Bull Art Statue, Animals, Cows & Symbolic Statues, Elegant Ceramic Bull (Unstoppable Red) Statue

Bull Art Statue, Animals, Cows & Symbolic Statues, Elegant Ceramic Bull (Unstoppable Red) Statue

Elegant Ceramic Bull Art (Unstoppable Red) Statue

This Bull Art Statue is a fine workmanship handicrafts made in ceramic and porcelain high temperature heated, hand finished and with color drawings on shiny surface. Due to its impressive presence and masculinity, the Bull has been an essential idol for many ancient cultures. The Bull symbolism is linked to fighting ability and male fertility ever since prehistoric times. It is also a necessary sign of abundance. The Bull meaning is deeply related to solar energies, determination, strength, and, of course, virility. Bull symbols have been depicted since prehistoric times and can be found in ancient art, literature, astronomy, and astrology. As an animal symbolizing strength, the Bull became the subject of many ancient religions being worshipped throughout the world. Both Solar and Lunar sign, the bull has given its name to one of the oldest constellations, the Taurus.

Bull astrology is linked to the agriculture calendar, signifying spring, a season of rebirth. Seen as a symbol of wealth and abundance, the bull was often sacrificed during ancient rituals by people hoping to secure the gods’ goodwill. The bull also stands as a symbol of stubbornness, ferocity, tyranny and brutality. When it comes to bull-taming, the meaning is that, with determination, one can overpower the primordial forces. Also significant is the bullhead symbol. Associated with the sun and gods’ power, the bull horn symbolism speaks of solar energies and life. The bull horn’s meaning is correlated to the sunbow. Whether we speak about what does Bull means in literature or its symbolism in art, this impressive creature inspired artists for centuries. In paintings or sculptures, the bull is always depicted as a sign of pure strength and masculinity. Elegant Ceramic Bull (Unstoppable Red) Statue measures: 5.3 inches / 13.5 cm x 2 inches / 5 cm x 2.6 inches / 6.5 cm.

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The Blind Lady of Justice Statue, Greeks, Symbolic & Mythological Statues, White and Gold Blind Lady of Justice Statue

The Blind Lady of Justice Statue, Greeks, Symbolic & Mythological Statues, White and Gold Blind Lady of Justice Statue

White and Gold Blind Lady of Justice Statue

This Blind Lady of Justice Statue is made of high quality bonded marble, hand-cast using real crushed white marble bonded with durable resin and painted with gold accents. Add a classical touch to your home with the Greek Goddess of Justice, blindfolded for impartiality in this sculptural masterpiece. Holding the balanced scales of justice and a sword of intricately hand-painted metalwork. The sword represented authority in ancient times, and conveys the idea that justice can be swift and final. Lady Justice (Latin: Iustitia) is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems. Her attributes are a blindfold, scales, and a sword. Lady Justice originates from the personification of Justice in Ancient Roman art known as Iustitia or Justitia, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Dike. The origin of Lady Justice was Justitia, the goddess of Justice within Roman mythology. Justitia was introduced by emperor Augustus, and was thus not a very old deity in the Roman pantheon. Justice was one of the virtues celebrated by emperor Augustus in his clipeus virtutis, and a temple of Iustitia was established in Rome by emperor Tiberius.

Iustitia became a symbol for the virtue of justice with which every emperor wished to associate his regime. Emperor Vespasian minted coins with the image of the goddess seated on a throne called Iustitia Augusta, and many emperors after him used the image of the goddess to proclaim themselves protectors of justice. Though formally called a goddess with her own temple and cult shrine in Rome, it appears that she was from the onset viewed more as an artistic symbolic personification rather than as an actual deity with religious significance. Since the 16th century, Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represents impartiality, the ideal that justice should be applied without regard to wealth, power, or other status. The earliest Roman coins depicted Justitia with the sword in one hand and the scale in the other, but with her eyes uncovered. Justitia was only commonly represented as “blind” since the middle of the 16th century. The first known representation of Blind Justice is Hans Gieng‘s 1543 statue on the Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen (Fountain of Justice) in Berne. White and Gold Blind Lady of Justice Statue sizes: 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 5.5 inches / 14 cm x 13 inches / 33 cm.

