Yoga Sutra Patanjali Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Yoga Statues, Yoga Sutra Patanjali Sits on a Divine Serpent Statue

Yoga Sutra Patanjali Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Yoga Statues, Yoga Sutra Patanjali Sits on a Divine Serpent Statue

Yoga Sutra Patanjali Sits on a Divine Serpent Statue

This Yoga Sutra Patanjali Statue rappresent in the stone Patanjali while meditating seated on a Divine Serpent sculpted in resin with black marble finish. Creates high-quality look without sacrificing the details. A stone sculpture is an object made of stone which has been shaped, usually by carving, or assembled to form a visually interesting three-dimensional shape. Stone is more durable than most alternative materials, making it especially important in architectural sculpture on the outside of buildings. Patanjali was a sage in Ancient India, thought to be the author of a number of Sanskrit works. The greatest of these are the Yoga Sutras, a classical yoga text. There is doubt as to whether the sage Patanjali is the author of all the works attributed to him as there are a number of known historical authors of the same name. A great deal of scholarship has been devoted over the last century to the issue of the historicity or identity of this author or these authors. According to Monier Monier-Williams, the word “Patañjali” is a compound name from “patta” (falling, flying) and “añj” (honor, celebrate, beautiful) or “añjali” (reverence, joining palms of the hand).

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a collection of Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on the theory and practice of yoga195 sutras (according to Vyasa and Krishnamacharya) and 196 sutras (according to other scholars including BKS Iyengar). The Yoga Sutras was compiled in the early centuries CE, by the sage Patanjali in India who synthesized and organized knowledge about yoga from much older traditions. The Yoga Sutras are best known for its reference to ashtanga, 8 elements of practice culminating in samadhi, concentration of the mind on an object of meditation, namely yama (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration of the mind), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption). However, its main aim is kaivalya, discernment of purusha, the witness-conscious, as separate from prakriti, the cognitive apparatus, and disentanglement of purusha from prakriti’s muddled defilements.

The Yoga Sutras built on Samkhya-notions of purusha and prakriti, and are often seen as complementary to it. It is closely related to Buddhism, incorporating some of its terminology. Yet, Samkhya, Yoga, Vedanta, as well as Jainism and Buddhism can be seen as representing different manifestations of a broad stream of ascetic traditions in ancient India, in contrast to the Bhakti traditions and Vedic ritualism which were prevalent at the time. The contemporary Yoga tradition holds the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to be one of the foundational texts of classical Yoga philosophy. However, the appropriation, and misappropriation, of the Yoga Sutras and its influence on later systematizations of yoga has been questioned by David Gordon White, who argues that the text fell into relative obscurity for nearly 700 years from the 12th to 19th century, and made a comeback in late 19th century due to the efforts of Swami Vivekananda, the Theosophical Society and others. It gained prominence as a classic in the 20th century. Yoga Sutra Patanjali Sits on a Divine Serpent Statue measures: 3 inches / 7.5 cm x 5 inches / 12.5 cm x 6 inches / 15 cm.

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Panchamukha Hanuman Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Five Headed (Panchamukha) Hanuman Statue

Panchamukha Hanuman Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Five Headed (Panchamukha) Hanuman Statue

Five Headed (Panchamukha) Hanuman Statue

This brass Panchamukha Hanuman Statue shows lord Hanuman in Panchamukha form which means five faced. Hayagriva, Narasimha, Garuda and Varaha are the 4 other faces along with Hanuman‘s face. Hanuman “HUH-noo-mahn” is a monkey-faced Hindu demigod and a member of the Council of Guardians. One of the main figures in the Indian epic, Ramayana, Hanuman was known for his devotion to the God-King, Rama, and his wife, Sita. Panchamukha Hanuman is considered to be the most auspicious gods in Hinduism. Panchamukha is a Sanskrit word meaning “five-faced“. Most of the Hindu deities are shown as having several faces. The origin of Sri Panchamukha Hanuman can be traced to a story in Ramayana. During the war between Lord Rama and Ravana, Ravana took help of Ahiravana, the king of Patala. Lord Hanuman, in order to protect Lord Rama and Lakshmana, formed a fortress with his tail. Ahiravana took the form of Vibhishana, the noble brother of Ravana, and took Lord Rama and Lakshman to Patala loka.

