Still Life: The instant Sunday Times. Art Kindle eBook

Still Life: The instant Sunday Times. Art Kindle eBook

Still Life: The instant Sunday Times

Still Life: The instant Sunday Times, written by Sarah Winman. 449 pages.

1944, Italy. As bombs fall around them, 2 strangers meet in the ruined wine cellar of a Tuscan villa and share an extraordinary evening. Ulysses Temper is a young British soldier, Evelyn Skinner a 64-year-old art historian living life on her own terms. She has come to salvage paintings from the wreckage of war and relive memories of her youth when her heart was stolen by an Italian maid in a particular room with a view. Ulysses’ chance encounter with Evelyn will transform his life, and all those who love him back home in London, forever. Uplifting, sweeping and full of unforgettable characters, Still Life is a novel about beauty, love, family and friendship.

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