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Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue, Animals, Scarabs, Egyptian & Symbolic Statues, Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue

Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue, Animals, Scarabs, Egyptian & Symbolic Statues, Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue

Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue

Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue, finished in faux lapis lazuli blue, creates the liftable lid of this sculptural jewelry box, complete with ancient hieroglyphs written in gold along the edge, to store all your Egyptian jewelry as how it was done for the Gods and Egyptian Queen. Hand-cast using real crushed stone bonded with durable designer resin, this Egyptian Royal Scarab include fine details such as Egyptian hieroglyphs which are painted by hand. Amenhotep III commissioned many commemorative scarabs to be sent as royal gifts that marked the accomplishments of his Egyptian dynasty. Scarab Beetles were prized because they mirrored the way the Egyptian Sun God Khepri was said to roll the sun across the horizon each day. This Amenhotep III Royal Scarab replica artifact is sculpted with a beetle’s head, wing case and legs, all in a beautifully compact form. The entire Egyptian sculptural box, including the liftable lid, is cast in quality designer resin and hand painted to replicate the faience earthenware and glazed blue lapis once highly prized by Egyptian royalty.

The Scarab Beetle, representing rebirth, was a popular image used in ancient Egypt as an amulet or seal to be worn as Egyptian jewelry or to commemorate an event such as those made by Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Amenhotep III, “Amun is Satisfied“, hellenized as Amenophis III, also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent or Amenhotep the Great, was the 9th pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. According to different authors, he ruled Egypt from June 1386 to 1349 BC, or from June 1388 BC to December 1351/1350 BC, after his father Thutmose IV died. Amenhotep III was Thutmose’s son by a minor wife, Mutemwiya. His reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of its artistic and international power. When he died in the 38th or 39th year of his reign, his son initially ruled as Amenhotep IV, but then changed his own royal name to Akhenaten.

Scarabs instead were popular amulets and impression seals in Ancient Egypt. They survive in large numbers and, through their inscriptions and typology, they are an important source of information for archaeologists and historians of the ancient world. They also represent a significant body of ancient art. For reasons that are not clear (although likely connected to the religious significance of the Egyptian God Khepri), amulets in the form of Scarab Beetles had become enormously popular in Ancient Egypt by the early Middle Kingdom (2000 BCE) and remained popular for the rest of the pharaonic period and beyond. During that long period the function of scarabs repeatedly changed. Primarily amulets, they were also inscribed for use as personal or administrative seals or were incorporated into jewelry. Some scarabs were created for political or diplomatic purposes to commemorate or advertise royal achievements.

By the early New Kingdom, Heart Scarabs had become part of the battery of amulets protecting mummies. From the Middle Bronze Age, other ancient peoples of the Mediterranean and the Middle East imported scarabs from Egypt and also produced scarabs in Egyptian or local styles, especially in the Levant. In ancient Egyptian religion, the God Ra is seen as the star Sirius, when the star came to the horizon in the south 15 thousand years ago. Beetles of the family Scarabaeidae (dung beetle) roll dung into a ball. Because of its symbolically similar action, the scarab was seen as a reflection of the precession cycle of the star Sirius and as representing the idea of rebirth or regeneration on its swing in the south as it was viewed. Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III Royal Scarab Statue sizes: 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 5.5 inches / 14 cm x 3 inches / 7.5 cm.

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Werewolf Palmistry Hand Palm Statue, Werewolves, Witches & Symbolic Statues, Werewolf’s Astrology and Numerology Symbols Statue

Werewolf Palmistry Hand Palm Statue, Werewolves, Witches & Symbolic Statues, Werewolf's Astrology and Numerology Symbols Statue

Werewolf Palmistry Hand Palm “Astrology and Numerology Symbols” Statue

Werewolf Palmistry Hand Palm Statue with Astrology and Numerology Symbols, a great tool for astrological and numerological research. Palmistry is the characterization and foretelling by reading the lines on a persons palm. When you read the head line, heart line, life line, and more that foretell their love lives, overall health and reveal their personalities all based on the lines on their hands. The practice of Palmistry predates back to ancient times, predominantly in the Eurasian region of the world, namely the cultures of India, Nepal, Tibet, China, Persia, Sumeria, Palestine and Babylonia. Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects. Astrology has been dated to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, and has its roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications.

Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and some, such as the Hindus, Chinese, and the Maya, developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. Western Astrology, one of the oldest astrological systems still in use, can trace its roots to 19th/17th century BCE Mesopotamia, from where it spread to Ancient Greece, Rome, the Arab world and eventually Central and Western Europe. Contemporary Western Astrology is often associated with systems of horoscopes that purport to explain aspects of a person’s personality and predict significant events in their lives based on the positions of celestial objects, the majority of professional astrologers rely on such systems. Throughout most of its history, Astrology was considered a scholarly tradition and was common in academic circles, often in close relation with astronomy, alchemy, meteorology, and medicine.

It was present in political circles and is mentioned in various works of literature, from Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer to William Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, and Calderón de la Barca. Following the end of the 19th century and the wide-scale adoption of the scientific method, researchers have successfully challenged astrology on both theoretical and experimental grounds, and have shown it to have no scientific validity or explanatory power. Astrology thus lost its academic and theoretical standing, and common belief in it has largely declined, until a resurgence starting in the 1960s. The word astrology comes from the early Latin word astrologia, which derives from the Greek from astronstar” and logia, “study of“-“account of the stars“. Astrologia later passed into meaning “star-divination” with Astronomia used for the scientific term.

Numerology instead is the pseudoscientific and pseudomathematical belief in a divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names, and ideas. It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar to divinatory arts. Despite the long history of numerological ideas, the word “numerology” is not recorded in English before 1907. The term numerologist can be used for those who place faith in numerical patterns and draw pseudoscientific inferences from them, even if those people do not practice traditional numerology. For example, in his 1997 book Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought, mathematician Underwood Dudley uses the term to discuss practitioners of the Elliott wave principle of stock market analysis. Werewolf’s Astrology and Numerology Symbols Statue sizes: 6.3 inches / 16 cm x 2.4 inches / 6 cm x 10.25 inches / 26 cm.

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Bigfoot Thinker Statue, Bigfoot & Symbolic Statues, Bigfoot the Thinker Statue

Bigfoot Thinker Statue, Bigfoot & Symbolic Statues, Bigfoot the Thinker Statue

Bigfoot the Thinker Statue

Evading detection to become a mythical legend, Bigfoot the Thinker has paused here to plan his next move. Known throughout the world as Bigfoot, Yeti or Sasquatch, this unique Bigfoot Thinker Statue allows you to host your own bigfoot sighting right in your own garden. Sculpted by hand by Bella Haus Design, this Bigfoot statue is made with a durable resin that is weather-resistant for safe use indoors and out, and features life-like details in various shades of brown for a realistic appearance that is sure to delight bigfoot believers and seekers. The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin, usually placed on a stone pedestal. The work depicts a nude male figure of heroic size sitting on a rock. He is seen leaning over, his right elbow placed on his left thigh, holding the weight of his chin on the back of his right hand. The pose is one of deep thought and contemplation, and the statue is often used as an image to represent philosophy. Rodin first conceived the figure as part of his work The Gates of Hell commissioned in 1880, but the first of the familiar monumental bronze castings was made in 1904, and is now exhibited at the Musée Rodin, in Paris.

There are also 27 other known full-sized castings, in which the figure is approximately 185 cm (73 inches) high, although not all were made during Rodin’s lifetime and under his supervision. There are various other versions, several in plaster, and studies and posthumous castings exist in a range of sizes. The Thinker was initially named The Poet (French: Le Poète), and was part of a large commission begun in 1880 for a doorway surround called The Gates of Hell. Rodin based this on The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, and most of the figures in the work represented the main characters in the poem with The Thinker at the center of the composition over the doorway and somewhat larger than most of the other figures. Some critics believe that it was originally intended to depict Dante at the Gates of Hell, pondering his great poem. Other critics reject that theory, pointing out that the figure is naked while Dante is fully clothed throughout his poem, and that the sculpture’s physique does not correspond to Dante’s effete figure. The sculpture is nude, as Rodin wanted a heroic figure in the tradition of Michelangelo, to represent intellect as well as poetry.

This detail from the Gates of Hell was first named The Thinker by foundry workers, who noted its similarity to Michelangelo’s statue of Lorenzo de Medici called Il Pensieroso (The Thinker), and Rodin decided to treat the figure as an independent work at a larger size. The figure was designed to be seen from below and is normally displayed on a fairly high plinth, although the heights vary considerably chosen by the various owners. The Thinker has been cast in multiple versions and is found around the world, but the history of the progression from models to castings is still not entirely clear. About 28 monumental-sized bronze casts are in museums and public places. In addition, there are sculptures of different study-sized scales and plaster versions (often painted bronze) in both monumental and study sizes. Some newer castings have been produced posthumously and are not considered part of the original production. Rodin made the first small plaster version around 1881. The first full-scale model was presented at the Salon des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1904. A public subscription financed a bronze casting, which became the property of the City of Paris, and was put in front of the Panthéon. In 1922, the original bronze was moved to the Rodin Museum. Bigfoot the Thinker Statue sizes: 14.1 inches / 36 cm x 9.2 inches / 23.5 cm x 7.4 inches / 19 cm.

