes: 4.5 inches / 11.5 cm x 2.75 inches / 7 cm x 10 inches / 25.5 cm.

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Nature Statues, Trees Statues, Celtic Statues and Gods Statues.

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