Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue, Animals, Scarabs, Egyptian & Symbolic Statues, Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue

Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue, Animals, Scarabs, Egyptian & Symbolic Statues, Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue

Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue

Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue, finished in faux lapis lazuli blue, creates the liftable lid of this sculptural jewelry box, complete with ancient hieroglyphs written in gold along the edge, to store all your Egyptian jewelry as how it was done for the Gods and Egyptian Queen. Hand-cast using real crushed stone bonded with durable designer resin, this Egyptian Royal Scarab include fine details such as Egyptian hieroglyphs which are painted by hand. Amenhotep III commissioned many commemorative scarabs to be sent as royal gifts that marked the accomplishments of his Egyptian dynasty. Scarab Beetles were prized because they mirrored the way the Egyptian Sun God Khepri was said to roll the sun across the horizon each day. This Amenhotep III Royal Scarab replica artifact is sculpted with a beetle’s head, wing case and legs, all in a beautifully compact form. The entire Egyptian sculptural box, including the liftable lid, is cast in quality designer resin and hand painted to replicate the faience earthenware and glazed blue lapis once highly prized by Egyptian royalty.

The Scarab Beetle, representing rebirth, was a popular image used in ancient Egypt as an amulet or seal to be worn as Egyptian jewelry or to commemorate an event such as those made by Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Amenhotep III, “Amun is Satisfied“, hellenized as Amenophis III, also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent or Amenhotep the Great, was the 9th pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. According to different authors, he ruled Egypt from June 1386 to 1349 BC, or from June 1388 BC to December 1351/1350 BC, after his father Thutmose IV died. Amenhotep III was Thutmose’s son by a minor wife, Mutemwiya. His reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of its artistic and international power. When he died in the 38th or 39th year of his reign, his son initially ruled as Amenhotep IV, but then changed his own royal name to Akhenaten.

Scarabs instead were popular amulets and impression seals in Ancient Egypt. They survive in large numbers and, through their inscriptions and typology, they are an important source of information for archaeologists and historians of the ancient world. They also represent a significant body of ancient art. For reasons that are not clear (although likely connected to the religious significance of the Egyptian God Khepri), amulets in the form of Scarab Beetles had become enormously popular in Ancient Egypt by the early Middle Kingdom (2000 BCE) and remained popular for the rest of the pharaonic period and beyond. During that long period the function of scarabs repeatedly changed. Primarily amulets, they were also inscribed for use as personal or administrative seals or were incorporated into jewelry. Some scarabs were created for political or diplomatic purposes to commemorate or advertise royal achievements.

By the early New Kingdom, Heart Scarabs had become part of the battery of amulets protecting mummies. From the Middle Bronze Age, other ancient peoples of the Mediterranean and the Middle East imported scarabs from Egypt and also produced scarabs in Egyptian or local styles, especially in the Levant. In ancient Egyptian religion, the God Ra is seen as the star Sirius, when the star came to the horizon in the south 15 thousand years ago. Beetles of the family Scarabaeidae (dung beetle) roll dung into a ball. Because of its symbolically similar action, the scarab was seen as a reflection of the precession cycle of the star Sirius and as representing the idea of rebirth or regeneration on its swing in the south as it was viewed. Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue sizes: 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 5.5 inches / 14 cm x 3 inches / 7.5 cm.

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Pharaoh and Great Royal Wife Statues, Egyptian Statues, Rulers of the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom (Black & Gold) Statues

Pharaoh and Great Royal Wife Statues, Egyptian Statues, Rulers of the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom (Black & Gold) Statues

Pharaoh and Great Royal Wife Rulers of the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom (Black & Gold) Statues

If legend tells tales of tiny, supernatural wee ones who inhabited a magical kingdom beneath the surface of the earth, who are we to argue? These Pharaoh and Great Royal Wife Statues could well have been the very entities who wielded sword and scepter in the tiny dynasties of Ancient Egypt. Cast in quality designer resin to capture tongue-in-cheek details from ornate headdresses to hieroglyphs, each wee sculpture is hand painted with gold-toned details and the colors of the Egyptian palette. Pharaoh is the common title now used for the monarchs of ancient Egypt from the First Dynasty (3150 BCE) until the annexation of Egypt by the Roman Empire in 30 BCE, although the term “pharaoh” was not used contemporaneously for a ruler until Merneptah, (1210 BCE), during the 19th dynasty, “king” being the term used most frequently until the middle of the 18th dynasty. In the early dynasties, Ancient Egyptian Kings used to have up to three titles: the Horus, the Sedge and Bee, and the Two Ladies or Nebty name.

The Golden Horus as well as the nomen and prenomen titles were added later. In Egyptian society, religion was central to everyday life. One of the roles of the pharaoh was as an intermediary between the deities and the people. The pharaoh thus deputised for the deities in a role that was both as civil and religious administrator. The pharaoh owned all of the land in Egypt, enacted laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt from invaders as the commander-in-chief of the army. Religiously, the Pharaoh officiated over religious ceremonies and chose the sites of new temples. The pharaoh was responsible for maintaining Maat, or cosmic order, balance, and justice, and part of this included going to war when necessary to defend the country or attacking others when it was believed that this would contribute to Maat, such as to obtain resources. During the early days prior to the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Deshret or the “Red Crown“, was a representation of the kingdom of Lower Egypt, while the Hedjet, the “White Crown“, was worn by the kings of the kingdom of Upper Egypt.

After the unification of both kingdoms into one united Egypt, the Pschent, the combination of both the red and white crowns was the official crown of kings. With time new headdresses were introduced during different dynasties such as the Khat, Nemes, Atef, Hemhem crown, and Khepresh. At times, it was depicted that a combination of these headdresses or crowns that would be worn together. Great Royal Wife, or alternatively, Chief King’s Wife, is the title that was used to refer to the principal wife of the pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, who served many official functions. While most ancient Egyptians were monogamous, a male pharaoh would have had other, lesser wives and concubines in addition to the Great Royal Wife. This arrangement would allow the pharaoh to enter into diplomatic marriages with the daughters of allies, as was the custom of ancient kings. In the past the order of succession in Ancient Egypt was to pass through the royal women. This theory, referred to as the Heiress Theory, has been rejected regarding the 18th dynasty ever since a 1980s study of its royalty. The throne likely passed to the eldest living son of those pharaohs.

The mother of the heir to the throne was not always the Great Royal Wife, but once a pharaoh was crowned, it was possible to grant the mother of the king the title of Great Royal Wife, along with other titles. Examples include Iset, the mother of Thutmose III, Tiaa, the mother of Thutmose IV and Mutemwia, the mother of Amenhotep III. Meretseger, the chief wife of Senusret III, may be the earliest queen whose name appears with this title, she also was the first consort known to write her name in a cartouche. However, she is only attested in the New Kingdom so the title might be an anachronism. Perhaps the first holder of its title was Nubkhaes of the Second Intermediate Period. The royal women also played a pivotal role in the religion of ancient Egypt. The Great Royal Wife officiated at the rites in the temples, as Priestess, in a culture where religion was inexorably interwoven with the roles of the rulers. Rulers of the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom (Black & Gold) Statue sizes: 2.5 inches / 6.5 cm x 2.5 inches / 6.5 cm x 6 inches / 15 cm.

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