Goddess Aphrodite Statue, Greeks, Gods & Mythological Statues, Goddess Aphrodite Rising from the Sea Statue

Goddess Aphrodite Statue, Greeks, Gods & Mythological Statues, Goddess Aphrodite Rising from the Sea Statue

Goddess Aphrodite Rising from the Sea Statue

As one of the Twelve Olympians, Aphrodite was the Greek Goddess of Love. The Aphrodite Rising from the Sea Statue celebrates that popular goddess. Made from cold cast bronze, this hand-painted statue depicts her standing on a seashell. To begin with, she wears a long gown with light blue highlighting. She also has armbands and a headband. Next, the wide seashell rests on cresting waves. On her right, there is a dolphin looking up at Aphrodite. Finally, there is a plaque at the bottom of the statue. The plaque reads APHRODITE. Add this intricately detailed statue to any classically inspired decor or Greek mythology collection. Aphrodite is an ancient Greek Goddess associated with Love, Lust, Beauty, Pleasure, Passion and Procreation. She was syncretized with the Roman Goddess Venus. Aphrodite’s major symbols include Myrtles, Roses, Doves, Sparrows, and Swans. The cult of Aphrodite was largely derived from that of the Phoenician Goddess Astarte, a cognate of the East Semitic Goddess Ishtar, whose cult was based on the Sumerian cult of Inanna.

Aphrodite’s main cult centers were Cythera, Cyprus, Corinth, and Athens. Her main festival was the Aphrodisia, which was celebrated annually in midsummer. In Laconia, Aphrodite was worshipped as a warrior Goddess. She was also the patron Goddess of Prostitutes, an association which led early scholars to propose the concept of “sacred prostitution” in Greco-Roman culture, an idea which is now generally seen as erroneous. In Hesiod‘s Theogony, Aphrodite is born off the coast of Cythera from the foam (aphrós) produced by Uranus‘s genitals, which his son Cronus had severed and thrown into the sea. In Homer‘s Iliad, however, she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Plato, in his Symposium 180e, asserts that these 2 origins actually belong to separate entities: Aphrodite Ourania (a transcendent, “Heavenly” Aphrodite) and Aphrodite Pandemos (Aphrodite common to “all the people“). Aphrodite had many other epithets, each emphasizing a different aspect of the same goddess, or used by a different local cult.

Thus she was also known as Cytherea (Lady of Cythera) and Cypris (Lady of Cyprus), because both locations claimed to be the place of her birth. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, the God of fire, blacksmiths and metalworking. Aphrodite was frequently unfaithful to him and had many lovers, in the Odyssey infact, she is caught in the act of adultery with Ares, the God of war. In the First Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, she seduces the mortal shepherd Anchises. Aphrodite was also the surrogate mother and lover of the mortal shepherd Adonis, who was killed by a wild boar. Along with Athena and Hera, Aphrodite was one of the 3 Goddesses whose feud resulted in the beginning of the Trojan War and she plays a major role throughout the Iliad. Aphrodite has been featured in Western art as a symbol of female beauty and has appeared in numerous works of Western literature. She is a major deity in modern Neopagan religions, including the Church of Aphrodite, Wicca, and Hellenismos. Goddess Aphrodite Rising from The Sea Statue measures: 11 inches / 28 cm x 5 inches / 13 cm x 5 inches / 13 cm.

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Viking Goddess Frigga Statue, Celtic, Vikings, Gods & Mythological Statues, Viking Goddess of Love Frigga Statue

Viking Goddess Frigga Statue, Celtic, Vikings, Gods & Mythological Statues, Viking Goddess of Love Frigga Statue

