Saint Seiya Phoenix Ikki Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Phoenix Ikki with Phoenix Cloth

Saint Seiya Phoenix Ikki Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Phoenix Ikki with Phoenix Cloth

Saint Seiya Phoenix Ikki with Phoenix Cloth Funko POP

From Saint Seiya, Phoenix Ikki, as a stylized Funko POP. Phoenix Ikki (Fenikkusu no Ikki, “Gleam“) is the Bronze Saint of Phoenix. Although he was introduced later than the other 4 main Bronze Saints, Ikki’s role in the story is quite significant. He serves as the first antagonist in the series that the other Saints must defeat, as well as a powerful ally later in the series. While Ikki is officially recognized as a Bronze Saint, his base power easily places him well above most Silver Saints, and his reputation as a powerhouse is common knowledge among his peers and fellow Bronze Saints. Even as a child, Ikki was known as the toughest kid of the 100 orphans, and would often defend his then delicate younger brother Shun from the other children. He could easily be recognized as the strongest Bronze Saint when it comes to raw power. Ikki’s personality is drastically different from his fellow Saints. He is almost the opposite of his younger brother, Shun is calm, soft, caring and very emotional, whereas Ikki is harsh, cold, aggressive, and very much of a loner. Fellow Saint Wolf Nachi once pointed out that it was very hard to believe Ikki and Shun were related due to the extreme difference in their personalities.

As noted by Kanon in the Poseidon arc and by Pandora in the Hades chapter, Ikki’s Cosmo is unique to him, it is full of hatred, anger, incredible aggression and power, but it was still guided by his deep love and loyalty for his younger brother, his friends and loyalty to Athena. Although he dislikes teamwork, he comes to battle whenever Athena’s Saints need his help, and is often seen coming in the nick of time to save his younger brother and friends from certain death. This tactic has always been exploited to their advantage, since the enemies are caught by surprise upon meeting/fighting him. He is a noble, complex and mature character, who does not doubt whenever it’s necessary to sacrifice his life for his friends. The Phoenix Cloth is one of the Bronze Cloths. It has evolved 3 times in the manga and the anime. It was originally decided that Shun would go to Death Queen Island to obtain this Cloth, but Ikki went in Shun’s place to protect his brother. Ikki kills his master, the owner of the cloth, and thus gains the Phoenix Cloth.

It has also been mentioned that Ikki is the first Saint since the mythological era who has been able to wear the Cloth. The Phoenix Cloth is based on the constellation of the same name. In Greek and Egyptian mythology, the Phoenix was a legendary bird that was particularly noted for being immortal, when about to die, the creature would immolate itself, and then be reborn as a chick from its own ashes. Accounts vary on the appearance of the phoenix, but it has been stated to be either a fiery red or purple color, the purple hue desginates the phoenix as a symbol of royalty, in addition to being an emblem of resurrection, the Sun and Eternal Life. In Christianity, the phoenix also serves as a symbol of Jesus Christ. In demonology, it is also the name of a demon of Hell, who appears as his namesake with a sweet, seductive voice, and if handled correctly, the demon Phoenix is able to aid his summoner in the fields of poetry and science. This demon is also said to be regretful of his decision to follow Satan, and seeks redemption from God in order to return to Heaven.

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Saint Seiya Andromeda Shun Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Andromeda Shun with Andromeda Cloth

Saint Seiya Andromeda Shun Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Andromeda Shun with Andromeda Cloth

Saint Seiya Andromeda Shun with Andromeda Cloth Funko POP

Andromeda Shun (Andoromeda no Shun, “Twinkle, Instant“), also known as Shun, is one of the Bronze Saints. He is arguably one of the strongest in the series, although his gentle disposition and kind nature tend to prevent him from using his true power, unless he is forced to do so. Shun is also the younger brother of Phoenix Ikki, a fellow Bronze Saint. Shun has the purest soul in his era and is the “Chosen One“. Whether or not he is a reincarnation of a previous vessel of Hades is unknown, but Tenma implied that Shun and Alone are similar in Next Dimension. Shun is considered to be a very handsome young man. During the Galaxian Wars in the coliseum, the female spectators cheered for Shun during his match against Unicorn Jabu, saying that he was beautiful. Various of Shun’s opponents have also made remarks about his appearance: Perseus Algol calling him “handsome little boy” and Pisces Aphrodite later referring to him as a “pretty boy“.

