Pegasus Statue, Greeks & Mythological Statues, Museum Replica of Pegasus Statue

Pegasus Statue, Greeks & Mythological Statues, Museum Replica of Pegasus Statue

Museum Replica of Pegasus Statue

This Pegasus Statue is an handmade Museum Statue Replica of Pegasus made in Greece, from 100% bronze using the traditional “lost wax” technique. This is the same technique used by the ancient Greeks to create bronze sculptures and arsenal. The prototype which it was made by is a museum exhibit. The green/gold color is given through the process of oxidization. Pegasus is a mythical, winged, divine stallion and one of the most recognized creatures in Greek Mythology. Greco-Roman poets wrote about the ascent of Pegasus to heaven after his birth, and his subsequent obeisance to Zeus, king of the gods, who instructed him to bring lightning and thunder from Olympus. A friend of the Muses, Pegasus created Hippocrene, the fountain on Mt. Helicon. The Pegasus is a horse (in greek myth usually a stallion) which is generally considered to be pure white, and with a pair of white feathered wings on its back. The symbolism of Pegasus varies with time. Symbolic of wisdom and fame from the Middle Ages until the Renaissance, Pegasus became associated with poetry around the 19th century, as the fountainhead of sources from which the poets gained their inspiration.

Pegasus is the subject of a very rich iconography, especially throughout ancient Greek pottery and paintings and sculptures of the Renaissance. Hypotheses have been proposed regarding the relationship between Pegasus and the Muses, the Goddess Athena, Poseidon, Zeus, Apollo, and the hero Perseus. Pegasus was sired by Poseidon, in his roleas horse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa. He was the brother of Chrysaor, born at a single birthing when his mother was decapitated by Perseus. He was captured by the Greek hero Bellerophon near the fountain Peirene with the help of Athena and Poseidon. Pegasus allows the hero to ride him to defeat a monster, the Chimera, before realizing many other exploits. His rider, however, falls off his back trying toreach Mount Olympus. Zeus transformed him into the constellation Pegasus and placed him up in the sky. Personification of the Water, Solar Myth, or Shaman Mount, Carl Jung and his followers have seen in Pegasus a profound symbolic esotericin relation to the spiritual energy that allows to access to the realm of the Gods on Mount Olympus. Museum Replica of Pegasus Statue sizes: 4.35 inches / 11 cm x 3.95 inches / 10 cm x 1 inches / 2.5 cm.

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Pegasus Statue, Animals, Horses, Greeks & Mythological Statues, Pegasus Mythical Flying Horse Statue

Pegasus Statue, Animals, Horses, Greeks & Mythological Statues, Pegasus Mythical Flying Horse Statue

Pegasus Mythical Flying Horse Statue

This Pegasus Statue is made of high quality heavy art cold cast resin and bronze powder. The surface is coated with a layer of bronze. Cold cast bronze statues are heavy, detailed, little shinier than 100% metals, and they actually look better than solid bronze. This new material is a fantastic compromise that keeps the beauty, substantial weight and quality, and detail of bronze while keeping replicas affordable. Bronze and resin are the most common materials for realistic statues. Pegasus (Greek: Pegasos; Latin: Pegasus, Pegasos) is a mythical winged divine horse, and one of the most recognized creatures in Greek Mythology. Usually he is depicted as pure white. Myths about him vary as the Greek myths evolve and reflect progression through successive generations of deities. In Archaic Greek Mythology, Pegasus is the offspring of the Gorgon Medusa, when she was depicted as a mare. In later myths, Pegasus was foaled by Medusa as she was dying, while being decapitated by the hero Perseus. In Classical Greek Mythology, the Olympian God Poseidon is identified as the father of Pegasus.

Pegasus is the brother of Chrysaor and the uncle of Geryon. Pegasus was caught by the Greek hero Bellerophon near the fountain Peirene with the help of Athena and Poseidon. Pegasus allowed Bellerophon to ride him in order to defeat the monstrous Chimera, which led to many other exploits. Bellerophon later fell from the winged horse’s back while trying to reach Mount Olympus, where the deities resided. After that failed attempt, Zeus transformed Pegasus into the eponymous constellation. The poet Hesiod presents a folk etymology of the name Pegasus as derived from pegespring, well“, referring to “the pegai of Okeanos, where he was born”. A proposed etymology of the name is Luwian Pihassas “lightning”, and Pihassassi, a local Luwian-Hittite name in southern Cilicia of a weather deity associated with thunder and lightning. The proponents of this etymology adduce the role of Pegasus, reported as early as Hesiod, as the bringer of thunderbolts to Zeus.

That interpretation was first suggested in 1952 and remains widely accepted, but Robin Lane Fox (2009) has criticized it as implausible. Michael Brown, who has been studying ancient and medieval Greek poetry in the context of the Greek-North European Dialogue, has concluded from his studies that the word Pegasus is a pre-Celtic-PIE word, one that did not evolve into one of the numerous common names listed in both Greek and Western languages. This concept is discussed further in “Linguistics and Classical Theology“, by William S. R. Miller, which is based on his work with Charles F. G. Osterhaus‘s analysis of the word and its relationships to Greek and Italian. The relationship of “Pegasus” to “Cyrillic” is discussed further in his Phrygian Monikers and the Naming of Greek PronunciationCyrillic or Pene-Orthogyrin” and “Pegasusas an Early Semitic construct. Pegasus Mythical Flying Horse Statue sizes: 12.8 inches / 32.5 cm x 9 inches / 23 cm x 14 inches / 35.5 cm.

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