Black and Gold Dragonzord Funko POP, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Power Rangers’ Black and Gold Dragonzord

Black and Gold Dragonzord Funko POP, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Power Rangers' Black and Gold Dragonzord

Black and Gold Dragonzord Funko POP

From Power Rangers Mighty Morphin, Black and Gold Dragonzord, as a stylized vinyl from Funko POP. The Dragonzord is the Zord linked to the Green Mighty Morphin Power Coin. Due to its unique construction and controls among the Dinozords, it was controlled at various points by Tommy Oliver the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger, Tommy’s clone Tom Oliver, and several villains. Dragonzord featured a wide array of offensive weaponry. Its tail had a drill on the tip, which could swing around to attack opponents. It was better equipped to battle underwater than the Dino Megazord as it slept under Angel Grove Bay when not in use. Tommy would usually command the Dragonzord remotely from the sidelines with the Dragon Dagger, though on rare occasions he would pilot it directly from its cockpit. While Jason had possession of the Dragon Dagger, he would command it remotely while continuing to pilot Megazord from its own cockpit. Dragonzord was capable of combining with the other Dinozords in various configurations.

When joined with the Mastodon, Triceratops and Saber-Toothed Tiger, it formed Dragonzord Battle Mode (sometimes referred to as Dragonzord Fighting Mode, Mega Dragonzord Battle Mode, Dragon Megazord or, incorrectly, as Mega Dragonzord). Dragonzord could also combine with the Dino Megazord to form Mega Dragonzord. Finally, the Mega Dragonzord could join with Titanus to form Ultrazord, whose barrage of firepower was more than nearly all opponents could withstand. Dragonzord could shoot missiles from its fingertips. The Dragonzord Battle Mode appears to be somewhat more powerful than the Megazord, as it was shown capable of taking out monsters the Megazord could not handle. Despite being comprised of only four total Zords, it was most often piloted by the 5 primary Rangers, with the Green Ranger not joining in the cockpit.

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Lord Zedd Funko POP, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Power Rangers’ Lord Zedd the Archenemy of Zordon

Lord Zedd Funko POP, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Power Rangers' Lord Zedd the Archenemy of Zordon

Power Rangers’ Lord Zedd the Archenemy of Zordon Funko POP

From Power Rangers, Lord Zedd, as a stylized vinyl from Funko POP! Lord Zedd is one of the main antagonists of the Power Rangers franchise. He served as the overarching antagonist of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1, the main antagonist in Season 2, an alternate version of him was the inciting antagonist of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie, one of the 2 main antagonists in Season 3 (alongside Master Vile, his father-in-law), and a major antagonist in Power Rangers Zeo and a minor antagonist in Power Rangers In Space. He was the archenemy of Zordon, the Power Rangers’ first mentor. In his debut appearance and 40 episodes after, Zedd started off as very menacing, sadistic, and megalomaniacal. He coldly abused his lackeys, dangerously silencing Goldar and others frequently and blaming them for most failures rather than taking responsibility for those failures himself. During and after “The Wedding” however, thanks to Rita’s love potion, his personality changed to a mostly-loving and caring person around Rita but he still abused her and others when he didn’t get his way. For example, during their first marital argument, he silenced Rita and demanded her respect from him when she blamed him for their recent failure, then refused to comply to her listening to him from then on.

Zedd harbored a lot of disrespect for Master Vile, especially when he got pushed to the side and also expressed disdain for him having stopped them from destroying Angel Grove. He is shown to hate being called “Ed” as he yells at Rito and Alpha 5 when they call him that. Zedd also showed some sexist traits as seen in the episode “Best Man For The Job” when he called Rita incompetent because of her gender and for no other reason. When he was turned good by Zordon’s Energy Wave, his evil personality traits were mostly purged and his love for Rita was enough for Zordon’s energy to turn him into a human being. Lord Zedd has dangerous dark powers which he channels through his mighty Z-Staff and mainly utilized them to create monsters out of objects. He also possessed grenades called “growth bombs” that he would throw down to his monsters that would allow them to grow. After marrying Rita, she and Zedd would cross their staffs to grow the monsters. He is also a very capable hand to hand fighter, since he easily defeated Tommy in combat. Zedd can also use his powers to see things that are far away. Among other things, he is able to teleport, create illusions, such as his first appearance in the second season in the form of giant projection in space above the Rita’s palace. Also, in some cases, he could create things out of thin air to turn them to any other object, and throw lightning bolts from his hands, which are often frightened his minions.

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Red Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Red Ranger Jason Scott (Power Rangers’ Movie 2017)

Red Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Red Ranger Jason Scott (Power Rangers' Movie 2017)

Red Power Ranger “Jason Scott” Funko POP

From Power Rangers’ Movie (2017), Red Ranger, Jason Scott, as a stylized vinyl from Funko POP! Dacre Montgomery as Jason Scott, the Red Ranger and the leader of the Power Rangers. Jason was the former star quarterback of Angel Grove High School‘s football team before a failed prank led to a run-in with the law. Recruited by Zordon as the Red Ranger of the Power Rangers, he is given a chance to lead a new team made up of an unlikely group of teenage superheroes and must find it in himself to rise up to the challenge. A former high school football star, Jason ruins his potential future career when he pulls a prank by bringing a bull into the school’s changing room, leaving him sentenced to weekend detentions until the end of the year. He also gains a knee injury for his right leg when he flips his truck during an escape attempt on that fateful night.