Viking Goddess of Love Frigga Statue

Viking Goddess Frigga Statue, creatively crafted in cold cast bronze in intricately sculpted detail. Mixing bronze powder with resin gives it an authentic metal look with a stunning antique bronze finish detailed with a touch of blue coloring on her dress. Frigga is the wife of Odin, weaver of clouds for sunshine, rain and fertility of crops as well as the destiny of man and gods alike, she sits on a throne rich with celtic symbols. Known by many names, including Frigg, Frija, Frea and Frige, the Viking Goddess Frigga is the wife of Odin and rules over the destiny not only of man, but also of the gods. She is shown seated on a throne rich with Celtic symbols holding a set of keys and a spindle with which she weaves that destiny, as well as manipulates the weather for fertility of crops. At her feet is a lamb, box and various treasures. A great gift for anyone interested in Viking Mythology, in medieval history, or simply for a strong woman ruling over her household. Frigga or Frigg is one of the most relevant deities in Norse mythology, celestial wife of Odin, she is also called “lady of the sky” or “lady of the gods“, a title worthy of the companion of the most important of the Asi, and is said to be the most “Wise among the Goddesses“.

Frigga is the goddess of marriage and motherhood. In Norse mythology, Frigg appears primarily as a wife and mother and she is said to have the power of clairvoyance, and she can see things that escape even her husband Odin, while never revealing them. She shares Hliðskjálf‘s seat with Odin, and she can, from there, see the whole Universe. She has a beautiful home in Fensalir, one of the regions of Ásgarðr. The terms for Friday in the Germanic languages derive from the name Frigg, for example the English Friday and the German Freitag. Frigg’s sons, all with Odin, are Baldr, Hermóðr and Hoðr, and her stepchildren are Pórr, Víðarr, Váli, and Skjoldr. She often accompanies Eir, a goddess with medical skills, and her handmaids Hlín, Gná, and Fulla. The origin and etymology of the term Frigg can be found in many Nordic cultures, both in the Scandinàve ones as in the Old Norse (genitive Friggjar) or in the Swedish word friacandidate for marriage” or in the Icelandic frjáto love“, either in the Old Saxon Frilady“, or in the English Frig, or in the Germanic Frijo. Furthermore, Frigg is a word related to Sanskrit, in which the definition priyatil appears, which means “wife“. Viking Goddess of Love Frigga Statue sizes: 5.5 inches / 14 cm x 5 inches / 13 cm x 7.25 inches / 18.5 cm.

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Goddess Astarte Astrolabe Statue, Gods & Planets Statues, Astarte Queen of Heaven Astrolabe Statue

Goddess Astarte Astrolabe Statue, Gods & Planets Statues, Astarte Queen of Heaven Astrolabe Statue

Goddess Astarte Queen of Heaven Astrolabe Statue

This Goddess Astarte Astrolabe Statue was created from the sculpture work of Paul Borda of Dryad Design. Reflects the natural texture of the original sculpture of Astarte with an Astrolabe in polyresin. A beautiful symbolic decorative element for your home. Astarte is the Hellenized form of the Ancient Near Eastern Goddess Ashtart or Athtart (Northwest Semitic), a deity closely related to Ishtar (East Semitic), worshipped from the Bronze Age through classical antiquity. The name is particularly associated with her worship in the Ancient Levant among the Canaanites and Phoenicians, though she was originally associated with Amorite cities like Ugarit and Emar, as well as Mari and Ebla. She was also celebrated in Egypt, especially during the reign of the Ramessides, following the importation of foreign cults there. Phoenicians introduced her cult in their colonies on the Iberian Peninsula.

Iconographic portrayal of Astarte, very similar to that of Tanit, often depicts her naked and in presence of lions, identified respectively with symbols of sexuality and war. She is also depicted as winged, carrying the solar disk and the crescent moon as a headdress, and with her lions either lying prostrate to her feet or directly under those. Aside from the lion, she’s associated to the dove and the bee. She has also been associated to botanic wildlife like the palm tree and the lotus flower. A particular artistic motif assimilates Astarte to Europa, portraying her as riding a bull that would represent a partner deity. Similarly, after the popularization of her worship in Egypt, it was frequent to associate her to the war chariot of Ra or Horus, as well as a kind of weapon, the crescent axe. Within Iberian culture, it has been proposed that native sculptures like those of Baza, Elche or Cerro de los Santos might represent an Iberized image of Astarte or Tanit.