Using these 5 faces in different directions of the lamp, Hanuman blows air out to extinguish them, thereby killing Ahiravana in the process. According to Hanumath Prakaranam in Sri Vidyarnavatantram, Anjaneya has five faces (Pancha Mukha) and 10 weapons. Hanuman is a great yogi (mystic) having transcended the five senses (Pancha Indriyas). In Kamba Ramayanam (in Tamil), the significance of number five is beautifully narrated as follows: The son of one of the five elements (Vayu or Wind) crossed one of the five elements (WaterOcean) through one of the five elements (SkyAir) met the daughter of one of the five elements (PrithviEarth/Sita) burnt down Lanka by the use of one of the five elements (Fire). East facing Anjaneya grants humanity purity of mind and manifestation of desire. South facing Karala Ugraveera Narasimha grants humanity welfare for all. West facing Mahaveera Garuda grants humanity Sakala Sowbhagya or good luck. North facing Lakshmi Varaha grants humanity Dhana Prapti or prosperity and wealth. Urdhva Mukha Hayagriva (facing upwards) grants humanity Sarva Vidya Jaya Prapti or complete welfare and happiness of the world. Each head also signifies a particular trait.

Hanuman denotes courage and strength, Narasimha fearlessness, Garuda magical skills and the power to cure snake bites, Varaha health, exorcism and Hayagriva victory over enemies. The East facing form of Lord Hanuman protects devotees from problems caused by enemies. He provides happiness and fulfills wishes. The South facing form of Lord Narasimha removes all types of fear, sins, unfavorable influences of spirits and demons, and fulfills our wishes. The West facing form of Lord Garuda removes all types of ailments, negativities, black magic, poison, and fear. The North facing form of Lord Varaha provides the ashta aishwarya (8 different forms of wealth). The upwards facing form of Lord Hayagriva helps devotees attract the goodwill of people. The words of His devotees turn into reality. He bestows them with advancement in seeking knowledge, good company of friends, intelligence, good children, and salvation. Five Headed (Panchamukha) Hanuman Statue sizes: 7 inches / 18 cm x 14.5 inches / 37 cm x 17 inches / 43 cm.

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Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Golden Lakshmi the Mother Goddess Statue

Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Golden Lakshmi the Mother Goddess Statue

Golden Lakshmi “the Hindu Mother Goddess” Statue

Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue made of polyresin and painted with premium antique colors with red accents, the confluence of colors makes her look classy. I love her vibe. The bottom is covered with felt and will not scratch the table or anything. Perfect gift for a loved one or for home use to honor Lakshmi Goddess, the Goddess of all Beginnings. Lakshmishe who leads to one’s goal“, also known as ShriNoble“, is one of the principal goddesses in Hinduism. She is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty and prosperity, and associated with MayaIllusion“. Along with Parvati and Saraswati, she forms the Tridevi of Hindu Goddesses. Within the Goddess-oriented Shaktism, Lakshmi is venerated as a principle aspect of the Mother goddess. Lakshmi is both the wife and divine energy (shakti) of the Hindu God Vishnu, the Supreme Being of Vaishnavism.

She is also the Supreme Goddess in the sect and assists Vishnu to create, protect and transform the Universe. Whenever Vishnu descended on the Earth as an avatar, Lakshmi accompanied him as consort, for example as Sita and Radha or Rukmini as consorts of Vishnu’s avatars Rama and Krishna, respectively. The eight prominent manifestations of Lakshmi, the Ashtalakshmi symbolize the eight sources of wealth. Lakshmi is depicted in Indian art as an elegantly dressed, prosperity-showering golden-coloured woman standing or siting in Padmasana on a Lotus Throne, while holding a lotus in her hand, symbolizing fortune, self-knowledge, and spiritual liberation. Her iconography shows her with four hands, which represent the four aspects of human life important to Hindu culture: Dharma (righteousness, moral values), Artha (prosperity, economic values), Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values) and Moksha (liberation, spiritual values).