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Eve in The Garden of Eden Statue, Symbolic, Religious & Christianity Statues, Eva the Apple and the Snake Statue

Eve in The Garden of Eden Statue, Symbolic, Religious & Christianity Statues, Eva the Apple and the Snake Statue

Eve “the Apple and the Snake” in The Garden of Eden Statue

Eve in The Garden of Eden Statue, crafted by Master Artisan, made of high quality cold cast resin with a unique bronze powder finish. Intricately sculpted antique bronze and lightly colored finish makes this Eve’s statue a stand out piece. In Abrahamic religion, Adam and Eve are the first humans. In Islam, Adam is considered to be a prophet. In the Bible, Eve was the first woman, created from one of Adam’s ribs. God told Adam and Eve that they could eat the fruit from any tree except one. Tempted by a Serpent, Eve eats the forbidden fruit, and then convinces Adam to do the same. This angered God, who cast them from the Garden of Eden, condemning Adam to a life of hard labor and Eve to create new life through painful childbirth. This statue of Eve with the Serpent is made of cold cast resin, it has a bronzed finish to give it the look of metal, and has hand-painted accents to show incredible detail.

Eve was the first woman and second human, created by God from the rib of Adam, specifically to be his wife. Originally known as “Ishsha” (Heb.: woman, wife), for Adam perceived that she had been taken from the man (Ish: man, husband), he would later name her “Chawah” (“hard” aitch), as the “mother of all living” from the verb “chaya” (to be). Created on the sixth day with her husband, she completed the creative work of God. He had created the two of them as “man“, that is, “mankind“. Equal in being with the man, she had every bit of the “image and likeness” of God. However, she had been created to be a “helper fit for” her husband. She could provide the companionship that no other creature could offer and the ability to help Adam fulfill the command to “be fruitful and multiply“. At the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil she found a serpent who talked to her.

The serpent deceived her and made her doubt God, and tempted her to eat the forbidden fruit. She did so, and having done so, she gave some to Adam which triggered the Fall of the human race into sin. A consequence of this rebellion was her being cursed to have pain in childbirth, and desire to be in control of her husband who would rule over her. She would have 2 sons soon after the expulsion from the garden, Cain and Abel, only to lose Abel some time later to her firstborn’s murderous hand. At the age of 130 years old, she would set the record for birthing a child, never to be excelled in recorded history. Nothing else is known from the Bible about her subsequent life. The story of the creation of Eve from Adam is an explanation for love and marriage. The idea is that, as Adam was split apart into Adam and Eve, the two parts of an original whole long to be reunited.

According to almost all the confessions of Christianity, original sin is the sin that Adam and Eve, the progenitors of humanity according to the biblical tradition, would have committed against God, as described in the book of Genesis. The consequence of this sin would have been the fall of man, original sin is therefore described as what separated man from God and which, according to some interpretations, would have made man mortal. The nature of original sin has been explained in various ways according to the interpretations that have been given to the biblical passage and in general, however, it seems to represent the disobedience towards God on the part of man, who would like to decide for himself what is good and what is bad. Eva the Apple and the Snake Statue sizes: 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 9.5 inches / 24 cm.

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Orange Floral Skull Statue, Nature, Flowers, Skulls & Symbolic Statues, Life Size Orange Floral Human Skull Head Statue

Orange Floral Skull Statue, Nature, Flowers, Skulls & Symbolic Statues, Life Size Orange Floral Human Skull Head Statue

Life Size Orange Floral Human Skull Head Statue

This Colorful Orange Floral Skull Statue in floral tattoo design is made of designer composite resin, hand painted and polished individually. It is a larger sized skull in cream/bone color base, decorated in filigree style with colorful floral design texture. It is a wonderful skull for the Day Of The Dead! This skull is a multi-talented ghostly creation that is sure to be the star of the show. Skull Symbolism is the attachment of symbolic meaning to the human skull. The most common symbolic use of the skull is as a representation of death, mortality and the unachievable nature of immortality. Humans can often recognize the buried fragments of an only partially revealed cranium even when other bones may look like shards of stone. The human brain has a specific region for recognizing faces, and is so attuned to finding them that it can see faces in a few dots and lines or punctuation marks. The human brain cannot separate the image of the human skull from the familiar human face.