After he protects Billy Cranston from a bully during the detention, Billy helps Jason shut down his house arrest ankle monitor in return for driving Billy out to the old mines where Billy used to go with his father, resulting in them discovering the Power Coins at the same time as Kimberly, Trini and Zack are in the area. When they experience sudden bursts of strength and speed, (along with having Jason’s knee heal overnight), the 5 return to the place where they found the coins and discover Zordon and Alpha 5 in the spaceship buried underground. Although skeptical at the story presented by Zordon, Jason soon accepts his role as leader and works to rally the team, even daring to confront Rita Repulsa when they have yet to master their powers. This attack on Rita results in Billy’s death, but the sight of the team coming together prompts Zordon to selflessly sacrifice a chance to return to life and instead resurrect Billy, allowing the new Rangers to battle Rita after Zordon’s team failed. He even wields a sword that once belonged to Zordon, and saves his dad’s life without revealing his identity. Jason and Kimberly are hinted to romantically interested in each other in this adaptation with a deleted scene of a kiss between them confirming this.

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Black Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Black Ranger Zack Taylor (Power Rangers’ Movie 2017)

Black Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Black Ranger Zack Taylor (Power Rangers' Movie 2017)

Black Power Ranger “Zack Taylor” Funko POP

From Power Rangers’ Movie (2017), Black Ranger, Zack Taylor, as a stylized vinyl from Funko POP! Ludi Lin as Zack Taylor, the Black Ranger, the second in command of the team. Zack’s mother is sick, and he lives in fear that he will return home one day to find her dead. He is initially introduced as a school truant with an apparent need for adrenaline, willing to attempt the team’s more extreme stunts, such as jumping over a chasm. In the course of the film, it is revealed that he lives in a mobile home park with his ill mother, and Zack is her only carer. Zack is bilingual, speaking English, and using Mandarin Chinese to communicate with his mother. He is the first Ranger to try and pilot his Zord, despite being told that it is only controllable once they have morphed, taking the Mastodon on a run through the hills. He rallies in time to assist the team in facing Rita in the final battle.

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Pink Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart (Power Rangers’ Movie 2017)

Pink Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart (Power Rangers' Movie 2017)

Pink Power Ranger “Kimberly Hart” Funko POP

From Power Rangers’ Movie (2017), Pink Ranger, Kimberly Hart, as a stylized vinyl from Funko POP! Naomi Scott as Kimberly Hart, the Pink Ranger and a disgraced former cheerleader. Kimberly took part in a cyberbullying incident by spreading a private image of her friend around school. A former “mean girl” cheerleader at the school, Kimberly was removed from the cheerleading team and punished with detention for the remainder of the year after leaking a photograph of an ex-teammate, and former friend, in a compromising position. The largely negative reaction to the photograph forces Kimberly to realize how cruel her actions were for the first time. After falling out with her old friends, she cuts her hair short to represent the desire for change and new beginnings. Later that night she hikes up the mountains near the mining quarry and goes swimming to clear her head.

She runs into Jason, who gave Billy a ride up to the quarry earlier that evening, and is subsequently present when Billy blows up the cliffside revealing the Power Coins. When the team is unable to morph, Kimberly confides in Jason that she believes she is the cause, as she cannot bring herself to tell her personal story to the team. He consoles her and tells her to be the person she wants to be and to not let past mistakes define her. Kimberly eventually joins the Rangers in the battle against Goldar and Rita. In the teaser trailer, Kimberly is shown to be romantically involved with Jason when they kiss in his room, though this scene didn’t appear in the film. However, there still does seem to be a romantic interest in him and undertone between the 2 in the released film. In another deleted scene, she is shown to have a white father and an Indian mother (just as Naomi Scott has in real life), who don’t approve of her new haircut.

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Blue Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Blue Ranger Billy Cranston (Power Rangers’ Movie 2017)

Blue Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Blue Ranger Billy Cranston (Power Rangers' Movie 2017)

Blue Power Ranger “Billy Cranston” Funko POP

From Power Rangers’ Movie (2017), Blue Ranger, Billy Cranston, as a stylized vinyl from Funko POP! RJ Cyler as Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger, an autistic and intelligent loner. Billy has become a bully magnet. William “Billy” Cranston is an autistic student at Angel Grove High School, which made him an often target for bullies. His knacks for explosives landed him in detention, where he meets the other Power Rangers, and eventually takes on the role as the Blue Ranger. In this version, he is autistic unlike in the TV series. At the start of the film, he is the archetypal nerd who is targeted by bullies. When Jason defends Billy from a bully during detention, Billy thanks Jason by deactivating his ankle monitor. The two then sneak off to an abandoned mine where Billy used to go with his deceased father. Eventually, along with Kimberly, Trini, and Zack, they come across the Power Coins and discover their destinies as the new Power Rangers. Initially, Billy expresses the most enthusiasm over being a Ranger, being the first to morph when he breaks up a fight between Jason and Zack, albeit accidentally. He is killed by Rita after she forces him to reveal the location of the Zeo Crystal, but Zordon sacrifices a chance to restore his own body to bring Billy back to life. When they morph for the first time and take the Zords into battle, Billy initially accidentally “drives” his zord backwards before turning it around in time for the final confrontation with Goldar.