It is evident that his features are inspired by his guardian constellation, Andromeda, who was praised for her beauty in Greek mythology. Shun is a pacifist, and the most reluctant of the Bronze Saints when a situation must be resolved by violence. He is a merciful soul by nature, and a firm believer in solving problems without causing bloodshed. This creates a sharp contrast between himself and the rest of the Saints: Whereas the others will not hesitate to battle when the situation demands it, Shun only allows himself to fight if it’s an absolute necessity, or when his almost endless patience wears out. When this is the case, Shun can become an extremely skilled and deadly fighter. His kindness also lets Charon abandon the attack and his sorrow distracts Lune unintentionally so Kanon can mind control Lune. Shun is shown as a competent and tough, if unwilling, fighter and opponent. In “Sanctuary“, he manages to hold his own against Gemini Saga, and even manages to kill Pisces Aphrodite, both of them Gold Saints.

He is the second of the Bronze Saints to achieve his God Cloth. Though he may be adverse to fighting, he will fight when he is required to, and is just as powerful or skilled as any of the other main Bronze Saints. The Andromeda Cloth is one of the Bronze Cloths, currently in the keeping of the Bronze Saint Shun. The Andromeda Cloth represents the Andromeda Constellation. The constellation is based on the myth of Andromeda, an Ethopian princess. Her mother, Queen Cassiopeia, had boasted of being more beautiful than the 50 Nereids, sea nymphs and the daughters of the god Nereus. When they learned of Cassiopeia’s claim, they complained to Poseidon, whose wife was also a Nereid. In retaliation, Poseidon sent a sea monster, Cetus, to ravage the kingdom. When Cassiopeia’s husband, Cepheus, asked an oracle what could be done to save his people, Poseidon demanded that Andromeda be chained to a rock as a sacrifice to him, to be eaten alive by Cetus. The chains from the Andromeda Cloth are said to be the very same chains used to bind the mythological character in the story.

Luckily, Andromeda was rescued from death by the hero Perseus, who fell in love with her while returning home and offered to free her if her parents would allow him to marry the princess. Having gained the agreement of Andromeda’s family, Perseus turned Cetus to stone with the head of the gorgon Medusa and saved the girl’s life. However, when they returned to Ethiopia, they were met by the angry Phineus, Andromeda’s uncle, who had been engaged to her before she was offered as a sacrifice. Outnumbered by Phineus’s men, Perseus turned all of them to stone and married Andromeda, remaining with her and their son in Ethiopia for a year before going back to his own home, Seriphos. Andromeda accompanies her husband when he goes to save his mother Danae from being married against her will, and becomes Queen of Mycenae when Perseus switches rulership of Argos with the former Mycenae king. After their deaths, the gods placed Perseus and Andromeda in the sky as constellations for their heroism. One of Perseus and Andromeda‘s descendants is said to be the hero Heracles.

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Saint Seiya Cygnus Hyoga Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Cygnus Hyoga with Cygnus Cloth

Saint Seiya Cygnus Hyoga Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Cygnus Hyoga with Cygnus Cloth

Saint Seiya Cygnus Hyoga with Cygnus Cloth Funko POP

From Saint Seiya, Cygnus Hyoga, as a stylized Funko POP. Cygnus Hyoga (Kigunasu no Hyoga, “Glacier“) is one of the protagonists, and the Bronze Saint of Cygnus. He was trained by Aquarius Camus, and with him he learned to manipulate the ice. Following his master’s teachings, he tries to remain rational in the face of everything, but he has an emotional side that he can’t let go of. Hyoga has Russian ancestry alongside his mother, and has took her side in appearance. That’s why he has blue eyes and tanned blond hair, showing his foreign origin among his other brothers who lived in Japan. Hyoga often wears a blue shirt and black pants, also wears orange leg warmers and black shoes. In the manga, his clothes are more varied. In Hades phase, he is shown in a beige coat in the cold. Hyoga appears calm, collected, and unemotional. Beneath the surface, however, he is passionate and devoted to his ideals.