Because of this, both the death and the now-past life of the Skull are symbolized. Hindu temples and depiction of some Hindu deities have displayed association with skulls. Moreover, a human skull with its large eye sockets displays a degree of neoteny, which humans often find visually appealing, yet a skull is also obviously dead, and to some can even seem to look sad due to the downward facing slope on the ends of the eye sockets. A skull with the lower jaw intact may also appear to be grinning or laughing due to the exposed teeth. As such, Human Skulls often have a greater visual appeal than the other bones of the human skeleton, and can fascinate even as they repel. Our present society predominantly associates skulls with death and evil. The Skull Art instead is found in various cultures of the world. Indigenous Mexican art celebrates the skeleton and uses it as a regular motif.

The use of skulls and skeletons in art originated before the Conquest, The Aztecs excelled in stone sculptures and created striking carvings of their Gods. Coatlicue, the Goddess of earth and death, was portrayed with a necklace of human hearts, hands and a skull pendant. She was imbued with the drama and grandeur necessary to dazzle the subject people and to convey the image of an implacable state. The worship of death involved worship of life, while the skull, symbol of death, was a promise to resurrection. The Aztecs carved Skulls in monoliths of lava, and made masks of obsidian and jade. Furthermore, the skull motif was used in decoration. They were molded on pots, traced on scrolls, woven into garments, and formalized into hieroglyphs. Life Size Orange Floral Human Skull Head Statue measures: 8.1 inches / 20.5 cm x 6.1 inches / 15.5 cm x 6.1 inches / 15.5 cm.

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Rainbow Pyramid of 7 Chakra Statue, Symbolic Statues, Orgone Meditation Pyramid Statue

Rainbow Pyramid of 7 Chakra Statue, Symbolic Statues, Orgone Meditation Pyramid Statue

Rainbow Pyramid of 7 Chakra Statue

This Rainbow Pyramid of 7 Chakra Statue is a combination of crystals and copper in clear cast resin, and it is based on Wilhelm Reich’s scientific research, culminating in the existence of what he termed Orgone Energy. Orgonite pyramids have the powerful ability to bring us into healing, harmony and balance. The sacred geometry can help you to connect deeply into the Universe. These beautiful geometric patterns have powerful energy, which can keep you positive, and balance your body and mind. Sacred Geometric Patterns exist all around us, they are the perfect shapes and patterns that form the fundamental templates for life in the Universe. In this pyramid statue 3 symbols are presented. Flower of life: The symbol of the Beginning, of what is life and what is everything. It is a physical representation of the connection with all living things in the Universe. Metatron Cube: represents the Will, the manifestation of the Divinity or its will within the issues that belong to our world, also represents the balance of energy with the Universe. Sri Yantra: represents the creation and equilibrium of the Universe. The symbol of the great divine mother principle, the source of all energy, power and creativity. Orgone is a term coined by the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) to define an hypothetical form of energy that he described in some experiments published in the late 1930s.

He stated that orgone energy permeated all space (like “the Force” in Star Wars), was blue in color and that certain forms of disease were the result of depletion or blockage of energy within the body. The Orgone theory is considered unreliable by the whole scientific community as it is incompatible with current scientific knowledge and without experimental confirmations and is also considered an example of pseudoscience. The alleged discovery of Reich came after his studies in the psychiatric and sexual fields, trying to find an explanation for the origin of mental illness, he initially believed that they were due to physical factors, later he became convinced that there was a duality of matter/energy, of an unknown nature up to that moment, which he believed to be the basis of life, and that mental illnesses were an “energetictype of pathology. He baptized this form of energy orgone, as he later hypothesized a functional correlation between the flow of energy in the human body and orgasm (hence the term “orgone“). Concepts similar (but not identical) to the energy of the orgone are the Aura, the vital momentum, the Kundalini, the Prana, the Ki energy, the meaning of the subtle body, the etheric body, the odic force, radionics and animal magnetism. Numerous adherents of the New Age movement argue that such energies can be harnessed and used for healing and other beneficial effects. Orgone Meditation Pyramid Statue sizes: 4.3 inches / 11 cm x 4.3 inches / 11 cm x 4.3 inches / 11 cm.