Archaeological discoveries and ancient coins suggest the recognition and reverence for Lakshmi existing by the 1st millennium BCE. Lakshmi’s iconography and statues have also been found in Hindu temples throughout Southeast Asia, estimated to be from the second half of the 1st millennium CE. The festivals of Diwali and Sharad Purnima (Kojagiri Purnima) are celebrated in her honor. Lakshmi in Sanskrit is derived from the root word laks and laksa, meaning “to perceive, observe, know, understand” and “goal, aim, objective“, respectively. These roots give Lakshmi the symbolism, know and understand your goal. A related term is laksana, which means “sign, target, aim, symbol, attribute, quality, lucky mark, auspicious opportunity“. Golden Lakshmi the Mother Goddess Statue measures: 4.7 inches / 12 cm x 4.7 inches / 12 cm x 6.3 inches / 16 cm.

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God Lord Hanuman Statue, Gods, Religious & Hinduism Statues, Divine Monkey Lord Hanuman Statue

God Lord Hanuman Statue, Gods, Religious & Hinduism Statues, Divine Monkey Lord Hanuman Statue

Divine Monkey God Lord Hanuman Statue

The God Lord Hanuman Statue, portrayed by artisans with a swollen jaw “Hanuman” in Sanskrit means “one with a prominent jaw“, this feature is the result of a blow dealt Him by Indraji as punishment for His childhood menaces. His body, colossal as it is, has the extraordinary capacity to expand to 90 yojanas (gigantic proportions), which it did when He crossed the oceans onto Lanka and when He fought Surasa, the demoness. This is explained by the fact that He is a tantric siddha. His skin possesses the resplendence of all the three realms of existence, likened in various texts to the luster of the sun. Indeed, it takes great workmanship for the humble artisan to do justice to His divine form through earthly media. Hanuman is a Hindu god and divine vanara (monkey) companion of the god Rama. Hanuman is one of the central characters of the Hindu epic Ramayana. He is an ardent devotee of Rama and one of the chiranjivis. Hanuman is also son of the wind-god Vayu, who in several stories played a direct role in Hanuman’s birth.

Hanuman is mentioned in several other texts, such as the epic Mahabharata and the various Puranas. Evidence of devotional worship to Hanuman is largely absent in these texts, as well as in most archeological sites. According to Philip Lutgendorf, an American Indologist, the theological significance of Hanuman and devotional dedication to him emerged about 1,000 years after the composition of the Ramayana, in the 2nd millennium CE, after the arrival of Islamic rule in the Indian subcontinent. Lutgendorf also writes that the skills in Hanuman’s resume also seem to derive in part from his windy patrimony, reflecting Vayu’s role in both body and cosmos. Bhakti movement saints such as Samarth Ramdas have positioned Hanuman as a symbol of nationalism and resistance to persecution. The Vaishnava saint Madhva said that whenever Vishnu incarnates on earth, Vayu accompanies him and aids his work of preserving dharma.

In the modern era, Hanuman’s iconography and temples have been increasingly common. He is viewed as the ideal combination of “strength, heroic initiative and assertive excellence” and “loving, emotional devotion to his personal god Rama“, as Shakti and Bhakti. In later literature, he is sometimes portrayed as the patron god of martial arts such as wrestling and acrobatics, as well as activities such as meditation and diligent scholarship. He symbolizes the human excellences of inner self-control, faith, and service to a cause, hidden behind the first impressions of a being who looks like an Ape-Man Vanara. Hanuman is considered a bachelor and exemplary celibate. Some scholars have identified Hanuman as one potential inspiration for Sun Wukong, the Monkey King character in the Chinese epic adventure Journey to the West. Divine Monkey Lord Hanuman Statue sizes: 23.5 inches / 58 cm x 35 inches / 89 cm x 66 inches / 168 cm.