As a Saint born under the Cygnus Constellation, Hyoga is able to control and manipulate ice and snow as he pleases, as he mastered the basis of the technique of the Saints of Ice, stopping the atoms of matter by the power of their Cosmo. The Cygnus Cloth is one of the Bronze Cloths, located in Siberia. The Cygnus Cloth represents the Cygnus Constellation, which is associated to various swans from Greek mythology, and this includes Zeus, disguised as a swan to seduce the Spartan Queen Leda, a beloved son of Ares named Cygnos who was killed in a wrestling match by the hero Heracles, and the musician Orpheus, who in some tellings was transformed into a swan after his murder at the hands of the god Dionysus‘s followers. Swans also served as one of the sacred birds of the goddess Aphrodite. The Cygnus Constellation is also known as the Northern Cross, and it’s the reason why Kurumada made Hyoga always carry a cross and rosary with him.

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Saint Seiya Dragon Shiryu Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Dragon Shiryu with Dragon Cloth

Saint Seiya Dragon Shiryu Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Dragon Shiryu with Dragon Cloth

Saint Seiya Dragon Shiryu with Dragon Cloth Funko POP

From Saint Seiya, Dragon Shiryu, as a stylized Funko POP. Dragon Shiryu (Doragon no Shiryū, “Purple Dragon“), also known as Shiryu is a bronze saint of Dragon. He is considered the most mature of the 5 heroes, and thus the wisest. As the Bronze Saint of the Dragon Constellation, Shiryu dons the emerald Dragon Bronze Cloth, a jewel among the Clothes due to its legendary defense properties. Out of all 5 main characters, Shiryū is known as the calmest and most collected. His sheer physical strength is the greatest of the Bronze Saints, with the possible exception of Phoenix Ikki. This is reflected in his ability to win numerous battles without his Dragon Cloth. Shiryu was trained at the Lushan Five Ancient Peaks in China, where he learned to reverse the waterfall’s flow with his techniques and obtained the Dragon Bronze Cloth. His mentor was the Libra Gold Saint, Libra Doko. Shiryu sports a large tattoo-like image of a green and white dragon on his back. However, it is said in the manga and the anime that it is not a tattoo but is connected to his guardian dragon star and only appears as his Cosmo is rising. Whenever his life is in danger, the tattoo-like image begins to fade away, once it completely vanishes, it is a sign that Shiryu’s Cosmo is nearing zero, and Shiryu himself is nearing death.

The Dragon Cloth is a legendary Bronze Cloth, known for its large shield on its left arm guard. The Dragon Shield is reputed to be the most resistant of all the shields, but in the manga and anime, and especially in movies that reputation is harmed. In Saint Seiya Omega the Dragon Sield is reputed to be the most resistant of the Bronze Cloths. The Dragon Cloth is based on the constellation Draco (Greek for Dragon). There are various world myths behind the constellation, although the most common is the story of the Dragon Ladon, the guardian of the Golden Fleece of King Aeetes. Ladon was stationed at the grove containing the Fleece, but was laid to sleep by the witch Medea, Aeetes‘s daughter. She does so after having fallen in love with the hero Jason, who sought the Fleece to obtain the throne of his kingdom from his wicked uncle, Pelias, and the pair escape with the golden artifact. The Draco Constellation is also associated with the dragon who guarded the golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides (a family of nymphs and the daughters of the Titan Atlas). In Mesopotamian myth, the constellation is associate with the chthonian goddess Tiamat and her mate Apsu, who were depicted as giant serpents or dragons, both were slain by the Mesopotamian Gods after the couple plotted to destroy their offspring for being noisy.