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Fairy Aneira Statue, Animals, Wolves, Fairies & Symbolic Statues, Fairy Aneira with White Wolf Statue

Fairy Aneira Statue, Animals, Wolves, Fairies & Symbolic Statues, Fairy Aneira with White Wolf Statue

Fairy Aneira with White Wolf Statue

This Fairy Aneira Statue rappresent a beautiful fairy riding her loyal companion white wolf. Sculpted in high quality resin and hand painted with attention to detail. This gorgeous Fairy Aneira with White Wolf is depicted as one of the fairy tale movie scenes. The fairy riding on her guardian (wolf) through the white snow in a quite enchanted forest. It would be a perfect present for someone who love animal and fantasy art. The statue features a matching outfit and ornaments of the fairy and her guardian to boost their companionship. Wolf symbolism, thanks to pop culture, conjures up images of Lycans, shape-shifters, and feral dogs howling at the moon. In reality, a wolf represents many different and interesting things that range from good to evil to even romantic and sacred. Wolf symbolism is ambiguous, ranging from negative associations with darkness, aggression, and chthonic powers to positive wolf characteristics like curiosity, intelligence, playfulness, fierce protectiveness of their young, pack allegiance, formidable hunting skills, and clearly defined social structure.

Wolves have also fascinated men since the early days because they look so similar to dogs, man’s best friend. They are closely linked to light, sun, moon, and spirit. Wolves also guide the dead and are closely linked to Hades, the God of the Underworld. The Wolf spirit animal teaches you many things. Wolf medicine brings with it a capacity for making quick and firm emotional attachments. Learning to trust your instincts and secure your emotional attachments are lessons that the wolf spirit animal is trying to teach you. The wolf has turned up to help you listen to your Inner Guidance. It will guard you as it teaches you, so trust it. A wolf is very strong and has a great deal of stamina. It can travel great distances. Their senses of smell and hearing, as well as vision, are highly developed.

A Wolf can gorge down everything that it hunts and that is an indication that you need to utilize all that is available at your disposal, trying not to waste anything. It is also a reminder for you that the cold winter will pass and to keep your spirit up. Wolves use their senses of smell and hearing to hunt. This is a reminder for all to listen to their inner thoughts and words. Wolf’s message for you: “One Look in My Eyes“, and you can see the truth of who I am. You are intelligent, full of stamina, and trust your instincts, as a result, it is rare that you can be fooled or taken for granted by anyone. You are an expressive person, verbally and non-verbally. You feel energized during the full moon and must use its power. Meditate on the traits of a wolf on full moon night. Ask the wolf spirit to guide you and teach you. Wolf has magical energy. If you truly believe in the Spirit of the Wolf, he will come to you. Fairy Aneira with White Wolf Statue measures: 4 inches / 10 cm x 8 inches / 20 cm x 8 inches / 30 cm.

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Glass Heart shaped Pink Flower Statue, Nature, Flowers, Love & Symbolic Statues, Glass Paperweight Heart with Pink Flower Statue

Glass Heart shaped Pink Flower Statue, Nature, Flowers, Love & Symbolic Statues, Glass Paperweight Heart with Pink Flower Statue

Glass Paperweight Heart with Pink Flower Statue

This Glass Heart shaped Pink Flower Statue is unique, with a slightly different shape, with a bubble embellishment effect, and a round base, which is stable and not easy to fall. The overall heart design of the gift crafts, which is simple and has a dreamy atmosphere, incorporates glass material, which is translucent and elegants.The glass Heart statue has a realistic shape and vivid image, like a wave rolling in, a favorite favorite of Lover. The colour, Pink has always been associated with women as well as grace, elegance, and strength that come along with them. Pink flowers also embody the characteristics of women. Besides being the symbol of love, it has also become the symbol of awareness for breast cancer. The pink flowers are used for awareness and to convey thankfulness. Pink blooms are also used for ornamental purposes. Pink flowers signify passion, sentiment, and love. The colour is contemporary and hence, the flowers are very versatile.