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Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue, Gods, Religious, Hinduism, Animals & Cows Statues, Hindu God Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue

Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue, Gods, Religious, Hinduism, Animals & Cows Statues, Hindu God Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue

Hindu God Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue

Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue, an expertly cast in a bronzed resin with felt bottom, superb detailing and hand painted accents really bring this statue to life. Cows and Krishna have always been together. In His original form in the spiritual world, Krishna is a cowherd boy in the agricultural community of Goloka “cow planet” Vrindavan, where He keeps unlimited, transcendental surabhi cows. When He descends to earth, Krishna brings a replica of Vrindavan with Him, and He spends His childhood tending cows and calves while playing in the pasturing grounds with His friends. His example shows the importance of cows to human society, the practical benefits of caring for them, and the advantages of an agrarian economy based on cooperation between man and cows.

Krishna established the original economic system, varnashrama-dharma, for the spiritual and material progress of all living beings. Protected cows are a major component of this system; bulls and oxen till the fields, and cows give milk. Cows are are considered one of the mothers of humankind because cow’s milk, when properly prepared, is perfectly suited to maintaining human life. Milk can be made into a wide variety of preparations, such as yogurt and butter, which are also essential ingredients for use in the ceremonial worship of Krishna in His transcendental Deity form. In His famous book of instructions for humankind, the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna mentions cow protection as one of the prime duties of any civilized society. The Bible also tells us that cow-killing is as punishable as killing a human being. Hindu God Krishna and The Holy Cow Statue measures: 10 inches / 25 cm x 6 inches / 15 cm x 4 inches / 10 cm.

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Lord Adiyogi Shiva Statue, Busts, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Lord Adiyogi Shiva Miniature Bust Statue

Lord Adiyogi Shiva Statue, Busts, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Lord Adiyogi Shiva Miniature Bust Statue

Lord Adiyogi Shiva Miniature Bust Statue

This Lord Adiyogi Shiva Statue is a Miniature Bust of the Largest bust sculpture in the World of Lord Adiyogi Shiva. Adiyogi refers to “the first yogi” or Shankar as the first yogi. It was established to inspire people towards inner well-being through yoga, it is a place to relax your mind with blissful surroundings. In the yogic tradition, Shiva is regarded as the Adiyogi or the first yogi. Adiyogi was the source of Yoga, the one who offered the possibility of transcending one’s limitations to all mankind. The Adiyogi statue is a 34 metre tall (112 ft), 45 metre long (147 ft) and 25 metre wide (82 ft) steel statue of Shiva with Thirunamam at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It is recognized by the Guinness World Records as the “Largest Bust Sculpture” in the world.

Designed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, it weighs around 500 tonnes. Adiyogi is located at the Isha Yoga Center. Its height, 112 ft / 34 m, symbolizes the 112 possibilities to attain to moksha (liberation) that are mentioned in yogic culture, and also the 112 chakras in the human system. A linga called Yogeshwar Linga was consecrated and placed in front of the statue. The Indian Ministry of Tourism has included the statue in its official Incredible India campaign. It is also the venue of a light and sound show on Shiva as a Yogi, inaugurated by the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind. Lord Adiyogi Shiva Miniature Bust Statue (Miniature Bust) sizes: 6.3 inches / 16 cm x 4.13 inches / 10.5 cm x 4.53 inches / 11.5 cm.

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Lord Adiyogi Shiva Statue on eBay.

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Dancing Nataraja Shiva Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Divine Meditating Shiva Cosmic Dancer Statue

Dancing Nataraja Shiva Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods Statues, Divine Meditating Shiva Cosmic Dancer Statue

Dancing Nataraja Shiva “Cosmic Dancer” Statue

Dancing Nataraja Shiva Statue, a premium sculpted cold cast bronze by master sculptors, real bronze powder mixed with resin. Hand-painted in bronze finish with color accents to give a high-quality look without sacrificing the details. Hindu God Bholenath Shiva Idol, beautiful decor to display in your home office desk, library bookshelf, or meditation altar, a great addition to any Hindu collection. Shiva is frozen in the moment of his dance within the cosmic circle of fire that is the simultaneous and continuous creation and destruction of the universe. The ring of fire that surrounds the figure is the encapsulated cosmos of mass, time, and space, whose endless cycle of annihilation and regeneration moves in tune to the beat of Shiva’s drum and the rhythm of his steps. In his upper right hand he holds the Damaru, the drum whose beats syncopate the act of creation. Absolutely stunning, gorgeous Divine Meditating Shiva Cosmic Dancer Statue, a regal representation of Lord Shiva dancing.

