Roman Legionary Statue, Military & Roman Empire Statues, Roman Legionary with Javelin and Shield Statue

Roman Legionary Statue, Military & Roman Empire Statues, Roman Legionary with Javelin and Shield Statue

Roman Legionary with Javelin and Shield Statue

This gorgeous Roman Legionary Statue with Javelin and Shield has finest details and highest quality, sculpted and handcrafted in cold cast metal (Bronze/Pewter) finish. The Roman Legionary (in Latin Legionarius, plural Legionarii) was a professional heavy infantryman of the Roman army after the Marian reforms. These soldiers would conquer and defend the territories of ancient Rome during the late Republic and Principate eras, alongside auxiliary and cavalry detachments. At its height, Roman legionaries were viewed as the foremost fighting force in the Roman world, with commentators such as Vegetius praising their fighting effectiveness centuries after the classical Roman legionary disappeared. Roman Legionaries were recruited from Roman citizens under age 45. They were first predominantly made up of recruits from Roma – Italy, but more were recruited from the provinces as time went on. As legionaries moved into newly conquered provinces, they “helped” Romanize the native population and “helped” integrate the disparate regions of the Roman Empire into one polity.

They enlisted in a legion for 25 years of service, a change from the early practice of enlisting only for a campaign. Legionaries were expected to fight, but they also built much of the infrastructure of the Roman Empire and served as a policing force in the provinces. They built large public works projects, such as walls, bridges, and roads. The legionary’s last five years of service were on lighter duties. Once retired, a Roman Legionary received a parcel of land or its equivalent in money and often became a prominent member of society. Though the legionary was first and foremost a soldier, he provided a variety of other critical functions. Lacking a professional police force, governors would use legionaries to keep the peace and protect critical facilities. As the Roman Empire lacked a large civil administration, the army would often be given many administrative positions. High ranking soldiers often acted as judges in disputes among local populations and the army was an important component of tax collection.

Legionaries also served to spread Roman culture throughout the provinces where they were stationed. As legionaries settled in the provinces, towns sprang up around them, often becoming large cities. In this way, as legionaries co-mingled and intermarried with the local populace, they helped Romanize the provinces they protect. Roman Legionaries served as a source of labor and expertise as well. As such, much of the infrastructure which connected the empire was built by legionaries. Roads, canals, and bridges were built by legionaries as well as more defensive structures such as fortresses and walls. Hadrian’s wall, a monumental example of Roman engineering, was built by the three legions stationed in the area. Legionaries were not just limited to building large-scale engineering projects. Surveyors, doctors, artisans, and engineers within the army would be used for a variety of different civil services along with their normal military role. When on the march in hostile territory, the legionary would carry or wear full armour, supplies and equipment.

This commonly consisted of lorica hamata, lorica squamata, or 1st-3rd century lorica segmentata, shield (scutum), helmet (galea), two javelins (one heavy pilum and one light verutum), a short sword (gladius), a dagger (pugio), a belt (balteus), a pair of heavy sandals (caligae), a pair of greaves, a pair of manicas, a marching pack (sarcina), about fourteen days’ worth of food, a waterskin (bladder for posca), cooking equipment, two stakes (sudes murale) for the construction of palisades, a shovel, and a wicker basket. After the military reforms of Emperor Claudius (41 AD), each Legion would also be requisitioned a certain number of artillery pieces. Each cohort (roughly 480 men) would receive one Ballista, and each century (roughly 80 men) would receive one Carroballista. In a standard Legionary formation of ten cohorts and sixty centuries, a Legion would be equipped with ten Ballista and sixty Carroballista. Roman Legionary with Javelin and Shield Statue sizes: 9 inches / 23 cm x 6.8 inches / 17 cm x 16.8 inches / 42.5 cm.

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