Goddess Astarte Astrolabe Statue, Gods & Planets Statues, Astarte Queen of Heaven Astrolabe Statue

Goddess Astarte Astrolabe Statue, Gods & Planets Statues, Astarte Queen of Heaven Astrolabe Statue

Goddess Astarte Queen of Heaven Astrolabe Statue

This Goddess Astarte Astrolabe Statue was created from the sculpture work of Paul Borda of Dryad Design. Reflects the natural texture of the original sculpture of Astarte with an Astrolabe in polyresin. A beautiful symbolic decorative element for your home. Astarte is the Hellenized form of the Ancient Near Eastern Goddess Ashtart or Athtart (Northwest Semitic), a deity closely related to Ishtar (East Semitic), worshipped from the Bronze Age through classical antiquity. The name is particularly associated with her worship in the Ancient Levant among the Canaanites and Phoenicians, though she was originally associated with Amorite cities like Ugarit and Emar, as well as Mari and Ebla. She was also celebrated in Egypt, especially during the reign of the Ramessides, following the importation of foreign cults there. Phoenicians introduced her cult in their colonies on the Iberian Peninsula.

Iconographic portrayal of Astarte, very similar to that of Tanit, often depicts her naked and in presence of lions, identified respectively with symbols of sexuality and war. She is also depicted as winged, carrying the solar disk and the crescent moon as a headdress, and with her lions either lying prostrate to her feet or directly under those. Aside from the lion, she’s associated to the dove and the bee. She has also been associated to botanic wildlife like the palm tree and the lotus flower. A particular artistic motif assimilates Astarte to Europa, portraying her as riding a bull that would represent a partner deity. Similarly, after the popularization of her worship in Egypt, it was frequent to associate her to the war chariot of Ra or Horus, as well as a kind of weapon, the crescent axe. Within Iberian culture, it has been proposed that native sculptures like those of Baza, Elche or Cerro de los Santos might represent an Iberized image of Astarte or Tanit.

An Astrolabe instead (Ancient Greek: Astrolabos; Arabic: al-Asturlāb; Persian: Setāreyāb) is an ancient astronomical instrument that was a handheld model of the Universe. Its various functions also make it an elaborate inclinometer and an analogue calculation device capable of working out several kinds of problems in astronomy. In its simplest form it is a metal disc with a pattern of wires, cutouts, and perforations that allows a user to calculate astronomical positions precisely. Historically used by astronomers, it is able to measure the altitude above the horizon of a celestial body, day or night, it can be used to identify stars or planets, to determine local latitude given local time (and vice versa), to survey, or to triangulate. It was used in classical antiquity, the Islamic Golden Age, the European Middle Ages and the Age of Discovery for all these purposes. The astrolabe’s importance comes not only from the early developments into the study of astronomy, but is also effective for determining latitude on land or calm seas.

Although it is less reliable on the heaving deck of a ship in rough seas, the mariner’s astrolabe was developed to solve that problem. The Oxford English Dictionary gives the translation “star-taker” for the English word astrolabe and traces it through medieval Latin to the Greek word astrolabos, from astronstar” and lambaneinto take“. In the medieval Islamic world the Arabic word al-Asturlāb (i.e. astrolabe) was given various etymologies. In Arabic texts, the word is translated as ākhidhu al-Nujūm (star-taker), a direct translation of the Greek word. Al-Biruni quotes and criticises medieval scientist Hamza al-Isfahani who stated: “asturlab is an arabisation of this Persian phrase”, (sitara yab, meaning “taker of the stars“). In medieval Islamic sources, there is also a folk etymology of the word as “lines of lab“, where “Lab” refers to a certain son of Idris (Enoch). Astarte Queen of Heaven Astrolabe Statue measures: 4.5 inches / 11.5 cm x 11.25 inches / 28.5 cm x 13.6 inches / 34.5 cm.

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Sun and Moon Celestial Face Statue, Planets & Symbolic Statues, “Sun and Moon like Symbols of Rebirth” Statue

Sun and Moon Celestial Face Statue, Planets & Symbolic Statues, "Sun and Moon like Symbols of Rebirth" Statue

Sun and Moon Celestial Face “Symbols of Rebirth” Statue

With it’s striking colors that truly catches the eye, this Sun and Moon Celestial Face Statue is fantastic. With the magnificent and colorful decorative aesthetic of the jellow/orange sun and blue moon, it’s a celestial wonder that will be treasured for years to come. “The Sun is a Symbol of Rebirth. When you realize that eternity is right here now, that it is within your possibility to experience the eternity of your own truth and being, then you grasp the following: That which you are was never born and will never die, that is the insight rendered in term of the solar mystery, the solar light“. – Joseph Campbell.