An Astrolabe instead (Ancient Greek: Astrolabos; Arabic: al-Asturlāb; Persian: Setāreyāb) is an ancient astronomical instrument that was a handheld model of the Universe. Its various functions also make it an elaborate inclinometer and an analogue calculation device capable of working out several kinds of problems in astronomy. In its simplest form it is a metal disc with a pattern of wires, cutouts, and perforations that allows a user to calculate astronomical positions precisely. Historically used by astronomers, it is able to measure the altitude above the horizon of a celestial body, day or night, it can be used to identify stars or planets, to determine local latitude given local time (and vice versa), to survey, or to triangulate. It was used in classical antiquity, the Islamic Golden Age, the European Middle Ages and the Age of Discovery for all these purposes. The astrolabe’s importance comes not only from the early developments into the study of astronomy, but is also effective for determining latitude on land or calm seas.

Although it is less reliable on the heaving deck of a ship in rough seas, the mariner’s astrolabe was developed to solve that problem. The Oxford English Dictionary gives the translation “star-taker” for the English word astrolabe and traces it through medieval Latin to the Greek word astrolabos, from astronstar” and lambaneinto take“. In the medieval Islamic world the Arabic word al-Asturlāb (i.e. astrolabe) was given various etymologies. In Arabic texts, the word is translated as ākhidhu al-Nujūm (star-taker), a direct translation of the Greek word. Al-Biruni quotes and criticises medieval scientist Hamza al-Isfahani who stated: “asturlab is an arabisation of this Persian phrase”, (sitara yab, meaning “taker of the stars“). In medieval Islamic sources, there is also a folk etymology of the word as “lines of lab“, where “Lab” refers to a certain son of Idris (Enoch). Astarte Queen of Heaven Astrolabe Statue measures: 4.5 inches / 11.5 cm x 11.25 inches / 28.5 cm x 13.6 inches / 34.5 cm.

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Celtic Ceridwen Statue, Celtic & Gods Statues, Ceridwen Celtic Goddess of Knowledge and The Cauldron Statue

Celtic Ceridwen Statue, Celtic & Gods Statues, Ceridwen Celtic Goddess of Knowledge and The Cauldron Statue

Ceridwen “Celtic Goddess of Knowledge” and The Cauldron Statue

Celtic Ceridwen Statue, crafted by master artisan using high quality designer resin and cold cast bronze method. Cold cast bronze is the casting method of mixing bronze material and resin together in order to create detailed statues with metallic surface. Ceridwen was an enchantress in Welsh medieval legend. Medieval Welsh poetry refers to her as possessing the Cauldron of Poetic Inspiration (Awen) and the Tale of Taliesin recounts her swallowing her servant Gwion Bachwho is then reborn through her as the poet Taliesin. Ceridwen is regarded by many modern Pagans as the Celtic Goddess of rebirth, transformation, and inspiration. This beautiful cast resin statue depicts Ceridwen stirring her cauldron of Awen. The statue has a metallic bronze finish, with hand painted accents to bring out the wonderful detail. She makes a great gift for anyone looking for a touch or inspiration.

Ceridwen or Cerridwen was an enchantress in Welsh medieval legend. She was the mother of a hideous son, Morfran, and a beautiful daughter, Creirwy. Her husband was Tegid Foel and they lived near Bala Lake (Llyn Tegid) in north Wales. The earliest documented spelling of the name Kerdwin is Cyrridven, which occurs in the Black Book of Carmarthen. Sir Ifor Williams translates this name as “crooked woman“, although the precise meaning of the stems cyrrid and cwrr (sometimes translated as “crooked” or “bent“) is uncertain. Ben/ven means “woman” or “female“. If wen is not a corruption of either of these, then it may derive from the adjective gwyn (fem. gwen), meaning “fair“, “beloved“, “blessed“, or “sacred“. Wen is sometimes suffixed to the names of female saints (e.g. Dwynwen).

In 19th century literature and etymology the name Ket, Ked and variants were assumed to relate to the Goddess Ceridwen. According to the late medieval Tale of Taliesin, included in some modern editions of the Mabinogion, Ceridwen’s son, Morfran (also called Afagddu), was hideously ugly, particularly compared with his beautiful sister Creirwy, so Ceridwen sought to make him wise in compensation. She made a potion in her magical cauldron to grant the gift of wisdom and poetic inspiration, also called Awen. The mixture had to be boiled for a year and a day. Ceridwen Celtic Goddess of Knowledge and The Cauldron Statue sizes: 6.5 inches / 16.5 cm x 6.5 inches / 16.5 cm x 6.25 inches / 16 cm.