Lord Shiva is a highly revered Hindu deity, who is the part of the great holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh/Shiva, the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer). “Shiv” means Welfare. Shiva is not only a Lord but is also considered as the prime God in the Panchdev Pujan. This magnificent statue is a superb representation of Shiva as Nataraja, the Lord of Dance. It is a wonderful adaptation in the tradition of Indian Art and one of the most recognized icons of Hinduism in the world. Made with cold cast bronze, individually polished, antiqued, and painted with color accents, the definition and the intricate details of this piece are simply breathtaking. Nataraja is a depiction of the Hindu God Shiva as the divine cosmic dancer. His dance is called Tandavam or Nadanta, depending on the context of the dance.

The pose and artwork is described in many Hindu texts such as the Anshumadbhed agama and Uttarakamika agama, the dance murti featured in all major Hindu temples of Shaivism, and is a well known sculptural symbol in India and popularly used as a symbol of Indian culture, in particular as one of the finest illustrations of Hindu art. The sculpture is symbolic of Shiva as the lord of dance and dramatic arts, with its style and proportions made according to Hindu texts on arts. It typically shows Shiva dancing in one of the Natya Shastra poses, holding various symbols which vary with historic period and region, trampling upon a demon shown as a dwarf (Apasmara or Muyalaka) who symbolizes spiritual ignorance. Divine Meditating Shiva Cosmic Dancer Statue sizes: 10.5 inches / 26.5 cm x 9 inches / 23 cm x 3 inches / 7.5 cm.

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Supreme God Shiva Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods, Shiva in Padmasana Lotus Pose Statue

Supreme God Shiva Statue, Religious, Hinduism & Gods, Shiva in Padmasana Lotus Pose Statue

Supreme God Shiva in Padmasana Lotus Pose Statue

Supreme God Shiva Statue, Shiva in Padmasana Lotus Pose, Hindu God of Destroying Evil, Ignorance, and Death. Premium sculpted cold cast resin, real bronze powder mixed with resin. Hand-painted in bronze finish with color accents to give a high-quality look with intricate details. Great addition to any Hindu collection. This Idol destroys negativity and clears the way for renewal and growth. Hindus believe his powers of destruction and recreation are used even now to destroy the illusions and imperfections of this world, paving the way for beneficial change. The Hindu Supreme God ensures the cycle of life by destroying evil, ignorance and death. Shiva, the meditating ascetic God of Hinduism, Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, and the Tirthankaras in Jainism have been depicted in the lotus position, especially in statues.

The pose is emblematic of both Buddhist meditation and of yoga, and as such has found a place in Western culture as a symbol of healthy living and well-being. Lotus position or Padmasana is a cross-legged sitting meditation pose from ancient India, in which each foot is placed on the opposite thigh. It is an ancient asana in yoga, predating hatha yoga, and is widely used for meditation in Hindu, Tantra, Jain, and Buddhist traditions. Variations include half lotus, bound lotus, and psychic union pose. Advanced variations of several other asanas including yoga headstand have the legs in lotus or half lotus. Shiva in Padmasana Lotus Pose Statue size: 5.5 inches / 14 cm x 3 inches / 7.5 cm x 8.75 inches / 22 cm.

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Supreme God Shiva Statue on eBay.

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Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue, Religious, Hinduism, Gods & Mythological Statues, Bronze Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue

Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue, Religious, Hinduism, Gods & Mythological Statues, Bronze Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Statue

Bronze Hindu Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue

Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue has the finest details and highest quality you don’t find everywhere. Lakshmi is the consort of the god Vishnu. She is one of the most popular goddesses of Hindu Mythology and is known as the goddess of wealth and purity. Goddess Lakshmi is commonly portrayed as a beautiful woman with four arms, standing on a lotus flower. There is usually one, or sometimes two elephants behind her, anointing her with water. She is often depicted sitting beneath Vishnu, massaging his feet. Bronze Hindu Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue sizes: 5 inches / 13 cm x 4 inches / 10 cm x 7 inches / 18 cm.

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Goddess Lakshmi On Lotus Statue on eBay.

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