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Yellow Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan (Power Rangers’ Movie 2017)

Yellow Power Ranger Funko Pop, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan (Power Rangers' Movie 2017)

Yellow Power Ranger “Trini Kwan” Funko POP

From Power Rangers’ Movie (2017), Yellow Ranger, Trini Kwan, as a stylized vinyl from Funko POP! Becky G as Trini Kwan, the Yellow Ranger, a new girl in town who is struggling to make friends and having difficulty relating to her family. She is also questioning her sexual orientation. In the 2017 film, which is a modern-day reboot of the original Power Rangers series, Trini is portrayed by Mexican-American singer Becky G. She is depicted more closely to as originally going for the television series as a teen of Mexican origin. Her portrayal has gained fame for being the first gay superhero in film. Trini reveals that Angel Grove is her third school in three years as her family often moved around, but she tends to avoid interaction with others, to the extent that she has been in Kimberly’s biology class for a year and Kimberly never noticed her. Trini’s issues are made worse by her family’s relative normality, as her parents are essentially incapable of acknowledging or accepting her sexuality. However, as she trains with the team, having met them while practicing martial arts in the mine where Billy found the Power Coins, despite them meeting Zordon and Alpha 5 before Zack even asks for her name, she comes to form a closer bond with the group. When Rita attacks Trini on her own and “offers” to spare her if Trini will tell her the location of the Zeo Crystal, Trini warns the rest of the team. After they manage to morph into their ranger suits, Trini joins the other Rangers in attacking Goldar in their Zords before they form the Megazord for the first time.

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Metallic Megazord Funko POP, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Power Rangers’ Metallic Megazord

Metallic Megazord Funko POP, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, Power Rangers' Metallic Megazord

Power Rangers’ Metallic Megazord Funko POP

From Power Rangers, Metallic Megazord, as a stylized vinyl Funko POP. The Power Rangers are getting ready for the big battle as the Dinozords combine to form the Megazord. Megazord is the main formation of the Zords locked together, typically as a humanoid battle robot. At first Megazords were combination of all main team Rangers personal Zords. After forming, most Megazord can summon a weapon which is not made of parts of component Zords, typically a sword. Many Megazords can combine with other Zords to make even more powerful robots. The first Megazord could combine with Dragonzord, forming Mega Dragonzord. Astro Delta Megazord was the first Megazord made of two Megazords combined. The Megazord (retroactively referred to as the Dino Megazord, Mighty Morphin’ Megazord or the Original Megazord) is the combination of the 5 Dinozords: Tyrannosaurus, Mastodon, Triceratops, Sabertooth Tiger, and Pterodactyl. This is the first Megazord to be featured in Power Rangers, but within the chronology of the series may have been preceded by other Zord combinations in the distant past. The Dinozords are the first Zords of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

2 of them were based off of dinosaurs from the Cretaceous time period, and the other 3 were technically not dinosaurs. Although the first in the series, chronology may put other Zord formations before it. When all five Dinozords were combined, they formed the Megazord, the only such combination not to have a prefix before its name (such as Thunder Megazord or Ninja Megazord). In Megazord, the Tyrannosaurus Zord becomes the central component, with the Triceratops Zord and Saber Tooth Tiger Zord becoming the treads. The Mastodon Zord forms the cannons while the Pterodactyl Zord mounts onto the back. In Battle Mode, the Megazord stands up from its Tank Mode formation, with the treads becoming the legs and the cannons becoming the arms. The Pterodactyl Zord relocates to the chest, while the Tyrannosaurus Zord‘s head lowers to reveal its head. The cannons mounted on the Mastadon Zord relocate to its back, followed the Tyrannosaurus Zord‘s tail folding into place. All the zords have the first letter of either on their sides or a center position. Because of the M present on the Mastodon side, once they become Megazord’s shoulder pads, they fortuitously recall the word “Megazord“.

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White Power Ranger Funko POP, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, White Ranger of the Power Rangers

White Power Ranger Funko POP, Funko POPS & Power Rangers Funko POPS, White Ranger of the Power Rangers

White Power Ranger Funko POP

From Power Rangers, White Ranger, as a stylized POP vinyl from Funko! The White Ranger is a designation given to several Power Rangers. A White Ranger can be either male or female. Before Mystic Force, female White Rangers were always a member of the core five Rangers, while male White Rangers were special Rangers who came into the story later. Male White Rangers usually have a sword as their weapon, whereas the female White Rangers have weapons, not unlike those of Pink Rangers. The first two White Rangers were the leaders of their teams.

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