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Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Golden Lakshmi the Mother Goddess Statue

Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Golden Lakshmi the Mother Goddess Statue

Golden Lakshmi “the Hindu Mother Goddess” Statue

Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue made of polyresin and painted with premium antique colors with red accents, the confluence of colors makes her look classy. I love her vibe. The bottom is covered with felt and will not scratch the table or anything. Perfect gift for a loved one or for home use to honor Lakshmi Goddess, the Goddess of all Beginnings. Lakshmishe who leads to one’s goal“, also known as ShriNoble“, is one of the principal goddesses in Hinduism. She is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty and prosperity, and associated with MayaIllusion“. Along with Parvati and Saraswati, she forms the Tridevi of Hindu Goddesses. Within the Goddess-oriented Shaktism, Lakshmi is venerated as a principle aspect of the Mother goddess. Lakshmi is both the wife and divine energy (shakti) of the Hindu God Vishnu, the Supreme Being of Vaishnavism.

She is also the Supreme Goddess in the sect and assists Vishnu to create, protect and transform the Universe. Whenever Vishnu descended on the Earth as an avatar, Lakshmi accompanied him as consort, for example as Sita and Radha or Rukmini as consorts of Vishnu’s avatars Rama and Krishna, respectively. The eight prominent manifestations of Lakshmi, the Ashtalakshmi symbolize the eight sources of wealth. Lakshmi is depicted in Indian art as an elegantly dressed, prosperity-showering golden-coloured woman standing or siting in Padmasana on a Lotus Throne, while holding a lotus in her hand, symbolizing fortune, self-knowledge, and spiritual liberation. Her iconography shows her with four hands, which represent the four aspects of human life important to Hindu culture: Dharma (righteousness, moral values), Artha (prosperity, economic values), Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values) and Moksha (liberation, spiritual values).

Archaeological discoveries and ancient coins suggest the recognition and reverence for Lakshmi existing by the 1st millennium BCE. Lakshmi’s iconography and statues have also been found in Hindu temples throughout Southeast Asia, estimated to be from the second half of the 1st millennium CE. The festivals of Diwali and Sharad Purnima (Kojagiri Purnima) are celebrated in her honor. Lakshmi in Sanskrit is derived from the root word laks and laksa, meaning “to perceive, observe, know, understand” and “goal, aim, objective“, respectively. These roots give Lakshmi the symbolism, know and understand your goal. A related term is laksana, which means “sign, target, aim, symbol, attribute, quality, lucky mark, auspicious opportunity“. Golden Lakshmi the Mother Goddess Statue measures: 4.7 inches / 12 cm x 4.7 inches / 12 cm x 6.3 inches / 16 cm.

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Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue, Nature, Trees, Celtic & Gods Statues, Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue, Nature, Trees, Celtic & Gods Statues, Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of the Trees Statue

This Celtic Trees Goddess Druantia Statue is a wonderful bronze finished statue of the Guardian Goddess of the Trees, and has hand-painted accents to show off the detail of the piece. She makes a great gift for followers of ancient nature religions. For the Celts, the Goddess Druantia is the protector and guardian goddess of the Trees and Forest. Druantia is a Celtic tree goddess proposed by Robert Graves in his study The White Goddess (1948). In Neopaganism, Druantia is an archetype of the eternal mother as seen in the evergreen boughs. Her name is believed to be derived from the Celtic word for oak trees, “drus” or “deru“. She is known as “Queen of the Druids“. She is a goddess of fertility for both plants and humans, ruling over sexual activities and passion. She also rules protection, trees, protection of trees, knowledge and creativity. Druantia Celtic Guardian Goddess of The Trees Statue sizes: 4.5 inches / 11.5 cm x 2.75 inches / 7 cm x 10 inches / 25.5 cm.