The iconographic tradition of depicting the Sun with rays and with a human face developed in Western tradition in the High Medieval Period and became widespread in the Renaissance, harking back to the Sun God (Sol/Helios) wearing a radiate crown in classical antiquity. Ri – Nascimento / Re – Naissence / Re-Birth. The concept of rebirth is an ancient one and can be found in almost all religions, mythologies, and belief systems. Some religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Gnosticism, and Taoism, believe in reincarnation, where a body disintegrates but the soul lives on. Pagan and tribal religions do not have such direct notions of rebirth, but believe in elements within nature, such as water, trees, the sun, and the moon, that are continually reborn and regenerated. In modern times, these rebirth symbols have been depicted and visualized for physical, mental, and spiritual renewal. The new moon or the crescent moon is a symbol of new beginnings and rebirth. Many people start new jobs, projects, and set new goals at the start of a new moon. In some cultures, there is a belief that the New Moon rejuvenates the mind and soul, enabling an individual to have a fresh start.

God is the Life. Sun is the Life. This consciousness is the consciousness of being One, of being Light, of being Love, which is unconditional, like the eyes of God, and now through what in Christian terms is called the Holy Spirit, it is spreading into each of us. Our nature, like it or not, aware or not aware, is to reach this goal, to reach this consciousness, and we will all get there, some first and some later. The concept of “reaching” must not, however, be misunderstood: we do not reach something external to us, rather it means allowing something that is actually already inside each of us, to be! In the following script we will use this legend: I Am = God, each capital word like I, Mine, refers to God as if speaking in the first person. (I Am God, I Am in your heart and your heart at the same time, I Am in all manifest things, I Am infinite time, infinite space and sound, infinite vibration in eternal transformation, in eternal movement, I Am pure consciousness). “Sun and Moon like Symbols of Rebirth” Statue measures: 11.5 inches / 29 cm x 11.5 inches / 29 cm x 2.5 inches / 6.5 cm.

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Islamic Gold Moon and Star Statue, Religious, Islamic, & Planets Statues, Gold Moon and Star with Tawhid Statue

Islamic Gold Moon and Star Statue, Religious, Islamic, & Planets Statues, Gold Moon and Star with Tawhid Statue

Islamic Gold Moon and Star with Tawhid Statue

This Islamic Gold Moon and Star Statue is made of polyester, making this a strong Islamic trinket so being durable and made to last. Excellent and unique designed model produced in Turkey to create an harmonious spiritual environment as a decoration. This work of art is full of verses embroidered and is made with the finest craftsmanship and the finest materials, resulting so in an object of incredible value. The Star and Crescent Moon is an iconographic symbol used in various historical contexts, including as a prominent symbol of the Ottoman Empire, with numerous modern countries still using it as a national symbol. It was developed in the Greek colony of Byzantium 300 BCE, though it became more widely used as the royal emblem of Pontic King Mithradates VI Eupator after he incorporated Byzantium into his kingdom for a short period. During the 5th century, it was present in coins minted by the Persian Sassanian Empire. The symbol was represented in the coins minted across the empire throughout the Middle East for more than 400 years from the 3rd century until the fall of the Sassanians after the Muslim conquest of Persia in the 7th century.

The conquering Muslim rulers kept the symbol in their coinage during the early years of the caliphate, as the coins were exact replicas of the Sassanian coins. The symbol is the conjoined representation of a Crescent Moon and a Star. Both elements have a long prior history in the iconography of the Ancient Near East as representing either the Sun and Moon or the Moon and the Morning Star (or their divine personifications). Coins with crescent moon and star symbols represented separately have a longer history, with possible ties to older Mesopotamian iconography. The star, or Sun, is often shown within the arc of the crescent (also called star in crescent, or star within crescent, for disambiguation of depictions of a star and a crescent moon side by side). In Numismatics in particular, the term crescent and pellet is used in cases where the star is simplified to a single dot. The combination is found comparatively rarely in late medieval and early modern heraldry. It rose to prominence with its adoption as the flag and national symbol of the Ottoman Empire and some of its administrative divisions (eyalets and vilayets) and later in the 19th century Westernizing tanzimat (reforms). The Ottoman flag of 1844, with a white ay-yıldız (Turkish for “crescent-star“) on a red background, continues to be in use as the flag of the Republic of Turkey, with minor modifications.

Other states formerly part of the Ottoman Empire also used the symbol, including Libya (1951-1969 and after 2011), Tunisia (1831) and Algeria (1958). The same symbol was used in other national flags introduced during the 20th century, including the flags of Azerbaijan (1918), Pakistan (1947), Malaysia (1948), Singapore (1959), Mauritania (1959), Uzbekistan (1991), Turkmenistan (1991) and Comoros (2001). In the later 20th century, the star and crescent moon have acquired a popular interpretation as a “Symbol of Islam“, occasionally embraced by Arab nationalism or Islamism in the 1970s to 1980s but often rejected as erroneous or unfounded by Muslim commentators in more recent times. Unlike the Cross, which is a symbol of Jesus’ Crucifixion in Christianity, there is no solid link that connects the star and crescent moon symbol with the concept of Islam. The connotation is widely believed to have come from the flag of Ottoman Empire, which was one of the largest empires of the early modern period. Unicode introduced a “star and crescent moon” character in its Miscellaneous Symbols block, at U+262A (☪).

