Tiki Guard Totem Statue, Tiki & Totem Statues, Tiki Guard Totem Solar Powered Statue

Tiki Guard Totem Statue, Tiki & Totem Statues, Tiki Guard Totem Solar Powered Statue

Tiki Guard Totem Solar Powered Statue

Tiki Guard Totem Statue automatically illuminates by LED. There is a solar panel on Tiki’s head that can absorb solar energy to reserve electricity. During the day, the solar panel collects the sun’s energy and converts it into electrical power that is stored in the rechargeable battery. At night, the light-sensing technology automatically illuminates the solar fixture. Light will flicker like flames. Tiki will protect your courtyard like a guard! Hand-cast using real crushed stone bonded with durable designer resin, this Tiki Statue is topped with sun-resistant, full-color paint. The Tiki is part of a belief that is based on a typically Polynesian Spiritual Concept. Originating from the Marquesas Islands, this spirituality is spread throughout Oceania through the personification in the forms of statues in lava rock, wood and even human bones. These representations are present in different forms, considered heritage of oceanic art, such as jewels and tattoos with still mystical meanings. Some of these representations are faces with large round eyes engraved and painted on stones, some even representative of the Maori Gods. The term Tiki can be translated simply as “effigy” and refers precisely to the “image of something“, often the embodiment of large carvings and stone artifacts of volcanic origin, which portray typical humanoid forms. According to Polynesian legends, there is a spirit in every Tiki. The carvings often serve to mark the boundaries of sacred or significant places.

Tikis were also phallus figurines that women hung around their necks as a ward against infertility. Over the centuries this ancient culture has been dispersed and influenced by the colonization of the first explorers and the attempt to convert the native inhabitants by missionaries from the new world, enveloping ancient traditions and spiritual representations in mysticism. We owe much of the knowledge of these cultures to the interest of the first great explorers who, driven by their vocation for exploration and knowledge, meticulously described these primitive cultures, but also to the inspiration of numerous artists and writers of the old world, who, one above all Gauguin, fascinated by the heavenly and oceanic environments, by human life in symbiosis with the naturalness of the oceanic islands, they reproduced and described the “Tiki Culture” in their works. But the spirituality of the Tiki re-emerges after about 2500 years in American Culture, with the birth of the exotic mixing of Don the Beachcomber. In particular, the use of Tiki Mugs after the 1950s was intended to entertain and amaze the clientele of exotic locales through the re-enactment of ancient Polynesian mysticism. All this has contributed to reactivating a great attention and research also for the ancient populations of the Tiki. Tiki Guard Totem Solar Powered Statue measures: 2.5 inches / 6 cm x 1.5 inches / 4 cm x 6.5 inches / 17 cm.

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Maori God Lono Tiki Statue, Maori, Tiki & Gods Statues, Wooden Maori Tiki Mask Statue

Maori God Lono Tiki Statue, Maori, Tiki & Gods Statues, Wooden Maori Tiki Mask Statue

Wooden Maori God Lono Tiki Mask Statue

Maori God Lono Tiki Statue, hand crafted by a skilled artisan, features detailed carving and contrasting colors. The Polynesian God Lono is identified with fertility, nature and rain. He is also the deity of music, art and peace. He is usually displayed in homes to promote peace, love and serenity and is regarded as one of the four most important gods in polynesian culture. Handcarved from albesia wood and enhanced with contrasting colors, this sculpture is a must for any tiki collector. In Hawaiian religion, the God Lono is associated with fertility, agriculture, rainfall, music and peace. In one of the many Hawaiian stories of Lono, he is a fertility and music god who descended to Earth on a rainbow to marry Laka. In agricultural and planting traditions, Lono was identified with rain and food plants. He was one of the four gods (with , Kāne, and Kāne’s twin brother Kanaloa) who existed before the world was created.

Lono was also the god of peace. In his honor, the great annual festival of the Makahiki was held. During this period (from October through February), war and unnecessary work was kapu (forbidden). In Hawaiian weather terminology, the winter Kona storms that bring rain to leeward areas are associated with Lono. Lono brings on the rains and dispenses fertility, and as such was sometimes referred to as Lono-Makua (Lono the Provider). Ceremonies went through a monthly and yearly cycle. For 8 months of the year, the Luakini (temple) was dedicated to Ku-with strict Kapus. Four periods (kapu pule) each month required strict ceremonies. Violators could have their property seized by priests or overlord chiefs, or be sentenced to death for serious breaches. Wooden Maori Tiki Mask Statue sizes: 16 inches / 40.5 cm x 4.5 inches / 11.5 cm.

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Tiki Totem Statue, Tiki, Maori, Totem & Mythological Statues, Maori Tiki Totem Decoration Statue

Tiki Totem Statue, Tiki, Maori, Totem & Mythological Statues, Maori Tiki Totem Decoration Statue

Maori Tiki Totem Decoration Statue

The small size of this Tiki Totem Statue allows him to hide behind grass or flowers, and people will suddenly be surprised when they find him. It is very conspicuous when indoors, such as display shelves, window sills, table tops, etc. The sculpture is suitable for any place, such as outdoor terraces, gardens, porches, lawns, paths or driveways, or indoor storage cabinets, window sills, display racks, etc. This Maori Tiki Totem Decoration Statue is made with resin material, not afraid of rain or sprinkling, beautiful and unique personality. The cutting torch model has three built-in button batteries, no wiring is required, and it is easy to install.

Legend has it that the mysterious power of the tribe can dispel the devil and protect the safety of family members. In Maori mythology, Tiki is the first man created by either Tumatauenga or Tane. He found the first woman, Marikoriko, in a pond; she seduced him and he became the father of Hine-kau-ataata. By extension, a Tiki is a large or small wooden or stone carving in humanoid form, although this is a somewhat archaic usage in the Maori language. Maori Tiki Totem Decoration Statue sizes: 5.91 inches / 15 cm x 3.94 inches / 10 cm x 1.97 inches / 5 cm.

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Easter Island Statue Flower Pots, Tiki, Vases, Nature, Flowers & Easter Island Statues, See Hear Speak “No Evil” Easter Island Vases Statues

Easter Island Statue Flower Pots, Tiki, Vases, Nature, Flowers & Easter Island Statues, See Hear Speak "No Evil" Easter Island Vases Statues

See Hear Speak “No Evil” Easter Island Vases Statues

These Flower Pots are the shape of Easter Island Statue, the little men are doing the postures of no see, no hear, no speak, so cute and intersting. Fine workmanship, vivid appearance and inspired by the three wise monkeys that are a Japanese pictorial maxim, embodying the proverbial principle “See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil“. This unique statues are carefully constructed of high-quality resin, making them very hardy and long lasting in a garden. You can place these Easter Island Statue Flower Pot both inside and outside. Each See Hear Speak “No Evil” Easter Island Vases Statues measures: 9.8 inches / 25 cm.

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Tiki Statues, Vases Statues, Nature Statues, Flowers Statues and Easter Island Statues.

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