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Saint Seiya Pegasus Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Pegasus Seiya

Saint Seiya Pegasus Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Pegasus Seiya

Saint Seiya Pegasus Funko POP

From Saint Seiya, Pegasus, as a stylized Funko POP. Seiya also known as Pegasus Seiya (Pegasasu no Seiya) is the title and main protagonist of the Saint Seiya manga and anime series written and illustrated by Masami Kurumada. Seiya is one of Athena’s eighty-eight mythical warriors known as the Saints who are serving their goddess throughout the ages, protecting justice and peace on Earth. Seiya is one of the forty-eight Bronze Saints and is protected by the Pegasus Constellation so he wears the Pegasus Cloth. He is also the reincarnation of the Bronze Saint Pegasus Tenma and the First Pegasus Saint, the first man to harm the god Hades in mythological times. Unrecognized son of Japanese billionaire Mitsumasa Kido, Seiya and his sister Seika were both orphans living at an orphanage. Pegasus Seiya never had his father’s love, having his sister Seika as his only known relative, until the old Kido recruited the two children, placing them in the care of the Graad Foundation, along with other orphans who were also his children, with the aim of making them Knights.

Six years before the start of the series, Pegasus was separated from his sister to train in Greece to participate in the Galaxian Wars. But at the time his sister disappeared looking after him, so finding Seika is his main goal that moves him through the entire series. Seiya is a young boy with light skin, brown eyes and hair. In manga, Pegasus Seiya has a redder hair and eyes. When Seiya is not wearing his Pegasus Armor, he is usually seen wearing a red blouse, pale lilac pants, white shoes, armband and a left forearm band. When Seiya wore the armor for the first time, the red band on the left forearm would appear and then change color to yellow and then the band would not appear in the classic anime. In the manga, like most characters, he wears more varied outfits. In the film Legend of the Sanctuary, Seiya has drastically changed his look, instead of wearing a shirt and having bands on his arm and forearm, he appears wearing a sweatshirt, a coat and also carrying a plaque symbolizing his guardian constellation and his armor, just like it used to be in the Omega series.

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Saint Seiya Sagittarius Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Gold Sagittarius

Saint Seiya Sagittarius Funko POP, Funko POPS & Saint Seiya Funko POPS, Saint Seiya Gold Sagittarius

Saint Seiya Gold Sagittarius Funko POP

Saint Seiya Sagittarius Funko POP, a legendary gold saint, protector of the sanctuary of the Zodiac, Sagittarius Seiya harnesses the cosmic element of light in defending Athena and the Earth from the gods of darkness that would seek their destruction. Sagittarius Aiolos is one of the Gold Saints. He is one of the 12 Guardians of Sanctuary, with the Sagittarius as his destined constellation. Aiolos is the famous Gold Saint who died protecting Athena when she was an infant. Aiolos always was a paradigm of righteousness, seen as the Perfect Saint and one of the 2 Gold Saints who could succeed Aries Shion as the next Pope of Sanctuary and the chosen one. Not much is known about Aiolos, since he died before the main story began.

More of him is seen in Saint Seiya Episode G, like his relationship with Garan, a servant of his young brother, Leo Aiolia, who once trained with Aiolos for the Sagittarius Cloth. Despite his condition, Aiolos managed to help the main characters many times sending his cloth to aid them. Aiolos is probably named after the Greek god of Wind, Aeolus. The Sagittarius Cloth is the cloth of the Saint Aiolos in Saint Seiya and Saint Seiya: Episode G (and briefly worn by Seiya in the Original Series), Sisyphus in Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas and Gestalt in Saint Seiya: Next Dimension. It is of the highest class of the cloths that Athena’s Saints wield, the Gold Cloths. The Sagittarius Gold Cloth has a ranged weapon in the form of a Golden Bow and Arrow, made of the same material as the rest of the cloth.

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