Pink flowers can help you to express your emotions, especially when you struggle to convey your feelings. Pink flowers are also the perfect way to show your love with flower bouquet at Valentine’s Day to your loved ones and mentors. Depending on the recipients and perceived feelings, the spectrum of pink flowers varies from person to person. Pink roses were found in fossils and age back to over 40 years ago. Reports establish that pink roses were seen at China’s Imperial Garden dated 5,000 years ago. Greeting cards from Victorian era also had pink roses crafted on them. The meaning of the flowers varies as for the shades of rose. Dark pink rose signify gratitude. Medium pink roses and light pink roses represent first love, congratulations, and admiration respectively. Glass Paperweight Heart with Pink Flower Statue sizes: 4 inches / 10 cm x 3.5 inches / 9 cm x 1.6 inches / 4 cm.

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Ancient God Anubis Statue, Gods, Symbolic & Egyptian Statues, Ancient Egyptian God Anubis with Balance of Souls Statue

Ancient God Anubis Statue, Gods, Symbolic & Egyptian Statues, Ancient Egyptian God Anubis with Balance of Souls Statue

Ancient Egyptian God Anubis with Balance of Souls Statue

Ancient Anubis God Statue, black gold finish, crafted in high quality composite resin and hand painted. This statue depicts anubis in the afterlife, kneeling with scales in his hands, in the altar of Ankh which symbolizes the key to the afterlife. Being the God of the dead, you can see skulls all around him. Souls heavier than a feather would be devoured by Ammit, and souls lighter than a feather would ascend to a heavenly existence. Anubis is the Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife as well as the patron god of lost souls and the helpless. He is one of the oldest gods of Egypt, who most likely developed from the earlier (and much older) jackal god Wepwawet with whom he is often confused. Anubis’ image is seen on royal tombs from the First Dynasty of Egypt (3150-2890 BCE) but it is certain he had already developed a cult following prior to this period in order to be invoked on the tomb’s walls for protection.

He is thought to have developed in response to wild dogs and jackals digging up newly buried corpses at some point in the Predynastic Period in Egypt (6000-3150 BCE) as the Egyptians believed a powerful canine god was the best protection against wild canines. The weighing of souls is a religious motif in which a person’s life is assessed by weighing their soul (or some other part of them) immediately before or after death in order to judge their fate. This motif is most commonly seen in Medieval Christianity. This concept of weighing something in order to judge the fate of the deceased is first seen in ancient Egypt around 2.400 B.C., where people’s hearts are weighed on a scale against a feather. The Weighing of the Heart would take place in Duat (the Underworld) which the dead were judged by Anubis, using a feather, representing Ma’at, the goddess of truth and justice responsible for maintaining order in the universe. The heart was the seat of the life-spirit (ka). Hearts heavier than the feather of Ma’at were rejected and eaten by Ammit, the Devourer of Souls. Ancient Egyptian God Anubis with Balance of Souls Statue measures: 9 inches / 23 cm x 7 inches / 18 cm x 12 inches / 30.5 cm.

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Horse Head Wine Bottle Holder Statue, Symbolic, Animals, Horses & Bottles Statues, Wine Bottle Holder Tabletop Horse Head Statue

Horse Head Wine Bottle Holder Statue, Symbolic, Animals, Horses & Bottles Statues, Wine Bottle Holder Tabletop Horse Head Statue

Horse Head Wine Bottle Holder Statue

This Horse Head Wine Bottle Holder Statue is an interesting and aristocratic artwork, stands out in the unique way. This wine holder fits perfectly on a home or bar countertop, showcasing your favorite bottle of wine. The Wine Bottle Holder Tabletop Horse Head Statue in question presents high-end color matching, made of cold cast resin, polished by hand. The unique and innovative wine rack design is suitable for various home decoration styles. Whether you need a wine rack or just admire tabletop sculptures, this statue rack is ready to become your favorite wine accessory.

You don’t need to worry about any wear or sliding. The bottom of the wine rack is equipped with 4 protective foot pads to ensure that the table top will not be scratched, and it can also effectively prevent the wine rack from sliding. Horses are one of the animals that many people like very much. It symbolizes outstanding and extraordinary talents, symbolizes power and majesty, and is also a spirit of striving for progress. It inspires people to continue to struggle for their own progress and ideals. This is not only a work of art, but also an inspiration. Wine Bottle Holder Tabletop Horse Head Statue sizes: 7.5 inches / 19 cm x 6.2 inches / 16 cm x 10.25 inches / 26 cm.

Horse Head Wine Bottle Holder Statue on Amazon.

Horse Head Wine Bottle Holder Statue on eBay.

Symbolic Statues, Animals Statues, Horses Statues and Bottles Statues.

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