The term Tawhid instead, also spelled Tauhid, Arabic Tawḥīd, “making one“, “asserting oneness“, in Islam, the Oneness of God, in the sense that He is One and there is no God but He, as stated in the shahādahwitness” formula: “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is His prophet“. Tawhid further refers to the nature of that God, that He is a Unity, not composed, not made up of parts, but simple and uncompounded. The doctrine of the Unity of God and the issues that it raises, such as the question of the relation between the essence and the attributes of God, reappear throughout most of Islamic history. In the terminology of Muslim mystics (Sufis), however, Tawhid has a pantheistic sense, all essences are divine, and there is no absolute existence besides that of God. To most Muslim scholars, the science of Tawhid is the systematic theology through which a better knowledge of God may be reached, but, to the Sufis, knowledge of God can be reached only through religious experience and direct vision. Gold Moon and Star with Tawhid Statue sizes: 6 inches / 15 cm x 9 inches / 23 cm.

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Butterfly with Solar Sphere Statue, Animals, Butterflies & Planets Statues, Butterfly with Sparkling Solar Sphere Statue

Butterfly with Solar Sphere Statue, Animals, Butterflies & Planets Statues, Butterfly with Sparkling Solar Sphere Statue

Butterfly with Sparkling Solar Sphere Statue

This gorgeous Butterfly with Sparkling Solar Ball Garden Statue will make a lovely focal point in your garden day and night! The beautiful blue glass ball sparkles in the Sun during the day and automatically glows with solar-powered light at night. It sits atop a pedestal base accented with a colorful butterfly and a flowering vine. Every day, the sun radiates (sends out) an enormous amount of energy. It radiates more energy each day than the world uses in one year. Solar energy is a renewable energy source. The sun’s energy comes from within the Sun itself. Like most stars, the Sun is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium atoms in a plasma state. The Sun generates energy from a process called nuclear fusion. During nuclear fusion, the high pressure and temperature in the Sun’s core cause nuclei to separate from their electrons. Hydrogen nuclei fuse to form one Helium atom. During the fusion process, radiant energy is released. It can take 150,000 years for energy in the Sun’s core to make its way to the solar surface, and then just a little over 8 minutes to travel the 93 million miles to Earth.

The radiant energy travels to the Earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second / 300,000 kilometers per second, the speed of light. Only a small portion of the energy radiated by the Sun into space strikes the Earth, one part in two billion. Yet this amount of energy is enormous. The Sun provides more energy in an hour than the United States can use in a year. About 30 percent of the radiant energy that reaches the Earth is reflected back into space. About half of the radiant energy is absorbed by land and oceans. The rest is absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds in the greenhouse effect. In addition to supplying a large amount of energy directly, the Sun is also the source for many different forms of energy. Solar energy powers the water cycle, allowing us to harness the energy of moving water. Solar energy drives wind formation, allowing us to use wind turbines to transform kinetic energy into electricity. Plants use solar energy in the process of photosynthesis. Biomass can trace its energy source back to the sun. Even fossil fuels originally received their energy from the sun. Butterfly with Sparkling Solar Sphere Statue measures: 6 inches / 15 cm x 5 inches / 13 cm x 13 inches / 33 cm.

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Greek Titan Atlas Statue, Planets, Greeks & Mythological Statues, Titan Atlas Carrying the World on His Shoulders Statue

Greek Titan Atlas Statue, Planets, Greeks & Mythological Statues, Titan Atlas Carrying the World on His Shoulders Statue

Titan Atlas Carrying the World on His Shoulders Statue

The Greek Titan Atlas Statue while Carrying The World on His Shoulders. The Atlas Statue is made using cold cast bronze method, cold casting is a process that mixing bronze material with resin to create a product rich in fine details like in a resin sculpture and also the metallic surface texture of the actual bronze. In Greek Mythology, Atlas is a Titan condemned to hold up the Entire World for eternity after the Titanomachy. Atlas also plays a role in the myths of two of the greatest Greek heroes: Heracles (Hercules in Roman mythology) and Perseus. According to the ancient Greek poet Hesiod, Atlas stood at the ends of the earth in extreme west. Later, he became commonly identified with the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa and was said to be the first King of Mauretania. Atlas was said to have been skilled in philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy.