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Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue, Gods, Religious, Hinduism, Animals & Cows Statues, Hindu God Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue

Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue, Gods, Religious, Hinduism, Animals & Cows Statues, Hindu God Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue

Hindu God Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue

Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue, an expertly cast in a bronzed resin with felt bottom, superb detailing and hand painted accents really bring this statue to life. Cows and Krishna have always been together. In His original form in the spiritual world, Krishna is a cowherd boy in the agricultural community of Goloka “cow planet” Vrindavan, where He keeps unlimited, transcendental surabhi cows. When He descends to earth, Krishna brings a replica of Vrindavan with Him, and He spends His childhood tending cows and calves while playing in the pasturing grounds with His friends. His example shows the importance of cows to human society, the practical benefits of caring for them, and the advantages of an agrarian economy based on cooperation between man and cows.

Krishna established the original economic system, varnashrama-dharma, for the spiritual and material progress of all living beings. Protected cows are a major component of this system; bulls and oxen till the fields, and cows give milk. Cows are are considered one of the mothers of humankind because cow’s milk, when properly prepared, is perfectly suited to maintaining human life. Milk can be made into a wide variety of preparations, such as yogurt and butter, which are also essential ingredients for use in the ceremonial worship of Krishna in His transcendental Deity form. In His famous book of instructions for humankind, the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna mentions cow protection as one of the prime duties of any civilized society. The Bible also tells us that cow-killing is as punishable as killing a human being. Hindu God Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue measures: 10 inches / 25 cm x 6 inches / 15 cm x 4 inches / 10 cm.

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Egyptian Goddess Bastet Statue, Gods & Egyptian Statues, Bastet Egyptian Goddess of Protection Statue

Egyptian Goddess Bastet Statue, Gods & Egyptian Statues, Bastet Egyptian Goddess of Protection Statue

Bastet “Egyptian Goddess of Protection” Statue

In this Egyptian Goddess Bastet Statue you can see Her older avenging lioness aspect ready to pounce at any moment. The paint job is phenomenal, the sculpt is amazing and captures so much of who Bastet was, is, and ever will be. There is movement to this. The statue captures that cross-footed balance that cats possess. It’s like the beginning of a ritual dance. Her arms and body positioning are strong and protective, evoking the four golden goddess statues protecting Tutankhamun‘s canopic shrine. But it’s the face sculpt to have an excellent feline likeness, of course. There is an anthropomorphic playfulness and wisdom here. Bastet or Bast was a goddess of Ancient Egyptian religion, worshiped as early as the Second Dynasty (2890 BCE). Her name also is rendered as B’sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset. In ancient Greek religion, she was known as Ailuros (Cat). Bastet was worshiped in Bubastis in Lower Egypt, originally as a lioness goddess, a role shared by other deities such as Sekhmet.

Eventually Bastet and Sekhmet were characterized as two aspects of the same goddess, with Sekhmet representing the powerful warrior and protector aspect and Bastet, who increasingly was depicted as a cat, representing a gentler aspect. What the name of the goddess means remains uncertain. Names of Ancient Egyptian deities often were represented as references to associations or with euphemisms, being cult secrets. One recent suggestion by Stephen Quirke (Ancient Egyptian Religion) explains Bastet as meaning, “She of the ointment jar“. This ties in with the observation that her name was written with the hieroglyph for ointment jar and that she was associated with protective ointments, among other things. The name of the material known as alabaster might, through Greek, come from the name of the goddess. This association would have come about much later than when the goddess was a protective lioness goddess, however, and is useful only in deciphering the origin of the term, Alabaster.

Bastet was originally a fierce lioness warrior goddess of the sun worshiped throughout most of Ancient Egyptian history, but later she became Bastet, the cat goddess that is familiar today. She then was depicted as the daughter of Ra and Isis, and the consort of Ptah, with whom she had a son Maahes. As protector of Lower Egypt, she was seen as defender of the king, and consequently of the sun god, Ra. Along with other deities such as Hathor, Sekhmet, and Isis, Bastet was associated with the Eye of Ra. She has been depicted as fighting the evil snake named Apep, an enemy of Ra. In addition to her solar connections, sometimes she was called “Eye of the Moon“. Bastet was also a goddess of pregnancy and childbirth, possibly because of the fertility of the domestic cat. Images of Bastet were often created from alabaster. The goddess was sometimes depicted holding a ceremonial sistrum in one hand and an aegis in the other, the aegis usually resembling a collar or gorget, embellished with a lioness head. Bastet was also depicted as the goddess of protection against contagious diseases and evil spirits. Bastet Egyptian Goddess of Protection Statue sizes: 6.1 inches / 15.5 cm x 3.62 inches / 9 cm x 10.04 inches / 25.5 cm.