In antiquity, he was credited with inventing the first celestial sphere. In some texts, he is even credited with the invention of astronomy itself. Atlas was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Asia or Clymene. He was a brother of Epimetheus and Prometheus. He had many children, mostly daughters, the Hesperides, the Hyades, the Pleiades, and the nymph Calypso who lived on the island Ogygia. The term Atlas has been used to describe a collection of maps since the 16th century when Flemish geographer Gerardus Mercator published his work in honor of the mythological Titan. The “Atlantic Ocean” is derived from “Sea of Atlas“. The name of Atlantis mentioned in Plato’s Timaeus’ dialogue derives from “Atlantis Nesos“, literally meaning “Atlas’s Island“. Titan Atlas Carrying the World on His Shoulders Statue measures: 6 inches / 15 cm x 5 inches / 13 cm x 9 inches / 23 cm.

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Four Elements Celestial Moon Fairy Statue, Fairies, Planets & Symbolic Statues, Earth Wind Water Fire Elements Fairy Statue

Four Elements Celestial Moon Fairy Statue, Fairies, Planets & Symbolic Statues, Earth Wind Water Fire Elements Fairy Statue

Four Elements Celestial Moon Fairy Statue

Four Elements Celestial Moon Fairy Statue, hand-cast using real crushed stone bonded with high quality designer resin. Each piece is individually hand-painted by the artisans. Great tabletop decorative accent for any room. Perfect gift for any fantasy collector to rappresent Earth Wind Water Fire Elements. Fairies are a race of beings acting as extensions of the planet, considered the “sense of touch” of nature. With the coming of the Age of Man, the fairies retreated to the Reverse Side of the World along with the other phantasmal species. As the Age of Gods took longer to disappear in the British Isles than in the rest of the world, fairies there continued to interact with humans for longer. Earth Wind Water Fire Elements Fairy Statue sizes: 7.5 inches / 19 cm x 4.5 inches / 11.5 cm x 11.25 inches / 28.5 cm.

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Fairies Statues, Planets Statues and Symbolic Statues.

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Millennial Gaia Statue, Symbolic, Gods & Planets Statues, Green Mother Earth Goddess Statue

Millennial Gaia Statue, Symbolic, Gods & Planets Statues, Green Mother Earth Goddess Statue

Millennial Gaia “Green Mother Earth Goddess” Statue

This Millenial Gaia Goddess Statue is made of premium grade cold cast polyresin, hand painted and polished individually. Oberon Zell’s greatest masterwork, the Millennial Gaia is the Green Mother Earth Goddess image for the new Millennium! This “Sermon in Stone” is Oberon’s expression of a growing global Earth-based consciousness. More and more of “mainstream” culture is becoming aware of the name and concept of “Gaia“.

The Millennial Gaia is the a stunning statue! Thousands of people’s lives have been touched by Oberon’s enchanting vision of Mother Earth, the Millennial Gaia, and more people each day are drawn to Her life-affirming beauty. Letters and reviews from people of many traditions and walks of life show us how deeply The Millennial Gaia moves people throughout the world. This Green Mother Earth Goddess Statue size is 7 inches / 18 cm tall x 3.5 inches / 9 cm.

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Gaia: The Primordial Goddess and Mother Earth

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Astronaut Statue, Astronauts & Planets Statues, Astronaut Fishing on the Moon Statue

Astronaut Statue, Astronauts & Planets Statues, Astronaut Fishing on the Moon Statue

Astronaut Fishing on the Moon Statue

Astronaut Statue, unique design to catch the Moon! This space man ornament exudes novelty and vitality. There are infinite stars in the universe, but I only love one of them… Made from resin material to capture details, the matte surface is as smooth as ceramic. Whimsical design and mysterious space fusion. Perfect for Space lovers, boys or girls. Great Space! The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite. At about one-quarter the diameter of Earth (comparable to the width of Australia), it is the largest natural satellite in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System overall, and is larger than any known dwarf planet. Orbiting Earth at an average distance of 384,400 km (238,900 mi), or about 30 times Earth’s diameter, its gravitational influence slightly lengthens Earth’s day and is the main driver of Earth’s tides.

The Moon is classified as a planetary-mass object and a differentiated rocky body, and lacks any significant atmosphere, hydrosphere, or magnetic field. Its surface gravity is about one-sixth of Earth’s (0.1654 g). The Moon’s orbit around Earth has a sidereal period of 27.3 days. During each synodic period of 29.5 days, the amount of visible surface illuminated by the Sun varies from none up to 100%, resulting in lunar phases that form the basis for the months of a lunar calendar. The Moon is tidally locked to Earth, which means that the length of a full rotation of the Moon on its own axis causes its same side (the near side) to always face Earth, and the somewhat longer Lunar Day is the same as the synodic period. That said, 59% of the total lunar surface can be seen from Earth through shifts in perspective due to libration. The Astronaut Fishing on the Moon Statue measures: 2.7 inches / 7 cm x 2.7 inches / 7 cm x 6 inches / 15.5 cm.

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