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Yemanjá Goddess of the Ocean Statue, Gods, Mermaids & Mythologic Statues, Yemanjá Mother of All and Goddess of the Ocean Statue

Yemanjá Goddess of the Ocean Statue, Gods, Mermaids & Mythologic Statues, Yemanjá Mother of All and Goddess of the Ocean Statue

Yemanjá Mother of All and Goddess of the Ocean Statue

This gorgeous Yemanjá Mother of All and Goddess of the Ocean Statue, sculpted and handcrafted with cold cast bronze color has finest details and highest quality! Yemanjá is the orisha of the surface of the ocean. She is the other half of Olokun, sometimes a sister and sometimes a wife (sometimes, both deities are androgynous). Yemanjá is motherly and strongly protective, and cares deeply for all her children, comforting them and cleansing them of sorrow. She is said to be able to cure infertility in women, and cowrie shells represent her wealth. She does not easily lose her temper, but when angered she can be quite destructive and violent, as the flood waters of turbulent rivers.

Yemanjá is often depicted as a mermaid, and is associated with the moon (in some Diaspora communities), water, and feminine mysteries. She is the protector of women. She governs everything pertaining to women; parenting, child safety, love, and healing. According to myth, when her waters broke, it caused a great flood creating rivers and streams and the first mortal humans were created from her womb. While Olokun is the Keeper of Secrets and rules over the depths of the ocean, Yemaya presides over the surface waters. She has great power as the Earth cannot thrive without her. Yemanjá Mother of All and Goddess of the Ocean Statue measures: 9.4 inches / 24 cm x 5.9 inches / 15 cm x 13.5 inches / 34 cm.

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Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue, Religious, Hinduism, Gods & Mythological Statues, Bronze Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue

Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue, Religious, Hinduism, Gods & Mythological Statues, Bronze Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue

Bronze Hindu Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue

Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue has the finest details and highest quality you don’t find everywhere. Lakshmi is the consort of the god Vishnu. She is one of the most popular goddesses of Hindu Mythology and is known as the goddess of wealth and purity. Goddess Lakshmi is commonly portrayed as a beautiful woman with four arms, standing on a lotus flower. There is usually one, or sometimes two elephants behind her, anointing her with water. She is often depicted sitting beneath Vishnu, massaging his feet. Bronze Hindu Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue sizes: 5 inches / 13 cm x 4 inches / 10 cm x 7 inches / 18 cm.

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Millennial Gaia Statue, Symbolic, Gods & Planets Statues, Green Mother Earth Goddess Statue

Millennial Gaia Statue, Symbolic, Gods & Planets Statues, Green Mother Earth Goddess Statue

Millennial Gaia “Green Mother Earth Goddess” Statue

This Millenial Gaia Goddess Statue is made of premium grade cold cast polyresin, hand painted and polished individually. Oberon Zell’s greatest masterwork, the Millennial Gaia is the Green Mother Earth Goddess image for the new Millennium! This “Sermon in Stone” is Oberon’s expression of a growing global Earth-based consciousness. More and more of “mainstream” culture is becoming aware of the name and concept of “Gaia“.

The Millennial Gaia is the a stunning statue! Thousands of people’s lives have been touched by Oberon’s enchanting vision of Mother Earth, the Millennial Gaia, and more people each day are drawn to Her life-affirming beauty. Letters and reviews from people of many traditions and walks of life show us how deeply The Millennial Gaia moves people throughout the world. This Green Mother Earth Goddess Statue size is 7 inches / 18 cm tall x 3.5 inches / 9 cm.

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Gaia: The Primordial Goddess and Mother Earth

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